
The Sugar Mommy System: The Evil Young Master is Villain!!!

Support the Book! Support a Poor! #100% Eco friendly book! Let us all unite and help a hungry poor! [ Warning; Mature Content! Harem ] [ Warning: Dark Fantasy... Not for crying kids. OMG! Mc killed a pregnant woman! Omg Mc killed a Child! Omg Mc slaughtered entire village! Eww... Mc kills everyone who are useless... I don't wanna hear shit, this is 'Villain— Pure evil' ] [ Dark progression, slowly develop to evil path ] [ Key genre: Xianxia, Xuanhuan... Sophisticated words, you heard it correctly juniors, this forbidden scripture possesses sophisticated words so stop bitching about it, aside from Mc no other character uses raw modern words and slang, ] Are you looking for a Smart and intelligent Mc? Are you also looking for Villain Mc? Well, search no more! — Thy, The primordial Saint Lord, Ruler of absolute Truth, has brought another forbidden scripture for wondering Daoists who are seeking wisdom, to get enlightenment. This demonic lustful scripture follows the journey of a cold, cunning, and lazy Daoist named Bai Lung, who is equipped with a Sugar Mommy system, ready to hunt some chosen son of heaven. ........... Tags: |Smart Mc| Adult Content | Harem| Cultivation | Op Mc| System-Mc relationship| Taboo| Villain | Massacre | Cold and cunning MC | No-Beta Mc| et... --------- Beta: Arrghhhh- Another boring braindead cultivation novel, I am tired of this shit. Author: I presume so, Beta: Shut Up! You shouldn't die. Author: I mean, we are all dying. Beta: "..." ? Author: if you have done barking, could you step aside and stop polluting the air, I would appreciate it. Beta: Aaarghh- you... Same villain novel, stealing the luck from this protagonist, that protagonist, sleeping with this maiden, that jade maiden, slim waist, lotus feet Author: Trust this senior, it's actually good. Beta: shut up! Author: Is Junior seeking death? Beta: fuck off, Author: *Raises his brows and erases the existence of beta* ... Chad: oh! Honorable senior, this humble chad has received some divine enlightenment from your presence alone, I can't stop myself from diving deeper into this heaven-forbidden scripture. Author: oh! An intelligent junior. Chad: * kneels and accepts author as sect master requests to join sect* #Sect https://dsg.gg/culturesect (search in Google ) https://discord.com/invite/QaCzkvHsuN https://discord.com/invite/tknrUfPfrb Chad: the humble chad is pleased to read such mindblowing scripture, the senior really blessed this lowly mortal. ------ Bonus chapter: Castle — 5 chapter Spaceship — 10 chapter

Cultured_Daoist69 · Huyền huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
141 Chs

Money speaks -16

[ Host, shouldn't you teach her some lessons, for someone of weak and low birth, she does have some audacity!!! ]

" It seems... After all, the frog stuck at the bottom of the well can't see the outside world, "

[ Oh! ]

[ By the way, you have obtained a few rewards... ]

[ Ding! You have stolen 100 luck points from Ling Fei, ]

[ The reputation of Ling Fei had reached peak bottom in the sect! ]

[An elder's ego was hurt after losing to Ling Fei, he made a public announcement about Ling Fei being a devil worshipper and devil art user, ]

[ Ding! Ling Fei is hunted throughout the sect for a crime he never committed, the host has played perfectly behind the scenes, the scheme worked perfectly, you have obtained, 5,000 points and 10,000 Exp ]

[ Ding! The heroine, Xiao Ling'r currently has positive affection towards the host with a positive five ( +5 ) ]

[ You have obtained an additional 2,000 Points and 5,000 Exp ]

[ Ding! You have obtained 3 5-star reviews, 76 comments, and 46 power stones... ]

[ Converting Exp... ]

[ Ding! You have successfully broken through the 9th stage of the Qi disciple realm ]

[ Ding! Ling Fei's current luck = 800+ ]

[ Ding! Ling Fei has been cornered by Host's scheme, his luck is increasing... A new plot has been developed into his story, the heavens are helping him, ]

" Oh! There is such a thing? " Bai Lung wondered.

It was the first time he heard about such things, but then again, it made sense knowing he was a chosen one.

How can he die easily?

With every trouble the chosen one is supposed to make rapid progress by facing it head-on.

Tch! Tch! It's a piece of sad news that Ling Fei won't get an opportunity to grow up.

Even if this is something that Bai Lung had never read in his previous life, he can easily see through what might happen next.

Ling Fei will run away from the sect, and make some new connections while staying low and making progress in cultivation with the help of his immortal master.

So, the plan should be to keep Ling Fei in the sect and plunder his luck slowly.

After all, he is a fat sheep that can produce lots of wool, killing him soon would be a huge loss to his EXP and points.



' Hmm??? Shouldn't Ling Fei be imprisoned in the dungeon? Why is he running towards me? Eesh! There are many disciples chasing him, don't tell me... He is here to ruin my reputation, right in front of the Holy Envoy's residence, '

Xiao Ling'r couldn't help but wrinkle her brows as the various questions floated in her mind.

She clenched her fist tightly while she gritted her teeth, ' Just how shameless is this guy, why is he coming here to bother me again? He is one of few people that makes me annoyed, '

Saintess almost lost her composure while her face was red with anger.

Ling Fei is a perverted lover boy, unlike others who only watch her from afar, he actually dare to come close and create lots of trouble.

The only thing keeping Saintess from not killing Ling Fei despite him being the root of all her troubles is because he had saved her life.

She was thankful for it but this was still overboard... Because of him, she has many things that need to be explained to her father, elders, and probably honored mother too.

She had her own tension and now this... Sigh! She needs some rest.



Ling Fei was happy seeing the Saintess, he believed as long as he met with her and let her explain some things, the title of the devil from his name would be cleaned off.

She was his last hope, however, his eyes failed to see Mount Tai.

He didn't notice the minor changes in her expression and narrow eyes that seemed to despise him.

[ Saintess's current affection towards Ling Fei= Negative fifty ( -50 ) ]

After his Master consumed a profound pill named Soul Strengthening Pill, the strength of his remnant spirit had increased and he helped him with his aura.

The master was also the reason, Ling Fei won against the elder, which resulted in him being the sinner in the sect.

Because of his Master's help, he was also able to run till now without being caught.

He suddenly ran to the left side attracting all the chasers... And the next instance, his figure vanished right in front of others.


" W-What... He vanished! "

" Holy cow! He was truly a devil worshipper! "

" Indeed! How can he vanish into thin air? "

" Hurry up! We need to notify everyone... As soon as Ling Fei is found, we need to execute him, "

" That's right! How dare he... "

" Eeew! Tell everyone to hide their little brother! "



Ling Fei took deep breaths of relief sanding at a tree branch, while the cold wind hits his sweaty face.

He just used teleportation art, something a disciple like him can't use.

It was all thanks to his master. Perhaps, his master's strength recovery was also the reason for Ling Fei's growing luck.

He had never expected a soul-strengthening pill to be hidden inside the mud, he was pretty lucky to find it.


Clearing his mind, he jumped from the tree, descending in front of Saintess.

He couldn't believe, the Saintess, who would normally spend all her time engrossed in cultivation in her palace was here enjoying the wind.

However, he instantly became angry upon seeing how she was sitting in front of that arrogant young master's room.

Unease kept clawing at his heart as he imagined the various reasons.

Was she forced by that scoundrel and now living with him? Was she here to talk with him? Or, was she waiting for his audience?

It broke his heart as that thought appeared in his mind.

He knew it wasn't her fault, she was just a pitiful woman, who was being sandwiched as a political piece by two powerful forces.

The real troublemakers and enemies were the sect master and the Holy envoy.

" Saintess! Let's run away... We can live somewhere far away happily without troubles! "



A/N: Junior! You dare read this Scripture without donating power stone, trust me, if Thou don't donate Power stone, Thou will forever be eunch.👀

( don't worry if you have wife/s, this senior can impregnate her in case you became eunch 🤝)