
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · Tranh châm biếm
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56 Chs


Right now, Leonidas' robes were fluttering due to the strong wind in the village. He looked at Claire in front of him and said "I Leonidas will definitely stop you from pursuing my master".

Claire still smiled and said "Then show me if you can have the power to buy time for your master to escape".

"Stand up the Spartans! In my name Leonidas!", Leonidas immediately shouted loudly.

Leonidas' fluttering robes began to glow slightly. Behind him stood thousands of Spartan troops wielding their spears bravely.

Leonidas raised his spear again and threw it loudly while shouting "THIS IS SPARTA!".

Immediately, the thousands of Leonidas troops behind him raised their spears and also threw them with great force and shouted "THIS IS SPARTA".

Thousands of spears flew in the sky giving off a gleam that lit up the night sky. Seeing the thousands of spears that were approaching her, Claire smiled and pointed her gun at the thousands of spears and said "Looks like I'm in trouble".

The gun in Claire's hand began to fire. Each shot from the gun will turn some of the spears into gold coins. But it's useless, because there are still thousands of spears that have approached him.

Claire immediately jumped to the side quickly and managed to dodge the spears that had struck where she was previously standing. Then as he spun around on the floor, he raised the gun and shot a spear that was aimed at the direction he was jumping at. Immediately the spear turned into a pile of gold coins.

"Next round of spears soon! THIS IS SPARTA", Leonidas started throwing his spear again. Soon, the spartans behind him also shouted and threw spears.

Claire immediately stood up from the ground and ran very quickly into one of the houses so that the enemy could not throw a spear because they had to find out her whereabouts.

By now, the residents of the village had fled in fear at the sight of the battle.

"Advance Sparta, use your swords and search the whole house", said Leonidas then threw his spear and took a sword and went to the house where Claire was before.

The Spartans immediately threw their spears and used swords to fight then immediately headed to various houses to search.

Claire is currently hiding in one of the houses. He saw the door of the house was open. Claire immediately shot the soldier who was about to open the door.

The artifact "Leonidas Cloak" is really very troublesome. It can spawn thousands of Spartan troops like this. It seems impossible to catch up to Locke", said Claire after killing one of the Spartan troops outside the door.

But soon a voice came from outside the house "Hey, the enemy is here".

The Spartans saw one of his dead comrades lying on the ground. Therefore, he began to inform the other troops.

"I have to find a place to hide again", Claire said and was about to leave the house through another door. But when she opened the door and was about to leave, Claire didn't expect that there was a colorless shield holding her out.

Claire immediately turned pale and said "Damn, this is the power of the artifact "Earth of Leonidas" which is useful for protecting one's own comrades. However, it can also be used to set traps to keep the enemy from escaping".

Claire immediately aimed her gun and was about to shoot the shield. Claire's gun is also a "Money Gun" artifact. As long as the gun shoots anything but living creatures then everything will turn into money. Therefore, as long as Claire shoots the shield once it will disappear and become money.

Before Claire could shoot, thousands of spears had already destroyed the house and attacked Claire fiercely. Claire, who was unprepared and trapped in the house, couldn't dodge and had to accept the attack of the thousands of spears.

Leonidas immediately saw the house in front of him with thousands of Spartan troops. He had been waiting for Claire to hide in the house from the start so he could trap her with Leonidas' Armor ability. After all, Claire was a pretty good fox at dodging. At this time, the house was shattered into ruins.

After the smoke from the destruction of the house began to disappear. A woman sat leaning against one of the remaining pieces of the building. The woman was covered in blood and around her many spears were falling.

that woman is Claire. Unable to dodge the spears, Claire could only shoot a few of them and the rest of the spears managed to attack her. Therefore, Claire was currently covered in blood.

Claire who was currently sitting down started to cough and spit out some blood from the cough. Claire looked at Leonidas and the thousands of Spartans in front of her and said "I was completely caught off guard. I rarely fight you anyway, so I don't know about the artifacts you have. Hah..... Who would have thought that I would be trapped by Leonidas Armor artifacts".

Then Claire smiled bitterly, she looked up at the wide night sky. But his vision was slightly impaired due to being covered in blood. Claire said in her heart "Sorry, young master. I Claire failed due to underestimating the enemy's ability".

"Raise your spears, we will end this fight", Leonidas said to the thousands of Spartans behind him.

"I don't know why I can feel such great power from you. But in the end, I Leonidas won the battle", Leonidas said then raised his spear and threw it with full force then shouted "THIS IS SPARTA!".


On the tree of the Magic Plant Academy,

Myro was sitting in his room turning on the light and still reading a book. While Myro was reading, a figure immediately appeared beside him kneeling "Young master, I believe by now Claire must have started attacking Locke".

Hearing that, Myro immediately put down his book and said a little angry "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Besides, isn't Claire a merchant why did you let her fight? Then how did Claire know where Locke was?".

"Sorry young master for acting alone without telling you", said Shar still on his knees then he said again "I installed a tool that can tell the whereabouts of the tool. I put it in the forbidden magic book when we fought. Heh... ..Hanzo thought he tricked me and ran away but he didn't know that I was the one who set him up".

Myro still said angrily "That way is fine, but we can't send people carelessly. What if Locke had another character with him. Claire was just a tier 1 expert pistol user who was on par with a tier 1 expert mage. Locke had many more characters. stronger than Claire. Claire is not a character skilled in combat after all. We have to help Claire now to ensure her safety".

After that Myro immediately stood up and prepared to go with Shar. But the kneeling Shar immediately said "Young master, you don't have to worry. Claire can't possibly lose. Even if the enemy is also a god rank, Claire can definitely escape".

"What do you mean?" said Myro.

"Young master, Claire isn't that weak. In the end even if Claire is just a merchant but a god level is still a god level. Humans can't possibly beat a god. So as long as what Claire is fighting is not another god level, Claire will definitely win", said Shar confidently. .

"Is a god level merchant that strong?", Myro said confusedly.

Shar remembered something and was a little scared then said "At least I won't be able to fight Claire. After all, Claire's "World" is very detrimental to her enemy".

"The world?", said Myro even more confused.

"Yes, young master. A world", said Shar then said again "The world is something that belongs to someone who reaches the god rank. Everyone has a different world and the world's abilities are different. Then, all those below the god level will not be able to against the world because they have no world to fight against."

"Then, what is Claire's world?", said Myro.

"Claire's world is your treasure world and mine is my treasure", said Shar confidently.

Myro was even more confused by the strange name of the world.


In a village,

Right now thousands of spears were thrown and about to strike a woman who was already heavily injured. The woman was covered in blood and seemed to have difficulty standing, therefore the woman just sat on the ruins of the building.

"It seems I haven't fought in a long time and my strength is getting worse," said the woman sitting on the ruins of the building.

That woman is Claire. After saying that, the whole village where Leonidas and Claire were suddenly changed. At this time, Leonidas saw that it was daytime when it should be night. And the place that was previously a village turned into a vast city without any passing people.

Then, what surprised Leonidas the most was that the spears that were thrown at Claire had all disappeared. Claire was already standing without any wounds or blood on her body which was not the same as before. Currently, Claire had white hair and fox ears and tail on her. Leonidas immediately said filled with confusion "What's going on here?".

Leonidas suddenly remembered something and shouted "Spear back, spear!".

However, no matter how much Leonidas shouted his spear didn't come back at all. Leonidas saw Claire standing in front of him holding a golden spear which was his artifact "Spear of Leonidas".

Claire looked at the spear and said with a smile "Leonidas' spear is indeed a good artifact. Every time the spear is thrown it will return to its owner. Then this spear can pass through any shield. This spear is a great enemy of magicians".

"What are you doing? Why doesn't my spear come back? It's back", Leonidas shouted.

Claire said with a smile "This spear is now mine. I'm sure young master will be happy to get this spear".

"No way!" Leonidas shouted then said again "Artifacts cannot be used by others as long as the previous owner is alive. So you shouldn't be able to use the spear because I'm still alive".

"Really?" said Claire with a mocking smile. Then Claire threw the spear and hit and instantly killed several Spartan troops.

Seeing the incident, Leonidas was about to take out the spear that pierced his army. However, the spear immediately disappeared and returned to Claire's hands. Seeing the returned spear, Claire immediately said with a smile "Yes, good spear".

"Impossible", shouted Leonidas still in disbelief "How can you take my spear. Even though I'm still alive".

Claire smiled and pretended to be surprised then said "Didn't I tell you yet? Then I'll tell you because you're going to die too".

"Leonidas, I welcome your arrival in my world. Since you have come to my world then the cost is all the artifacts you have. You are really kind for giving your artifact to me", said Claire jokingly.

"What? When did I say I would give my artifact", Leonidas said confusedly.

But, soon Leonidas realized something. The Spartans standing behind him bravely were all gone. Leonidas immediately saw Claire who was currently holding her Leonidas Cloak. Claire smiled evilly and said "You don't need to tell me, because I already took the fee you need to pay directly. Look at this artifact of yours it's really very useful. So your cost of coming to this world is paid off".

The artifact "Leonidas Cloak" has the ability to summon thousands of Spartan troops. Therefore, when Leonidas lost his Leonidas Cloak, thousands of his Spartan troops disappeared.

"Don't joke! I will kill you!", shouted Leonidas frantically and started running towards Claire.

"You're going to kill me? Even paying for your life isn't enough", said Claire and quickly put on the Leonidas Cloak.

"Stand up Spartans! In my name Claire", shouted Claire and immediately thousands of Spartans behind Claire appeared and lined up neatly.

Claire held the artifact "Spear of Leonidas" in her hand then raised it and prepared to throw it. After Leonidas ran closer, Claire immediately threw her spear while shouting "Throw your spears! THIS IS SPARTA!".

"THIS IS SPARTA!", immediately thousands of Spartans behind Claire threw their spears at Leonidas.

Seeing the thousands of spears approaching him, Leonidas immediately shouted loudly "Protect me, Armor of Leonidas".

After shouting loudly, nothing happened around Leonidas. Leonidas stopped running and looked at the armor on his body saying "What happened?".

Once again Leonidas was surprised and just realized that the artifact "Earth of Leonidas" which had the ability to create his shield had disappeared. As Leonidas stood stupidly looking at his lost armor, he was immediately struck by a thousand spears. Leonidas who was not protected by his artifact Leonidas armor was easily pierced by dozens of spears.

At this moment, Leonidas was kneeling on the ground with dozens of spears stabbing him. Blood filled his entire body and there was even a spear that precisely hit his heart. However, Leonidas has a very strong body and has mana in his body because Leonidas is a tier 5 expert Spartan.

Leonidas is currently staring at the sky stupidly. He Leonidas, the great Sparta died at the hands of his own Spartan army.

Seeing Leonidas dying, Claire walked over with a smile and said "Leonidas, you are really good. You even gave your Leonidas Armor before the fight hehehehehe..... How does it feel to be killed by the Spartan army that you are always proud of?".

Leonidas looked at Claire with vengeance and said "Woman demon, I believe my master Locke will surely avenge me. You will surely die".

After that Leonidas breathed his last and died on his knees and still pierced by dozens of spears. Even his blood was still flowing profusely at this time.

Claire shook her head and said with a mocking smile looking at Leonidas corpse "Your master Locke will avenge you? My master Myro is the one who will kill your master. So Locke will never avenge you".

Soon after, Claire turned back into a human. His hair turned black again and his ears and tail disappeared. Claire keeps the artifacts of Leonidas Cloak, Leonidas Armor, and Leonidas Spear in her storage ring. Then his world also began to disappear and returned to a village that had begun to crumble.

Claire looked at the rising sun and said "Looks like I have to meet the young master to give this artifact. I'm sure the young master will be pleased".

Then, Claire began to see Leonidas' corpse which was slowly disappearing leaving behind a broken spear. Claire walked over and picked it up then said "This is Sparta's broken spear from The World Online world. I think it's better to bring it for the young master. After all, Sparta's broken spear can be used to summon characters with Spartan jobs".