
The Summoner's Servant

Exfolia, a world where the strong devours the weak and a place where Summoners and their Servants duke it out to see who will reign supreme over the other. Luna the Summoner came from a prestigious family that follows the Moon Goddess, Selemene. The family all have excellent Summoners and their summoned Servants as well. Davion the Servant came from the world of Candoness where chaos and battles frequently occur. He was just paying his respect to the King when suddenly a white circle appeared below him transporting him to the world of Exfolia. Release date: Every 2 days Chapter length: 500 words minimum per chapter

Venerable_Eiyuu · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


The world of Exfolia is inhabited by Summoners and Servants where the strong devours the weak. Not all of the inhabitants can become Summoners and those that can are blessed and has the right to act high and mighty around almost everyone.

Exfolia is divided into four large continents and they are Emauracus, the Northern Continent where the human race dwells and prosper. Ozkavosh, the Southern Continent where the demon race dominates and controls. Zaru'Kina, the Eastern Continent where the elven race lives in peace and harmony. Halgalreh, the Western Continent where the templars live in secrecy and away from the outside world.

Luna comes from the prestigious family of Selemene, where they worship the Moon Goddess Selemene. She is a stalwart and devout follower of the Goddess and she's nearing the age of Moonbreaking where she must now summon her Servant.

Luna was currently staying inside a room trying to calm her mind and soul in preparation for the coming Moonbreaking. "I must summon an exceptional Servant, I must!" said Luna as she exercised a breathing technique that allows the user's mana to stabilize.

Servants are ranked from E, D, C, B, A, S with E being the weakest and S being the strongest. Luna is aiming to atleast to summon a rank A Servant.

Days passed and Luna's Moonbreaking is nigh, the various Elders of the family prepared the stage where the Summoners will recite the summoning incantation. Not only Luna are attending this Moonbreaking but a lot of the family's younger generation will also attend.

"The time has come, I ask for your guidance Moon Goddess Selemene" prayed Luna as she kneeled and looked at the Moon high up in the sky. "Dong, dong, dong" three consecutive bell rang which signalled all of the participants of the Moonbreaking to come at the family hall where they will perform their best at summoning.

"Time to go" said Luna as she tidied her attire that is quite revealing. You can see Luna's thick and flawless legs that can choke someone to death. Luna's well proportioned ass, her slim waist and her bountiful chest that can fit well in your hands. Her long black hair that reaches all the way up her waist and her skin that's like a jade overshadows most of her family's females. In other words, she is a beauty that can easily make a man's heart flutter and their dicks get a boner.

As she approached the ritual place there's already 10 or so of them that's waiting in line. Luna hurriedly joined the line and waited for the elders instructions. Then an old looking man walked up the stage and faced the group of Luna.

"You are about to undergo your life's most important event when the Moon turns completely blue!" said the elder as he looked at the half-blue moon with reverence and respect. "We pay respect to the Moon Goddess, Selemene!" simultaneously roared all of the people around the ritual stage.

The elder then returned his gaze upon the group of Luna and said, "do not disappoint us and your ancestors" as he walk down the stage with his hands behind his back.

"I'm so nervous, I don't know if I can do this" worriedly said a female towards her male friend. "Don't worry we can do this as long as we remain focused while doing the ritual" comforted the man. "Hmmmphh...easy for you to say" cutely pouted the girl.