
Horrifying Surprises

"One above all..." Shiro whispered.

The one above all smiled.

"Balder...or do you prefer Shiro now.?"

Shiro managed to a nod, as he continued to stare in shock, at who it was before him.

Thiis person, this being...was very powerful, he was not even close to his level yet, so he needed to be careful.

"Um..sir...my family and I mean no harm when we come here, we just wanted a vacation..."

Stan lee chuckled, "Relax kid," he said , "Let's go for a walk."


Stan lee and Shiro were both walking on the side walk side by side... "The Presence told me about you." Stan said, "He told me you were a good kid...as he read who you were, the best soul he has seen from a mortal or even, an immortal, of that matter..."

Shiro raised an eyebrow, as he looked at him curiously, Yes, he is well aware that dc and Marvel have some form of a connection, although there was not enough information regarding the relationship..he always figured that the one above all, and the presence, would at least be on good terms with each other.

Stan lee glanced at me with a smile,, "You see, I realized that this two had very similar occurance, to a soul that had vanished from my radar a while ago....I started to compare the personalities to the soul from this world to the soul of that world, I made the connections instantly...

He gazed at the horizon..."Balder was also similar to the soul he talked about, his actions inspired many....I should warn you about my daughter as well, she admires you in an unhealthy manor..."

Shiro blinks, "who is this daughter of yours..."

Please don't be who I think it is please don't be who I think it is....'



"Please tell me...why her of all beings would want me.." he growled.

Shiro lookied at Stan lee demanding an answer.

"Your choices have consequences Shiro..." Stan smiled, "Unfortunately that even includes the good ones, your choices to protect Hela through adversity that would normally kill a person, how you still loved her, even when she tried to kill you multiple times...everything that you have done is everything a woman could even ask for..."

Shiro scowled, but nodded, he remembered his life was told in Asgard already, Sif was alreadyfangirling over him, he probably had a ton of Asgardian chicks that are like that as well..

Hell...the entire world might love him...because he is balder, humans probably worship him, as the embodiment of light itself... fuck...

"So, why did you tell me this?"

Stan smiled, "I just wanted to warn you is all,, you did do a lot for this timeline already, because you had beaten the arrogance out of thor, he will not go on the same path he once was, and I have no doubt in my mind you will do a lot more... Death will come and try to claim you as her own, I just wanted you to be prepare... and if you accept...you have my blessing...

Shiro chuckled nervously..."Thank you for the warning, I did not realize how big of an impact, I had on my past life in this universe." he remembered what Naruko said, before he bowed his head and sighed, "When did my life become such a mess..."

Stan chuckled. "You know..this is exactly why she likes you...all men would kill to be in your position."

Shiro could only groan in response.


So, how was it? If you like it, comment, and vote powerstones, I LOVE YOU ALL, have a good day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts