
Chapter 28 Punch of the Mantis Shrimp

Days passed, and over time Mo Xiaowen had sold the majority of his Body Tearing Grass. Luckily the seeds he replanted began to sprout. One after the other, more and more Body Tearing Grass appeared in his garden, until there were over 2,000 Grasses.

'I already have 100 Gold Coins, if I continue on this trajectory I might even be able to make 200 Gold Coins a month.' He thought excitedly, as he ate his breakfast in the canteen.

Now that he came into wealth, Mo Xiaowen began changing up his diet, making it as effective possible. For one he began to eat 3 meals a day, something which the author of "My Battles" made out to be very important.

And Mo Xiaowen had to agree, he was feeling much better eating 3 varied meals a day than he did just eating fish soup everyday. 'While I doubt my diet's been perfected, I am definitely making strides. Comparing my situation with the book I suspect I am lacking in some vegetables.' Mo Xiaowen concluded before finishing up his breakfast.

He had already finished his training for the day and Mo Xiaowen had agreed with Old Ox to meet an hour later. Because of this, the boy decided to use his free time wisely and head to the Martial Hall. While it was true he hadn't spent a massive amount of time here, he had indeed browsed quite a number of techniques.

Unfortunately the punching technique he desired eluded him. The most talented of Mo Xiaowen's peers had begun to breakthrough into the 5th Stage, and as soon as they entered the Martial Hall they would pick a punching technique.

Mo Xiaowen understood the reasoning, after all, a fierce technique like Tiger Fist, a dominating one like Dragon Fist, or even the Whale Subduing Palm a nigh legendary technique in the sect, were all valid choices. But they weren't what he desired.

'I'll find it in due time. By now I've gone through 50% of the punching techniques, I doubt I can't find it. Not to mention with my current income I can simply pay for the membership and come here whenever I please.' He thought to himself before grabbing another technique.

"Punch of the Mantis Shrimp....what an odd name." Mo Xiaowen muttered to himself before starting his read through. 'How interesting, so by contracting the arm, and then swinging it extremely fast, it produces a punch faster than any regular creature...This is it!'

Finally Mo Xiaowen had found the technique he'd been searching for. While the name wasn't the best, the technique itself intrigued Mo Xiaowen to no end. So much so that he got lost in studying it for almost the entire hour.

Luckily he stopped himself in time, otherwise he'd have been late to meet up with Old Ox. 'I'll get back to this later.' With that thought he left the Martial Hall and met up with Old Ox and headed to Sea Glass City as usual.

Upon returning the boy headed to the canteen for dinner and then straight to the Martial Hall. He had been enraptured by the "Punch of the Mantis Shrimp" and studied it over and over. Just as the sun began to set over the horizon, he'd finished the technique.

The next day, Mo Xiaowen's day started as usual. Body Tearing Grass consumed, Internal Rupture Technique trained, breakfast eaten. After all that, Mo Xiaowen was able to train the "Punch of the Mantis Shrimp".

Staying in the woods next to his residence, the boy stood in front of a tree. 'So I need to pull my hand back, and swing it down like a hammer.' He thought to himself, practicing the motion.

At first it was naturally, bad, very bad. "It looks like I am throwing a tantrum." He sighed before continuing his training.

Days passed, and he had gotten into a routine of things. Even going to Sea Glass City had become just another part of his day. His life had become monotonous, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing either.

His "Punch of the Mantis Shrimp" was slowly but steadily progressing, while for now he still couldn't use the move in combat, it was getting to close to it. Everyday he managed to sell 120 Body Tearing Grasses, making him a solid 12 Gold a day.

As of now he didn't have much use for it, mostly choosing to store it away, only a small percentage of it was used on his food requirements. Which speaking of food, Mo Xiaowen had come a long way on. From eating the same meal everyday, he didn't even eat the same meal more than twice in a week.



"W-Was that it!? Finally!" Mo Xiaowen roared in delight. After all this time he had finally completed the "Punch of the Mantis Shrimp". It had taken him an entire month of constant practice to learn it, but it all paid off.

'This, its better than I thought it'd be.' He thought to himself, as he punched the air. It was so fast, he himself couldn't even see it. To say Mo Xiaowen was shocked, would be an understatement. Even the effect created was unlike anything he could produce before.

'Using this technique I can probably surpass the librarian's base punch in power...So what if I use proper breath work?' The idea went off in his mind, and immediately Mo Xiaowen got to work.

He had felt as if his life was becoming boring, but learning the technique had reignited his spark to train. Despite his attitude, he wasn't a machine, so a push in motivation every now and again was helpful to the boy.

Continuing to train the punch, Mo Xiaowen could feel the power increasing with every punch. 'If I fought Shui Long now, all I'd need is one punch and he'd be out cold.' He smiled, while his goal had never been to beat others Shui Long was also a bar he used to measure himself.

"Next time we fight, I'll win, it will be proof that I've surpassed myself!"