
Chapter 24 Meeting The Queen

It was the next day after the fight with Diego. Even though we had just had a major fight, winter was still coming, and we weren't prepared. We still needed more food and firewood. We were grossly underprepared for the coming winter months. The best way to prepare ourselves would be to split up the workload, but after what happened yesterday, I don't really want to do that. They could be caught in another fight, and this time, I might not be able to save them.

"What are you thinking about sylvi. You are making a pretty grim face, so it must be bad."

"Does my face really look that bad?" I ask in a surprised tone.

"Yeah it really does Sylvain. So tell us, what is troubling you?"

"Winter is coming soon, and we aren't prepared for it," I say, "nor do I know how we will be able to prepare for it."

"That's silly sylvi," Ana says in a carefree manner. "We just need to split up. We will cover more ground that way, and get more items to help us survive the winter."

"But what if this happens again," I say slightly flustered. Then I continue to mumble, "I may not be able to help you next time."

"If you are worried about that, then I think I have a solution," Astra says confidently. "We just need to go with you. While you hunt, we'll be gathering behind you. We should hunt in the human zone to minimize the risks, but this should still be the best method."

"Astra, you're a genius," Ana says with a hint of excitement. "We can all help each other this way. We'll also be able to watch each other's back, and sylvi will not have to do all the work alone."

"But shouldn't you guys lay low on this one?" I ask in a pleading tone. "You know just like last time."

"We can't do that Sylvain," Astra says with a hint of indignation. "This time, you were the target. If anything, you should be the one laying low, while we are the ones hunting. Also if we don't do this, we probably won't be able to survive the winter months. This is the best way, and if there's any difficulties, we all will immediately know."

"Ugh," I growl unhappily. "Fine we'll do it your way. Just make sure to yell out if you need any help. I'll do the hunting, Ana gathers edible plants, and Astra gathers firewood. Is that fine with everyone else."

"Yep, that's fine. I'll go and get the bags for us." Ana says happily as she runs off.

"Wait you didn't eat breakfast yet," Astra says as she hurriedly runs after Ana.

"I guess I'm left preparing the breakfast then," I mumble to myself once they are gone.

We luckily had more ingredients than we did last time, so I would actually be able to make something with substance. However, prioritizing time, I just simply roasted meat. Winter was coming, and we would need all available time to get through it. Once I had finished cooking, Ana and Astra also came back. The bags hoisted upon their foxen bodies.

"While you were gone, I made some breakfast. It's not fancy, but it should still be good."

"Thanks Sylvain." "Thanks sylvi."

Once they say their thanks, they begin to eat. It didn't take long for all the food I had prepared to be gone. It wasn't much in the first place.

"Okay, since we are done eating let's go."

"Yep." "Yes." They say as they exit the cave. Once we are out of the cave, they head straight to the human zone.

"O spell of wind flow through my body to reinforce myself."

I quickly chanted my reinforcement spell. Speed was essential, and this would be the only way for me to keep up with both of them. Soon with our speed, we were able to make it to the human zone.

"I'll take the lead," I say once we get there. "Follow me and pick up anything useful. Make sure to holler if you need help. I'll be searching now. O spell of wind spread with me as the center to detect my enemies."

After making sure that both of them nodded, I chanted my detection spell. I also stopped channeling my reinforcement spell, and kept a walking pace. This way, Ana and Astra could actually gather stuff without losing sight of me. Soon enough, I was able to get a hit on the spell.

"O spell of wind, form from my hands a mighty blade that follows my movements to destroy my enemies."

Once I found an enemy, I instantly chanted my spell sword. It appeared in my hands, and I quickly ran towards the demonic beast. It was able to notice me, and tried to challenge my sword with its horn. I honestly have nothing to compare it to. It had one horn extending from its forehead, and walked on all fours. Either way, my spell sword easily cut through its horn. It didn't stop there though, and killed the demonic beast. Once I confirmed it was dead, I put it in the magic bag, while I stopped channeling my spell sword.

The rest of the morning continued in a similar way to this. I would constantly keep up my detection spell, and instantly kill any demonic beasts that appeared on it. Ana and Astra would follow me and gather useful items. There weren't really any incidents to note of. The only problem would have to be when one of the demonic beasts went after Ana and Astra. However, this was easily solved by them with a simple spell.

I wasn't able to fill up the magic bag, but was able to get 6 dead bodies. A good amount for only hunting during the morning. Combined with the previous hunts 9, and subtracting the one eaten for breakfast, meant we had 14 bodies in total. To survive the winter we would need 36 more bodies. This is not including the amount we would eat before winter, meaning the number would be higher. Also, this is enough to survive winter, not enough to be comfortable during winter. In that case we would need to hunt even more. However at the rate we were hunting, we may have to be content with just surviving this winter.

"I think it's time to head back now," I say, slightly tired.

"Yeah," Ana agrees. "I'm tired from all this gathering. I'm also hungry."

"I'm hungry too," Astra says as her stomach rumbles. "However let's not eat the meat today. It is easier to preserve meat after all."

"Let's first head back to the cave," I said. "Afterwards we will be able to decide what we want to do."

"Okay sylvi." "Yes Sylvain."

With that decided we headed back to the cave. Ana and Astra once again took the lead.

"O spell of wind flow through my body to reinforce myself."

I once again chanted my reinforcement spell, so I would be able to keep up with them. We headed back to the cave, and soon arrived near it. However, the barrier was once again gone, which meant something was inside the cave.

"Stop," I hurriedly yell out to Ana and Astra. Luckily they immediately stopped once they heard my anxious voice.

"What's wrong sylvi?" Ana asks, confused. "We are right near the cave."

"The barrier, it is gone," I say as quietly as possible. "This means, there's something inside the cave strong enough to get through the barrier. I don't know how strong it is though. I'll go in first to check it out."

"What…no, don't go Sylvain," Astra cries out in a hurried, but hushed tone. "Whatever is in the cave is strong, right, so it would be better for all of us to go in. That way we could all help each other."

"I have my hiding spell," I quickly replied. "I'll be able to see what is in there. As long as it isn't someone on the level of the king, I'm sure my hiding spell won't be seen through."

"Fine, but make sure you are safe," both of them say in unison.

"Don't worry about me," I say before chanting my hiding spell. "O spell of wind flow around my body to hide myself."

With my hiding spell chanted, I slowly make my way to the cave. We decided on some simple signals using our mana links. They would use my mana whenever they were worried. I would use Ana's mana if I was safe, Astra's mana if I needed more time, and both of theirs if I needed help. I slowly descended into the cave. Halfway through, I felt my mana being used, so I responded by using some of Astra's mana, naturally dissipating it into the air. With that the sensation stopped, and I once again descended into the cave.

"Who is there?" Right when I got to the bottom step, I heard a feminine voice. I was in shock since this person could see me. That meant they would have strength equal to the king. I instantly used both of their mana's to call for help. I would need it against this foe.

"If you don't wish to reveal yourself," the voice said, "then you leave me no choice."

After they said this, they attacked at my location with a spell. This definitely proved it. This person was able to see me with my hiding spell, meaning they had strength similar to the king. I didn't dare stay in the same spot, and immediately dodged to the side. However, the spell seemed to be locked onto me and changed direction.

"O spell of wind, form from my hands a mighty blade that follows my movements to destroy my enemies."

I didn't dare get hit by that spell, and hurriedly chanted my spell sword. It immediately appears in my hand. I also canceled my hiding spell, since it was of no use in this fight. When I finished chanting, the spell was already upon me. Relying on my sword, I was able to intercept it, and parry it to upwards. The spell literally bore a hole directly in the ceiling that went all the way to the surface. If that spell hit me, I would be dead for sure. It was at this moment that Ana and Astra rushed into the cave. Their faces were filled with surprise when they saw the person. I honestly hadn't gotten a good look at them, since I was in shock that they were able to see me. I was also busy dodging the spell that was fired towards me. However, when I actually looked, I saw that they were a rainbow fox.

"Mom," Ana said in a shaky voice, before rushing over to the rainbow fox. Astra said nothing, but similarly followed Ana towards the rainbow fox. They all hugged each other. Well a better description would be they nuzzled each other as they were all in their fox forms. After nuzzling one another, they separated from each other.

"Mother, what are you doing here?" Astra asked. It seemed like she was trying to have a deadpan voice, but it was easy to see that she was really happy.

"Yeah mom, why are you here?" Ana asked. Unlike her sister, she was fully expressing her happiness in her voice. I guess they really loved their mother.

"I wanted to see the both of you," Ana and Astra's mother said with a little sniffle. "Oh look at how much the both of you have grown. I'm so glad for the both of you."

I felt like I was ruining the atmosphere. This was obviously a moment that was meant to be shared between the three of them, so what I had to do was very clear. I quickly left the area, and headed to the dismantling room. Once there, I began to take the bodies out of the magic bag, and dismantle them.

"O spell of wind flow through my body to reinforce myself." Since we technically had a guest over, I wanted to make sure that I would be able to dismantle these bodies quickly. As such, I chanted my reinforcement spell to give me strength. Since we had only hunted 6 demonic beasts today, I only had to dismantle these 6. The other bodies had already been dismantled before I went to bed yesterday. Since it was only 6 bodies, it wouldn't take that much time, and I finished relatively quickly. I then brought 1 whole demonic beast upstairs so I could cook it for the guest.

When I went upstairs, I could still hear the 3 of them talking. I felt like their talk would take a long time, and didn't want to get involved with that. As such, I quickly made my way over to the kitchen to cook the meat. I decided that I would undercook the meat. After all, according to Ana and Astra, they would usually eat raw meat. As such, undercooked meat would probably taste the best for them, so I got into the cooking. I wanted to chop up and put in some edible plants, but decided against that. I would rather test that out first than giving it to their mother. Soon the smell of cooked meat spread throughout the cave. They instantly stopped talking, and I felt like I could hear the gulps of all 3 of them. I guess they really are a family.

"Well I've made some food," I said a little embarrassed since they were all staring at me. "I hope it is to your liking."

"Come on mom let's eat," Ana said excitedly. "Sylvi's food is always the best."

"He really does make some good food, mother."

"I could tell that from the aroma. Whatever he was created will definitely have a delectable taste."

"Okay then, I hope this will be able to live up to your expectations."

With the end of my sentence they all began to eat. It was silent while everyone was eating. I was a little bit nervous since no one was speaking. I didn't know if they liked the dish or not. I'm pretty sure Ana and Astra like it, but I don't know about their mother. Soon, everyone had finished eating.

"So how was it?" I asked with a hint of expectation.

"It was very delicious," Ana and Astra's mom said with a smile on her lips.

"Oh that's good then. I'm glad you were able to enjoy my cooking."

"I would like to say thank you Sylvain," their mom says in a serious tone.

"You don't have to thank me for the food. I will be willing to cook for you anytime you come over. Just make sure to give us prior notice." I said thinking she was thanking me for the food.

"No, I'm not thanking you for the food. Although the food was really delicious. What I'm thankful for, is you taking care of my daughters. If you didn't help them control their element, then they would have surely died by now. You have also been protecting them in my stead, so thank you for all that you have done for them."

"I will accept your thanks," I say after a momentary deliberation, "and will continue to protect them."

"No sylvi, that's wrong," Ana says. "We will help protect each other."

"Yeah, Sylvain, we have been over this," Astra says expasterated. "We all will help each other out."

"Fine fine. We will all help each other out, so you don't have to worry."

"Yes, indeed," their mother says with a slight smile on her face. "It seems like I don't have to worry about you two. I hope you all do well."

"Wait, you are leaving already, mom," Ana says in a low, timid voice, seemingly sad that her mother is leaving so soon.

"Yeah, can't you stay a little longer," Astra continues. "It has been a long time since we've seen each other. There is still so much to talk about."

"I'm sorry to interrupt this moment, but I would like to ask a question before you go," I say, stopping the earlier conversation. She seems to be in a real hurry, but I really want to get some clarification on a couple of things.

"Please make it quick, I really do need to get back soon," their mom says in a rushed tone.

"I'll try to make it as quick as I can. Recently we were attacked by a rainbow fox who wanted to kill me. He said that he would use my death as his stepping stone. We eventually concluded that he wants to kill me to become the leader of the rainbow foxes for the next century. However, why would killing me help him become the leader? We just can't figure this part out." I said all of that as quickly as I possibly could. I don't know why she needs to leave so urgently, but I wouldn't want to impede her, so I did my best to ask the question quickly.

"I don't know the specifics as well, but I do have a guess if you want that," their mother says.

I quickly nod my head, before she starts talking once again.

"Once again this is only a guess so it could be wrong, but these people shouldn't have the confidence to win in the succession tournament. As such, they should be planning to kill off the other competitors before the competition starts in 5 years. However, they can't do that if the king is within the forbidden zone. You can probably figure out the rest, and I really must be going, so goodbye."

I was in thought from this new information she gave me, so I wasn't able to see her leave. When her final words registered, she was already gone from sight. Ana and Astra were also gone, probably trying to follow their mother.

"So they are trying to get the king out of the forbidden zone. They must have succeeded the first time using Watson's death as the excuse. However, the king didn't seem to really care about that. He seems to be more concerned with his daughters, and left when I passed his test. So by killing me, they will force the king to act once again, giving them another chance to kill of their remaining competition. Ugh, we have been caught up in a really big mess."

While I was talking to myself, Ana and Astra had returned to the cave.

"Were you at least able to say a final goodbye to your mother?" I ask when I see their downcast expressions.

"We were able to say goodbye," Ana says, "but I'm not sure she heard it."

"I wish she stayed with us a little longer," Astra says in a disappointed tone.

"Just be happy you are able to see her again," I say as I remember the fact that I will never be able to see my own parents again. I hope they are watching down on me, happy with the choices I'm making.

Shaking these thoughts from my mind I say, "well we at least know why we are being targeted. They probably won't stop until the next leader is determined. However, before we worry about that, let's worry about surviving the winter months."

"Yes." "Yep."