
Meeting King Kai {1}

Shiro and Gine were at the start of a long road that resembles the tail of a snake, Shiro knew this was snake way, and from what he heard and saw, snake way, was a long way, so he wasn't going to take his time, if he rushes, he should get there in a matter of seconds to a minute.

Shiro clenched his fist and gave off a loud shout, his hair turned golden, and his eyes flashed teal... his aura flared wildly causing Gine to take a step back, "Gine Grab on to me!"

Gine looked confused and Shiro clarified, "It takes a long time to get to snake way from here, but we do not have enough time, so I will take us there as fast as can.."

"I understand." Gine nodded before she slowly went to get onto my back, Shiro grinned, 'light as a feather.' he thought, as he crouched down before taking dashing into the distance at full speed.


Shiro made it to the end of snake way in mere moments, "So, that was a million miles huh, felt like nothing..." Shiro said with a smug look as he stopped, he looked up at Gine's breathing form, her arms clutching tightly around my shoulders, Shiro's expression shifted to concern, "Gine, are you alright?"

"I am fine Shiro-kun, just warn me next time alright?" she asked, Shiro nodded and smiled sheepishly, "Yeah sorry..."

His speed was very fast compared to Saiyans and he went at full speed which didn't take any time, at all. Gine looked like she was holding on too dear life, and Shiro didn't blame her...

She started to glance around.

"So, are we here? I do not see King Kai's planet anywhere.."

Shiro smiled at her, "That is because you are looking in the wrong direction."

Gine looked at him, Shiro pointed upwards. her gaze followed his point and her eyes widened, "oh."

"I am going to jump, are you ready?" Shiro felt her arms squeeze his own tighter, "I'm ready..."

Shiro squatted and pushed upwards taking off towards the small green planet above. once he got there, he landed, he could feel himself smile, "Alright, we are here, you can get off now."

She nodded and slowly got off, she was a little disoriented standing, because of the flight, but she got used to it. Shiro took a deep breath, and powered down to his normal state.

"So this is King Kai's planet," Gine muttered as she looked around, "I feel slightly heavier here on than on earth,"

Shiro was about to respond, but a voice beat me too it, "That's because it's two times Earth's normal gravity heh..." The voice was very familiar, and it brought a smile to Shiro's face, Gine's eyes shot wide open and the two of them turned to the unexpected, expected voice, to see the figure none other than King Kai looking at both shiro and Gine...with a smile on his face....

"Color me impressed heh," he said with a wide smile, and arms behind his back, "So what brings you to my humble labode?"

How was it, if you like it? Comment your thoughts let me know what you guys think, and vote powerstones, have a good day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts