
The Sun's Avatar.

I have no idea what to write here, since I plan on covering everything inside the story itself with plenty of explanations along the way. Read it, like it, share it, do whaever you want. What I would be most grateful for however would be a comment, since I put several hours into making every part and it would really help me to know that someone actually reads this and it isnt just a waste of effort. Have a good read.

Rapidjack115 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

The village of Dorrose.

Its been a few weeks since Jack started living in Dorrose as the new fisherman. The first couple of days were the hardest. Not only beacause the fish just wouldnt bite the bait, but even if he did catch something, the villagers largely wouldnt want to take the fish off of him, but soon the problem with losing one of your sources of food became apparent.

Because the village was very isolated and traders would come only once in a few months, the villagers soon had no other choice but to take the fish or slowly starve.

After that, they slowly began trusting him and after some time they had learned to accept his pressence. And there was no reason not to, in a village like that, if you were usefull, they'd accept you once you've proven yourself.

Since noone knew his name, everyone simply called him Fisher.

Jack didnt mind, he had actually thought about changing his last name. Because he knew, one day, someone would ask him about it.

His first name wouldnt be a problem, but his second name would immediately tell whoever heard it that he is from a far away land, which would increase the suspition on him.

And being called Jack Fisher, didnt sound that bad.


The spring was long gone by this point and Jack was completely accepted. The people often came by to chat whenever he brought fish into the village.

And when they asked him for his actuall name, he introduced himself as Jack Fisher, he had accepted the pseudonym. The people found it, a little strange, but otherwise funny that they got a half of his "name" without knowing it right.

Being able to normaly talk to people like that had its benefits, and he learned many things from them. Mainly about the country they live in and the immediate vicinity of the village.

The country's name was Rheill, located on a continent called Melka, with a capital city, Teias, about four months walking distance from here.

The closest bigger town was called Vaeltys, about three weeks off here by foot.

Dorrose is relatively close to the border with another country, the Kingdom of Cigora.


During all this time in the village, there was only one person who havent spoken a single word with Jack the whole time.

That was the retired mage living in Dorrose, from what Jack knew about the man. His name was Hubert.

While Hubert didnt speak to him, whever he'd see Jack, he would get a look of pure curiosity and continue to stare at him, until Jack finaly realized and looked his way. Upon which the mage would quickly retreat.

Until one day... "Excuse me, could we talk for a minute?" ... he finaly approached him.

"Of course, what would you like to talk about?" Asks Jack.

"I just a few question. I've seen you hauling these large baskets of fish into the village the whole day, on several occasions, but you dont seem to get tired." Asks Hubert.

"I thank you for your concern, but this work doesnt tire me, I find it strange too though, relatively not long ago I'd be exhausted to death after hauling just one." Responds Jack.

"Hmm... As I had though." Says Hubert. "If you would, I live in that house over there." Says Hubert and point at one of the houses.

All houses in the village are built of wood, with thatch roofs, Hubert's house was however the only one with roof made out of shingles.

"Come after night fall, I have something that might interest you." Says Hubert, turns around and leaves.

... "What the..." Jack thinks to himself.

"Well, that was weird." Says someone, which makes Jack whirl around in surprise.

"Just where do you always pop out from Deric?!" Says Jack to the teenager in front of him.

Deric is the son of a farmer from the other side of the village, and the only friend he managed to make in this world.

"Father, sent me to buy fish for the dinner, do you have any left?" Asks Deric.

"You're lucky, I still have a few fish left. The usual?" Jack asks as he starts digging through the contents of his basket.

"Emm... Throw in two more this time, we're having company tonight." Says Deric.

"Company, eh? Some distant, or extended family?" Asks Jack absent-midedly as he tries to pick out the best looking pieces.

"No, father's old friends." Says Deric.

"Well, if so, then I wish you good luck, here you go." Says Jack and hands Deric the fish. "Only the best for my friend." Jack smiles.

"They sure look nice, here take this." Says Deric and gives Jack a few coins.

"Thanks for your purchase." Says Jack and pockets those coins.

"Well, I should return before father gets mad. Be seeing you, Jack." Says Deric.

"Likewise, Deric." Responds Jack and Deric leave to get home.

The rest of the afternoon falls away as a buzz. And as the sun starts to set, Jack packs up the baskets and leaves for the lake.


This part was originaly longer, but I decided to cut it in half so that it isnt too long, as result of that, the next one will be coming out soon.

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