
The Sun's Avatar.

I have no idea what to write here, since I plan on covering everything inside the story itself with plenty of explanations along the way. Read it, like it, share it, do whaever you want. What I would be most grateful for however would be a comment, since I put several hours into making every part and it would really help me to know that someone actually reads this and it isnt just a waste of effort. Have a good read.

Rapidjack115 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

I was jobless, now I'm a fisherman.

"Lets begin with the name."

"I'm Jack, 27 years old, single, and for the past month and a half, jobless. So far, this all seems normal, just wait what happens next..."

BAM! And nothing, darkness in front of him, darkness behind him, this is what it looks like after death... Most of the time at least.

But for him it was different, he felt like he was standing on something, however he couldnt move around or really see because of the darkness surrounding him.

And suddenly, as if the floor had collapsed beneath he, he felt like he was falling.

The sensation changed after a few seconds, as if he fell into a bed, as if he was dreaming of a free fall.

He flinched and immediately sat up with a loud gasp.

He was sitting next to a lake, everything was blurry and it took his eyes a while to adjust tot he light.

When he finally managed to stand up and looked around properly, he had to shake his head in disbelief, not knowing if he was just dreaming or if he had really just been hit by a car.

The real shock came when he leaned over the water to drink.

He stared at the reflection of a boy's face on the surface of the lake for a moment before he finally realized... "What the hell?!"...that he doesnt look like he used to.

When he examined himself closely, he found out that his body might be about 15 or 16 years old. And that many other things have changed.

His dark brown hair was replaced by mossy green, his eyes were different too, instead of green they were now brown with a small admixture of rusty red on the edges of the irises.

Even his clothes changed, instead of the suit he had for the interview, he was now wearing a linen shirt, such as you could see in museums in the section of medieval clothing.

In fact, he was dressed all in what seemed to be medieval clothes.

He immediately started thinking again, the first possibility was that he was delirious and dying after the accident.

The second, less likely, was that he was actually this boy the whole time and the whole thing was just a vivid dream, but that didn't make sense because all he could remembered was his life in the city, unemployed and unsuccessful.

The third one seemed to me the most unprobably and unlikely, but in the end it turned out to be true, and that somehow he got into some other world after the accident, and obtained a new, younger body.

He wasn't sure about anything anymore, he had to test all the options.

The first option would resolve itself. If he were indeed delirious, after some time the delusion would end by itself.

But he waited who knows how long and nothing.

Eventually he got bored of the wait and moved on to the second option.

He wracked his brain to try and squeze out, if he had, any memory of this world.

But the only things that showed their ugly faces were a headache and the memories of his former life.

What was left was the most unprobable and unlikely possibility imaginable, but perhaps one with the biggest silver lining.

Jack made many mistakes in his previous life, he did learn from them, but that was never enough to fully amend things.

This time around, however, it didn't have to be like that. He got a chance to start again with a clean slate, something many would want but never get.

So he got to work...

Not very far from the lake Jack had found a larger village. The locals werent too happy to see him, he was a stranged that poped up out of the blue one day.

Most of them shunned him. But a few older folk actually approached and asked him where he came from.

That was a problem, he thought that they probably couldnt handle the fact that he came from another world or worse that they'd actually attempt to do something to him.

So he made up a story, that he used to travel with his parents, that they were ambushed by bandits and got separated from them.

Surprisingly to him, most of them believed him.

The story however wasnt enough to make the people trust him enough to allow him to work for them.

After being rejected over and over when offering to work for food and a place to sleep. And being forced to camp outside of the vilage at night, he almost gave up and thought of trying to follow the road to any other near settlement.

But finally, salvation! He overheard that a few weeks ago their old fisherman had mysteriously died.

He was found completely dried out by the side of the lake, which caused the people to avoid the place.

The people were incredibly superstitious about everything they didnt understand, despite apparently having a retired mage living in the vilage with them.

Once Jack made his way there, he found an old hut, nothing more than a table, bed and a chest full of old fishing equipment. A small fishing boat tied to a half rotten woodden pier, loaded with haphazardly plaited fishing traps.

It wasnt much, but it certainly beat camping outside during the night.

Even though the fisherman's death was nothing short of strange, Jack wouldnt just believe the things he heard the villagers say.

The villagers liked to make up stories about things that they didnt understand, that they feared, so that those unknowable things at least had a name.

Some say that it was a curse that killed the fisherman, others that it was the doing of an evil spirit that resides within the lake.

Most of the time however these stories only serve to spread fear an histeria.

"Curse or no curse, spirit or no spirit, I dont know and I dont care. I at last have something to do here." He thought to himself as he looked over the still lake...

It wasnt Truck-kun this time, it was his little sister Sports Car-chan. It runs in the family.

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