
The Suddenly Twins

It all began with a lullaby. Jess Salgado opened his eyes and found himself in the middle of nowhere. A girl of unknown origin appeared in front of him, and she tried to allure him—he felt the sudden Cain Suddenly doesn't know what he was doing; he only followed her twin sister's lyrical voice—to stab that knife directly to her neck. Morana Suddenly assisted him but failed when Jess arrived at the scene. Confused, Morana lures him to be part of his twin brother personality, "first murderer" Suddenly. Jess will never be the same as he found out his ability to live in two distinct realities at the same time. While traveling and experiencing another reality, he searches for the secrets of the unknown world while doing the exact same thing in his original world.

QuinnKey · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

The only survivor of the Yellowseed Village incident

Days after the murder spree, a group of men arrive at the village. "What a horrible sight," a young knight said, putting his hand to his mouth as he looked at the scattered corpses in the road. "It's been days, and the smell is horrible. Ptui."

"A group of knights that can't handle corpse smell?" "Geez, stop it, Hakku. We're here to investigate, not to fight?" A woman holding a staff pinches the ear of the man called Hakku. "And it's true that the smell is horrible." She covered her nose at the overwhelming stench of corpses. A man with the archer hat continued to walk and follow the road toward the center of the village, while saying, "There's nothing we can do about it but burn it along with the whole village."

"Halt!" A man riding his horse raised his hand to stop the adventurers that were entering the village. "The knights of the Qamore Empire are the only ones that are allowed to enter this cretin village." He ordered a group of knights to go in front and block the road entrance.

"And who might you be?" Lack, the archer of the group, asked. The man on his horse walks to the front and arrogantly introduces himself: "I'm Baron Vance Hamsel, the one who was assigned to investigate these cretins. And don't forget the Baron name, because I'm a legitimate Baron." He blinks his eyes several times.

"Hamsel? From the house of Grimm?" Love asked. "Oh yah? An adventurer and at the same time a nun of light?" He chuckled, and he continued, "May I know the name of this beautiful adventurer nun?" Vance Hamsel smiled handsomely at her. Feeling that there's a different intention through his words, Nicor and Mirya intentionally hide the nun behind their backs.

"Hmp. I'm just asking a question; oh well, people like you who don't have any aristocratic learning capacity and are totally plebians from birth shouldn't bother me or my work." After saying this, Vance Hamsel and his troops walk towards the village. One of the knights salutes and apologizes for what their lord said before following them.

"What's the deal with that bastard?" Mirya clenched her fist. "If ever I get a chance, I want to smack his face to the ground!" Love held her hands and said, "Calm down, Mirya." She calmed her down by patting her back.

Hakku scratched his head. "Alright. Uhm, shall we proceed?" All of them nodded, but the nun stopped for a while. "I want to bury them..."

The man in front, Lack, shook his head. He rejects the nuns' plea since it is impractical for them to bury every single one of these remains, and even if they could, it would take weeks or perhaps months. The Yellowseed village has over a hundred dead bodies stacked up—and that's just at the gate.

As they moved forward, more and more villagers dead bodies appeared. They were shocked that some of the kids bodies were impaled or decapitated, a true horrific scene.

As they got closer to the center of the village, they again saw Vance Hamsel still sitting at the horseback, instructing his troops to search for something. "Oh right, knights, you better be discreet. Move!" After that, one of the knights moved closer to the adventurers to stop them from getting nearer.

"We already have permission to investigate this area and search for the culprit." Lack takes out a parchment from his bag and shows the permit to them. The knight scanned the parchment and saw that it was signed by two prominent figures:

Signed by:

Merton Guild Master: Ashe No-wind

Cestine City Head Councilor: Heath Shelford

With his lord berating him, the knight was unsure if he should let them through. Upon its formal signature by officials, the knight eventually granted them permission to carry out their own investigation. He also inquired about their availability to assist in moving the hundred bodies to the village center. Lack indicated to the knight that he would do so after consulting with his colleagues.


After several hours, the knights started to pickup the dead bodies of the villagers and transfer them to the center of the Yellowseed village using the wagon they found. While the group of adventurers do their own investigation.

Lack's group moved to the west side after completing a little investigation of the south area. Nicor arrived at the house, which's completely normal from the outside compared to the other houses, and when he entered, he saw the decapitated head of a woman at the table, and her body was lying on the floor.

He approached the body and checked for a clue. "Hmm. Nothing new, a decapitated head and hand." He walked towards the room, and when he pulled back the curtain to peek, he saw another body lying at the top of the bed. "Hmm, another dead body, but this time it's a little girl." He approached to check it, but his eyes got wide in shock. The little girl is still breathing. "A survivor!" Nicor exclaimed.

When he realized he had located a survivor, he ran outside and yelled for his colleagues to come check on him. They all ran to the house, and when they arrived, a small girl, maybe four or five years old, was seen lying in bed. After feeling her pulse, Love exhaled a sigh of relief and informed them that she was still alive.

"Thank goodness, I thought she's dead. I couldn't hear her breathing clearly, and I couldn't hear the thud thud sound on her chest." Nicor also breathed a sigh of relief. Mirya laughed at him and said, "Thud thud sound, hahahaha."

Holding her hands together, Love said, "Thank you, my light, for this child's life." Hakku, Nicor, and Mirya also expressed gratitude in this way.

Mirya looked at the sleeping girl and asked, "Hey, why did she have a choker? Is she a slave?" She pointed at the choker that the little girl was wearing. The nun removed the choker, and what they saw was an old scar. "Poor child." Love hugged her gently and patted her head.

Lack knocked before entering the room. "We should go now, because it seems there's nothing valuable here." Mirya looked at her. "How could you say so?" "Mirya, just trust him; let's move out now," Hakku said. Nicor raised his hand to ask a question: "What should we do with this kid? Shall we give her to the fatty guy?"

"Hell no!" Mirya exclaimed. "Why would we give her to that pervert? Look at this very delicate young girl; if we give her to that pervert, then expect what you wouldn't expect!" She totally raised her voice against the idea of giving her to that fatty baron Vance Hamsel.

"Lack?" They all look at him, expecting an answer. "Sigh, you don't have to worry; she's the only survivor along with that man." Before he could finish his answer, a group of knights barged the house. "Oh yah? What are you doing to the cretin survivor that I found first?"

Everyone furrowed their eyebrows and looked at him differently. Hakku walks forward and blocks the knights. "Found first? Hah." A much bigger knight stands face to face with Hakku. "Adventurers, we don't want to fight here."

"Then get lost!" Mirya shouted. She's trying her best to contain her rage, or else she'll chant a spell and burn them all, while Nicor touches the hilt of his sword. Lack raises his hand to stop them. "Baron Vance Hamsel, we couldn't give you this child." Raising his eyebrow, Vance Hamsel asks, "And why is that?"

Lack takes out a parchment again from his bag and shows the permit. "We are officially hired by the guild master and the head councilor of Cestine City." The knight checks the legitimacy of the parchment, nods his head, and signals one of the knights. A young knight walked beside him and offered a golden parchment. He grabbed it and opened it. He then gave it to Lack for him to read.

Lack accepted and read the parchment, and he was surprised at what was written. He closed his eyes for a second before deciding. He ordered his team to move aside and let the knights enter the room. "Give the girl," he reluctantly ordered.

"Why?" Mirya and Love asked Lack. "Hey, don't touch her!" Mirya tried to stop the knights, but Nico grabbed her arms. He closed his eyes and shook his head to stop. Mirya bit her lip and gripped her staff tightly. She was preparing to cast a spell, but Love noticed it and stopped her.

"Mr. Knights, please be gentle with this child." She clasps her hands and places them on her chest. "You don't have to worry; we won't hurt her, and we wouldn't allow anyone to hurt her." The knight seriously vowed, and the nun sighed in relief after hearing him. "May the light protect you and her."

Vance Hamsel was already gone while the knights were talking to the adventurers; he didn't want to stay any longer inside this village. So he instructed everyone, after getting the girl, to deliver her to him immediately and burn the whole village.

The knight salutes Lack's group: "You can go back to the guild now; you don't need to worry about this corpse; we will handle it." Lack nods, and he instructs his team to get out to this village and move back to the guild. Even though she hesitated, Mirya agreed and followed what their leader wanted.

Sorry for the slow update. I want to make sure the quality of my work is at its best.

QuinnKeycreators' thoughts