
Chapter 7: Sports Festival.

The long awaited day had arrived, it was sunny. People were arriving at the stadium. But a figure started to get attention.

(People) - Is it really him? What's he doing here? - people wondered.

The figure was stopped by one of the teachers. Texa Thunder.

(Texas) - Well, well, what brings hero number two from the country here? Looking for a student for an internship?

(Hero) - If any of them impress me. - commented entering the stadium. Jake adjusted his uniform. Drake stretched while drinking soda. Greg just looked at the participants.

(Greg) - Dude. There are so many strong guys. I should have trained more. (Drake) - I should have lost more weight. - commented pointing to his belly. (Greg) - Shut up idiot!

(Drake) - I just tried to help.

(Jake) - Drake, you didn't say what your individuality is.

(Drake) - Well, I can control the pressure of things for a while. - Said taking the can and kneading with just a look.

(Greg) - What a fuck!

(Jake) - I expected no less from a student in the class of heroes.

(Drake) - Of course, yes. I'm a big ...

(Carol) - Shut your shit! - shouted taking him by the collar and dragging him. - We have to go to our class.

(Drake) - Hey ... Hey ... stop ... Good luck guys !!

Jake and Greg went to a class with a few people from the administration course, forming twenty people. They entered together with the gang of heroes. The stadium was full. Greg looked nervous. Jake just looked everywhere.

There was the opening ceremony. The student who took the oath was a Brazilian exchange student in class 1-A. After that, the heroine Popstar appeared.

* Hero file. Heroin: Popstar. Individuality: Powerful voice capable of bursting the villains timpani by seriously stunning. *

(Popstar) - Hello guys !! - he shouted to the audience's delight - Are you ready for the show? - more screams from the public - It is an honor to be the presenter of the festival this year. So I'm not going to roll. Because of the few enrollments of students from other courses. There will be only two tests. The first will be drawn, the second will be with just twenty lucky ones who will pass, to face each other, in spectacular fights !!

Drake smiled. Greg cringed because he was about to throw up. Jake clenched his fists.

(Popstar) - Without further ado. The first race will be ... - she spun a roulette wheel. After seconds she stops - It will be the DEMOLITION !! Demolition is an obstacle course, where participants don't have to worry about distractions, but also about everything exploding or falling. How wonderful, I'm looking forward to seeing this. Everyone heading for the start please.

Everyone stopped in front of the starting line. Greg took a deep breath. Jake jumped up warming up.

(Popstar) - Very well! Now comes the good part. STARTING THE COUNTDOWN ... FIVE ... FOUR ... THREE ... TWO ... GO !!

Everyone ran out, pushing themselves out of the tunnel. The leaders used their individualities to get ahead. Jake lost sight of Greg, but kept his focus, only the top twenty will pass. Everything was exploding and falling. After a while, there were already giant robots attacking the participants. Jake avoided confusion as much as possible. But he saw that the ground became a type of quicksand. Individuality of someone. With great effort I left there. But he heard a cry of despair. He looked back, a girl had been trapped because of that individuality. Nobody seemed to want to help. The boy saw that a robot was going to step on it, and the ground was collapsing. I did not know what to do.

The girl screamed as her foot came closer. However, it was interrupted with great heat near her. He stared at who it was, Jake pulled her quickly, pulling her out of there very fast. He took her to a branch of a tree, just looked out of there. The girl saw only a small golden rays accompanied the movements of his savior . Jake felt his body heating up. Without thinking, he climbed the robot's arm with great speed. Wearing his head with runway.

Jumping away. Almost reaching the leaders. The other participants looked at Jake and did not understand, where he got that speed. Until it reached the end of the race. But the ground had a good part, it was demolished, they passed with caution there. Jake, without stopping running, started to jump where he had land. But when he stepped on a certain place, it exploded. There were mines scattered over there. Almost losing his balance, he ran again. Participants started to arrive. Jake spotted a bomb, jumped on it, using the explosion to take it to the wall. Taking impulse and jumping, breaking the concrete. He passed everyone and finished the race in fourteenth.

Jake felt his body boiling. His vision blurred. He touched a corner, to regain normalcy. What took. He ended up sleeping. He was startled by Drake waking him up.

(Drake) - Got my brother.

(Jake) - What? Is that you? he asked as he woke up.

(Drake) - I came in eighteenth. At least I passed.

(Jake) - Yes ... But where is Greg?

The two went looking for Greg. They were close to the ambulance. Jake ran to him.

(Jake) - Greg how are you?

(Greg) - Yes, I think so. But at least you two passed.

(Drake) - But what about you?

(Greg) - Okay, I came more for the experience. But I'll be irritated if the two stooges here don't give it their all.

(Drake) - Alright.

(Jake) - Leave it to us.

(Loudspeaker) - Everyone who has moved on to the next stage is moving to their places.

(Jake) - We have to go.

(Greg) - Detonate your idiot.

Jake smiled as he left with Drake. On the way he sees the girl he saved. Stopping to talk to her

(Jake) - Hi. How are you?

(Girl) - I'm fine. Did you save me?

(Jake) - Yes ...

(Girl) - I don't know how to thank ...

(Jake) - No need.

(Girl) - Can I know your name?

(Jake) - It's Jake ... And yours?

(Girl) - Anne.

(Drake) - Come on Jake.

(Jake) - I have to go now. We talk later.

He ran to his friend. We sat in the stands, waited for the draw of the fights. Drake went to the bathroom. Jake went to buy a soda. While working on the machine, a boy approached him.

(Boy) - Didn't you use a robot as a runway? It almost fell on me. (

Jake) - Sorry. I didn't want to cause that. - he said typing on the machine.

(Boy) - Alright. It proves that you can be my rival. I've never seen anything like it.

(Jake) - Cool. And what is your individuality? - Asked drinking the soda.

(Boy) - None. - he replied calmly.

Jake spat out the soda.

(Jake) - What? None? So how did you get in here?

(Boy) - It was with the indication of my father. Iron Blade.

(Jake) - Hero number three in the United States. But...

The boy laughed, pointing at the screen. Where the result of the draw had already left.

(Boy) - I have to go. The first fight is mine. - left Jake's field of vision.

Jake's fight would be third, he'll fight a Kevin Crower. But at that moment I wanted to know who was the one without individuality, who was going to fight.