
The strongest Uchiha

Max was a lonely 19 year old child who lived alone, his parents died when he was young and he had no one that he could call a friend, the only thing that kept him going was his love for Naruto, specifically his love for the Uchiha and their powers, he always wanted to be someone like Madara Uchiha, fighting by himself against a large army, one day Max’s apartment caught on fire due to faulty wiring, he died but god took pity on his life and allowed Max to be reborn into the world of Naruto, he also gifted max with talent and a large amount of chakra that could even rival that of a tailed beast, this is the story of the strongest Uchiha born with incredible talent and almost infinite chakra

Anonymous67 · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs


This fan fiction isn't going to be one where the main character struggles or goes through hard times , it will be basically wish fulfilment so don't expect bad stuff to happen to the main character like someone takes one of his eyes and uses his own sharingan against him.

He will never lose his power or stuff like that, also I write this just for fun so don't expect me to release a chapter a day, I will try but I can't guarantee it.

I was also thinking of making Hinata a yandere but if anyone's against it tell me.

Also drop names of people you want in harem, I'm not going to give the mc a huge one, I'll give him like a maximum of 4 or 5