
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · Tranh châm biếm
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56 Chs


Myro went to the noble's villa area. Ordinary disciples were allowed to come to the nobles' areas. However, they can only come to the shopping area and can't go to the area where the nobles' villas are located.

So, Myro came here to buy some food. After all, almost every day Myro only ate food from hunted monsters. So, the taste of the food is not good. Because the monster meat is only cooked on fire and seasoned with salt.

Be it Myro, Boldes, Kiel and Tirse couldn't cook at all. Therefore, all this time Myro had only eaten grilled meat with salt.

But, today is different. Because Tirse and Kiel had to leave and Boldes were filled with grief so they weren't with Myro for lunch. Therefore, Myro was able to have lunch at a quite luxurious dining place.

Myro saw a food shop that was quite busy so Myro decided to eat here. When Myro was just at the grocery store, someone called him "Myro, long time no see".

Myro heard the familiar voice, so Myro looked in the direction of the sound. At a table, Vine and Brigitte sat together and were followed by several bodyguards standing behind them.

Myro found it quite strange seeing Vine and Brigitte's bodyguards. Nobles did have bodyguards and in this academy, Myro had often seen the nobles' bodyguards. However, Vine and Brigitte's bodyguards were too many. Behind Vine stood 15 bodyguards and 5 of them were magicians. While Brigitte has 20 bodyguards behind her and 5 are also magicians.

Myro approached their table and sat there with the full attention of the guards Vine and Brigitte. Myro said with a bitter smile to Vine and Brigitte "You guys come here to eat or you will destroy the food shop to bring so many bodyguards".

Vine also smiled bitterly and said "I told my father that I don't need many bodyguards, but he didn't listen and still sent a lot of bodyguards and said it was all for my safety. You know Myro? stay there."

Myro, who had just drank the glass of water provided by the waiter at the table, was immediately shocked and said "100 bodyguards? Did you come to this Magic Plant Academy to learn magic or fight?".

Brigitte also sighed and said "I also told my family not to bring too many guards. But my brothers immediately sent the best troops they have to protect me. In my villa, the guards are even more than Vine" .

Myro was even more surprised and said "How much? 120 bodyguards?".

Brigitte shook her head and said "You see right now behind me there are 20 bodyguards. Then in my villa currently there are 200 fighters and 30 magicians as bodyguards to guard my villa".

Myro almost fell from his chair and after Myro sat down again, he immediately said "200 fighters and 30 magicians? Then now there are 20 bodyguards following? So your total bodyguard at the Magic Plant Academy is 250 people, you guys are here apparently to fight not to study" .

Vine immediately smiled and said "You said that, but look when you're not royalty but you also brought a bodyguard. Even your bodyguard looks pretty pretty isn't that lucky..... Wait, wait Brigitte don't pull my ear, ouch!".

Brigitte immediately grabbed Vine's ear as Vine spoke of Myro's bodyguard, Lean. After tugging at Vine's ear for a while, Brigitte immediately took it off while looking angry. Vine held his aching ear while saying "Why are you suddenly so angry".

"None of your business", said Brigitte then didn't respond to Vine anymore.

"How can it be none of my business? The ears that are drawn are my ears," said Vine.

Myro was just watching Vine and Brigitte's actions. Then when the waiter came again, Myro also started ordering some food. However, Myro noticed that it seemed that everyone in the food shop was looking at Myro strangely. Even the bodyguards of Vine and Brigitte also looked at Myro strangely.

"Why does everyone seem to be looking at me?", Myro said to Vine.

"I don't know", Vine also shook his head and looked around. The surrounding students immediately stopped looking here so as not to be caught by Vine and immediately started eating.

"No one is looking at you, maybe you are just too confident", said Vine after looking around that there were no students staring at them.

"Really?", said Myro while looking around as well and saw that no one was looking at him.

"Is it just my feelings?", Myro said in his mind.

Then the waiter came to their table timidly and started placing the food they ordered on the table carefully.

After finishing placing the food, the waiter immediately left slowly. Myro also felt a little strange seeing the maid who looked so frightened.

"Maybe it's all because of you," said Brigitte with a smile.

"Because of me? Why?", said Myro confusedly.

"Myro Aras, a gifted student with 5 elements. You know, there are a lot of nobles out there looking out for you", said Brigitte.

"Watch me? For what?", said Myro.

Vine smiled and immediately said "You know Myro that nobles prioritize marriage between nobles. So nobles almost never marry commoners. Why is that?".

"Isn't that so that the relationship between the nobles gets better, so they get their children married together. So that the noble families can work together well," said Myro.

"There is indeed a reason like that", said Vine then said again "But, the main reason they are nobles have witch blood. You know? In the past, most of the nobility came from magicians who because they helped the kingdom they were made noble by the king" .

"If their father and mother are wizards then the child must be a wizard. If only the father or mother are wizards then the child's probability of becoming a wizard is 50%. If their father and mother are dual element magicians then their child must be a dual element wizard even have the opportunity to have an elemental match that is more in line with their father's and mother's elements".

"But the problem is that double element wizards are rare. Then what about you who have 5 elements and even marry a magician who only has one element, then your child has the opportunity to have 6 elements at once. If your partner is a dual element, then it's possible your son is a magician with 7 elements".

"Which noble wouldn't be interested in having a magician with 7 elements".

Hearing Vine's explanation, Myro immediately said "Then, why can I have 5 elements? My father and mother are not magicians".

Vine smiled and said "What about your ancestors. It's possible that your wizarding abilities came from your ancestors".

Myro was slightly silent. How could he know whether his ancestors were wizards or not?

Brigitte said as she started to take the food "You guys stop talking and start eating".

Vine stopped talking again and started eating so did Myro.

While eating, Myro felt that people were looking at him strangely. However, Myro ignored it and continued to eat.

It didn't take long for them to finish their food. Myro suddenly remembered something and said "Come to think of it, why didn't I see you guys in class a month ago?".

Hearing that, Vine said "Because we didn't join the same class as you guys".

"Aren't all students in the same class?", said Myro confusedly.

Just as Vine was about to answer Myro's question, Brigitte immediately said in surprise "Since when did Baron Poluo get along with a commoner".

Vine who was sitting slightly turned around as well and looked outside the shop. On the street there was a man and a woman walking very closely together. Vine also immediately knew that the woman was a noble, namely Baron Poluo, because nobles usually knew each other. Moreover, this Baron Poluo was quite famous in the Magic Plant Academy.

"Is it so strange that nobles pair up with commoners?" Myro said displeasedly. Myro was a commoner after all.

"That's not strange", said Vine then said again "But, that noblewoman is famous for being quite unkind. It seems that man is in trouble".

"Is that so? What's wrong with this Baron Poluo?" Myro said confusedly because he didn't know this Baron.

"Baron Poluo is famous for often deceiving male students from ordinary families. After Baron Poluo gets all the money he will leave the man", said Vine.

Hearing that, Myro shook his head and said "That man will be in trouble. However, there's nothing we can do. Besides, why don't I know about this Baron Poluo matter? Isn't this Baron Poluo very famous?".

"Nobles won't tell bad things about other nobles to ordinary students. After all, nobles are a group and ordinary students are another group that is against each other. So why tell each other your enemies, it's better to let the enemy suffer losses", said Brigitte.

"Didn't you guys tell me? Maybe you will be hostile to other nobles for telling me this", Myro reminded Vine and Brigitte.

Vine smiled confidently and said "Which noble would dare to antagonize me? If they tried to antagonize me then they would realize how terrifying the person they were fighting was".

"They wouldn't dare to be against me anyway. If they were against me, then maybe my brother wouldn't stay silent," said Brigitte with a bitter smile.

"Aren't you guys too confident?", said Myro strangely looking at Vine and Brigitte.

Vine and Brigitte just smiled and didn't answer.

"Baron Poluo how about we sit here?", said a man who was an ordinary student and was with Baron Poluo before.

"Well..... No problem, Kessa", said the Baron Poluo. Then they sat down at a table in the same delicatessen as Myro, Vine and Brigitte.

"Okay, how about we go now", said Vine then said again "After this I still have to learn magic again".

Brigitte also nodded and said "Yeah, let's go".

Myro also stood up and they started walking out of the food shop. Vine and Brigitte's bodyguards carefully continued to follow Vine and Brigitte. Lean continued to follow behind Myro as they made their way around the shop.

"How come to my villa Myro?", said Vine.

Myro shook his head and said "I also have to train, so I'm going home".

After that Myro, Vine and Brigitte separated. Vine and Brigitte headed towards the nobles' villas. Meanwhile, Myro returned to the building where ordinary students lived which looked like they would be destroyed at any moment.

Lean slightly approached Myro and said "Young master, you have to be careful with Vine and Brigitte".

"Careful? Why?", said Myro confusedly.

"The previous Vine guard, there was a senior-level mage. While that Brigitte had a senior mage's bodyguard as well. Even though they were much weaker than me, but in this Continent of Fate those who can carry such strong bodyguards are definitely not ordinary nobles", said Lean.

Myro smiled and said "You don't need to be so careful, I know them quite well. After all they are not like other nobles who treat ordinary students like me badly".

Hearing Myro's words, Lean no longer spoke and continued to follow behind Myro.

When he reached his room, Myro saw Boldes who was asleep even though it was still not night. Seeing such Boldes, Myro couldn't help but sigh. But there was nothing Myro could do about the problems Boldes was having.

Shortly from Myro arrived at the room, Kiel also came while covered in sweat. He looked at Boldes and asked Myro in confusion "What happened to Boldes today? He looks so gloomy".

"Looks like he ran out of money," Myro said haphazardly.

"If he is short of money then I can't help at all", said Kiel.

"You've been friends for a very long time, but you don't understand each other at all," Myro said in a small voice.

"Did you say something, Myro?", said Kiel who didn't hear Myro's words before because his voice was too small.

"No, I didn't say anything", Myro immediately shook his head.

"It seems I heard wrong", said Kiel then started practicing slashing his wooden sword again in this room.

Myro was a little silent looking at Kiel who was so passionate about practicing the sword. Doesn't Kiel often train muscles? But why is he now practicing swordsmanship? The thought came to Myro.

Suddenly Myro thought of something and said to Kiel "Kiel, what do you think the person who taught you the sword? Is he good?".

Hearing that, Kiel immediately spoke with enthusiasm "Yes, he is very good. He even has a very great sword-wielding ability".

Myro immediately knew the answer to the question that had been on his mind earlier. It seems that the reason Kiel became passionate about sword practice was because of a good woman who trained him.

"If you're in trouble just tell me," Myro said.

"In trouble? What do you mean?", Kiel said confusedly.

"The person who taught you to use the sword was a noble right?", Myro said.

"How did you know?" said Kiel.

Myro smiled and said "I can tell from the way you wield your sword. You slash your sword like those nobles, mostly used for show rather than for fighting. So I can already guess that the one who taught you is a noble".

"You're really smart Myro", said Kiel.

Myro just smiled and didn't respond to Kiel's words.

Suddenly the bedroom door opened with a bang. Tirse who appeared immediately shouted "It's terrible! My brother is being chased by loan sharks".

Before Myro and Kiel answered. Boldes immediately jumped from his bed and shouted "What? Moneylenders? How dare they chase Lily, I will kill them!".

Myro shouted louder than Boldes "Aren't you sleeping? So you were pretending to sleep like an idiot! Were you so sad that you had to pretend to be asleep".

Hearing Myro knowing that he was pretending to sleep, Boldes immediately felt embarrassed.