
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · Tranh châm biếm
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56 Chs


Myro was already out of the building. On the outside, Myro could see the fighting man and the chariot driver who had previously escorted them to the city. Right now the two of them were waiting for their arrival outside while sitting and chatting in the horse carriage.

In the horse carriage there were also other children who had previously done the element compatibility test. Myro came to the carriage and sat in the carriage.

After Myro sat down, he immediately waited there quietly. Right now Myro still has to wait, right now there are still other kids doing the element match test. So they have to wait until everything is done then they can go back to the village.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, finally all the children have done the element match test. But nothing seems to match the elements except Myro. Because of all these children, came out of the building crying.

When the fighting man saw that everyone was complete he said "Then let's go back. You don't need to feel so sad. After all, magicians are very rare. If you really want to be strong, you can become a fighter like me. there are a lot of good jobs. So just because you didn't become wizards doesn't mean you don't have a future".

However, before the horse carriage departed. A man in a white robe who was a white robe mage who guarded the previous door, came over. Seeing the white robe mage, the fighting man immediately stood up in surprise and spoke "Master wizard, is there anything you need?".

Seeing the fighting man standing up to greet him, the white robe man just nodded lightly and said "Yes, this time I will come with you. Your city this time produces talented people so I will come to his house and tell his family. Besides, if I don't come and telling their families directly they probably wouldn't believe their child's words. After all, it was rare to become a magician from this town, so if it wasn't a magician who directly spoke to their family, perhaps their family wouldn't believe that they had a child who gifted to the elements".

After that, the white robe mage immediately entered the carriage and sat down. The fighter man was immediately surprised and said "There is a child who is gifted to be a magician? Who is that?".

The white robe mage said "The kid didn't tell you?".

"No", the fighting man immediately replied while shaking his head.

"Then I'll tell you guys", said the white robe mage then said again while pointing at Myro "Myro Aras, he will most likely become a mage in the future. Not just an ordinary mage. His talent will likely make him one of the best mages on the Continent. This destiny".

The fighter man was surprised again "What? Can it even be one of the best in the Continent of Fate?".

"Alright, don't say much more and go. We can't waste our time", said the white robe mage.

"Yes", said the fighter man but right now he was still filled with confusion.

This city and the area around it very rarely had someone talented as a magician. But this time after several years of having no talent to become a magician, there was finally someone who was talented as a magician. Not only was he talented at being a mage, he was even told that the boy would likely become one of the best mages on the Continent of Fate. How could the fighting man not be surprised.

One by one the children were taken to their respective villages. After a while Myro and some of the other children soon arrived at their village. In the village, several villagers were already waiting for them to come home. Especially, the parents of each child.

At this moment, Myro saw that his parents were also waiting for him. Myro's father immediately approached Myro and patted his shoulder then said "Myro, if you don't become a mage it's fine. If you want to be strong, you can learn to fight with a sword or other weapon. It doesn't mean that not being a mage means your future is over. See Dad, I don't have the talent as a magician either but I can still live quite well working in the fields. So don't give up. I'm sure you will become a great person in the future even if you don't become a magician".

Seeing his father saying that, Myro felt strange. Then he saw the other children who were also comforted by their parents not to be sad even though they did not become wizards. Finally Myro understood, his father thought he didn't have the talent to be a magician and tried to comfort him not to be too sad. After all, this village has never had anyone with the talent to become a magician. So, naturally none of the villagers thought that Myro would become a mage.

The white robe mage approached Myro's father and said "You're Myro's father?".

"Yes, I'm Myro's father. What's wrong?", Myro's father said then turned to the person who called him. But suddenly Myro's father was surprised to see the arrival of a magician. Because on the mages' robes was the crest of their academy and the crest couldn't be made by ordinary people and mages had their own unique aura that even ordinary people could recognize. Therefore it is very easy to determine the identity of a magician. Myro's father immediately said "Master wizard? Is Myro doing any trouble? If something goes wrong I will compensate. Myro is still a child and doesn't understand anything...".

Looking at Myro's father who looks scared of him. The white robe mage smiled and said "You don't have to be afraid. I'm not here because Myro made a mistake. But I want to tell you, your son has the talent to be a magician".

Hearing the words of the white robe mage, Myro's father immediately fell silent for a moment. After a moment of silence, Myro's mother who was standing beside Myro's father was immediately shocked and shouted "What? Myro is talented at being a magician?".

Suddenly the whole village fell silent. The other villagers immediately looked at Myro, his parents and the white robe mage in surprise.

The white robe mage nodded and said "Not only has talent, but also a very high possibility to become a great mage in the future".

After that, the white robe mage took out a badge and said "I am one of the teachers of the Magical Herbs Academy and also officially invite your child to join the Magical Plant Academy. Even the head of the academy will send a branch head of the academy to invite your child directly. The head of the branch will probably arrive tomorrow".

"Wait a minute", suddenly an old man in white robes also came down while descending from the sky. Seeing this, the villagers were shocked. After all they hardly ever saw a flying magician. Myro saw the old man and knew that the man was the one who had tested his talent before. The old man took out a badge from his pocket and said "I am the branch head of the Bright Light Academy also invited you directly. I have even obtained approval from the academy head to give you some rewards if you join our academy".

Before anyone could respond, another woman descended from the sky and said "You two know the rule between academies that it is not permissible to recruit a student before they are already on their way and introduced to the state of the entire academy. If you want to break it, then I won't sit down. shut up. Our Fire Fighting Academy is also interested in recruiting this kid".

Everyone in the village was shocked and had thoughts in their heads "What's going on here? Why are so many magic academies inviting him?".