
Young Master

Josh did not hear her well. He had to pause, waiting for Mary to say more.

"What? Why is he staring like a fool like that? You don't understand simple English?" Hannah's brother said with an arrogant tone that irked Josh.

"That doesn't make sense. I need to start packing so if you'll excuse me--" Josh was saying when Ralph stepped in front of him. He was tall enough, but Josh was more tall and fit so it made him chuckle slightly, wondering what Ralph would intend to do to him.

"You're not going anywhere until you've done what my mother says!" Ralph said.

"If you're sure you can't do as we've asked," Mary stepped forward.

"Which we can understand because you're so poor, ha!" Lisa snickered and everyone joined in on the mocking laughter.

"Then, you'll have to pay settlement for Lisa some other way. Like with your necklace for example." Mary said, proud of herself.

"This is a shame." Josh scoffed. "Does Hannah even know this shameless act of yours? Taking a necklace from me because you all are so pathetic."

"Watch the way you speak to us!" Lisa chirped in.

"I won't hand this over to you." Josh said with determination. What they didn't know was that the necklace belonged to his late mother and there was no way he would be giving that to them.

Josh was still always devastated with the idea that his mother was dead. And that necklace was the only thing he had to remember her. Why would they try to take it from him now?

"Do you think you gave a choice, Josh? How else are you going to pay for the ruthless act of yours with my dear niece?" Mary smacked her lips. "Oh for the love of God, snatch that necklace from his neck, Ralph!" She commanded.

Mary had been seeing the necklace made of precious pearls on Josh and knew it would be expensive. Why should she allow him to go empty handed when there was still something they could take from him?

Ralph had a smirk on his face as he approached Josh, then with force, when Josh was not even expecting they would dare touch him, Ralph punched him on his face causing Josh's lips to start bleeding. Then he gripped his neck tight as he strangled him, and with his other hand he took the necklace wrapped around his neck.

It was so fast that Josh barely had a moment to even blink at all. He was smiling proudly as he set the necklace before his eyes when Josh recovered from the rough manhandling.

"Give that back, you moron! You don't understand, it's my mother's!" Josh tried to explain as he threw himself forward and grabbed his mother's necklace from Ralph, causing his ex brother-in-law to struggle as he tried to take the necklace back.

In this attempt however, the pearls ripped open into pieces and it's beads dangled freely on the floor as they fell. A part of Josh's heart got ripped along with the necklace as he felt an overwhelming pain.

It was gone. Just like that, they stole something so powerful that was still left of his mother.

"You idiot!" Mary yelled out. "Look what you've done now."

Ralph frowned. "It was just a stupid necklace anyway. Forget it mom. I'll buy you another one. Or rather, maybe this dummy over here can buy you another one."

"Like he can afford something nice like this." Lisa said. "Didn't you hear him say it was his mother's?"

"True that. No need to bother about this moron, mother." Ralph said. He rested a hand on Josh's shoulder, then an evil smirk worked it's way over to his face. "Was that important to you?" He said in a mocking tone.

Without getting any response from him, Ralph began to step on the scattered pearls, thumping on them heavily on everyone he could find until they were granted to scraps.

"Was that important to you?" He would say, then stomp on one pearl with his big boots until the pearl would crumble. "And how about this one? Or this one? Aww, are you going to cry now?"

Mary smacked her lips in disappointment. "That's enough. Just let him be going already."

Everything dimmed into a muffling noise for a brief moment. Josh was enraged, overwhelmed by this terrifying anger. They always ruin everything for him!

And just like that, this engraving rage took control of him. He pulled Ralph closer and a heavy fist landed on his nose, instantly causing a loud crack sound to be heard. Then another one landed on his face again and soon, like a horror movie, blood had engulfed Ralph's whole face.

Everyone screamed in horror as Josh beat Ralph to a pulp, hitting him everywhere on his body, not listening to his cries for mercy.

Mary didn't think she had ever been that terrified before in her life as she watched her son being beaten to a pulp. Even Lisa was too shocked because she never believed that someone as cool and nice as Josh could ever be that angry.

Finally, two hefty men rushed forward after the women's screaming and pulled Josh from an already weakened Ralph, finally having him under control.

Even the family butler was glad that help had come as he was so terrified to have to face Josh if help didn't come any sooner. He didn't even know Josh had that kind of strength.

"What the hell is the meaning of this!" Mary cried out, hurrying to the aid of her son who was laying helplessly on the floor. "That's it. You two, deal with him right now. Oh Josh, you will be so dealt with that you won't even recognize your own face again--"

Just as she was still saying, and although the guards were ready to start implementing their new orders, someone ran from the entrance to announce the presence of two guests.

"Ma'am, you have two guests. They said it was urgent they came in." One of the maids announced. Everyone remained dazzled for a while because neither of them had been expecting any guests.

"What the hell? Who the fuck are the guests? I wasn't expecting anyone!" Mary, who is still furious, lashes out.

Then, the two guests who had already let themselves in, made their way forward. When Josh raised his head up to see them, he saw two beautiful ladies dressed in the most gorgeous dresses of bright red and blue, respectively. Their hair was long and lustrous, making their eyes pop as they might have passed for one of the angels Josh used to imagine when he was younger.

"Hello, young master." Said one of the ladies, the one on a red dress, with a pretty smile on her face. She looked the youngest and smiled the brightest.

Mary's face was a mask of an ugly expression as her brows furrowed. "Young master?"

This is my first book, so please cheer me on. If you like it, add to library. Vote, comment and share. Thank you!

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