
Chapter 52: A Fortuitous Encounter

LAN Chu standing in the office, looking at Lin Yu has gone to the distance, put away a smile on the lips, eyes have a thoughtful expression.

"LAN LAN, do you think he can do it?" There was a voice behind him.

Lanchu back, a middle-aged woman standing behind her, positive and negative hands frown looking away Lin Yu, eyes have suspicious light. About 40 years old, wearing a dark gray professional small suit, maintenance is very good, although not as beautiful as LAN Chu sexy cold, but also has a kind of dust temperament, the face is very good, if not say her age, most of the first contact will think that she is just thirty years old woman, compared to the actual age, She must be at least ten years younger.

"Let him try. I have a feeling he can do it." Lanchu smiled and said.

"The reason?" "Asked the middle-aged woman, frowning.

"First of all, though I don't know why, he really needs the job. Of course, this kind of person will never work simply for the sake of money, although he may seem to be stingy, but this kind of stinginess will never be caused by the real lack of money. I could see it in the look in his eyes, which seemed to see through and not care about everything. If nothing else, I guess he needs this job for stability's sake." Lanchu light smile way.

"I feel the same way about that. Although he looked uninhibited, he naturally had a dusty temperament, and was not the kind of untrustworthy prodigal son. Moreover, we have also checked that all the qualifications of this young man are genuine, without any moisture, which also proves that he is really real material inside, and is not an ordinary so-called overseas returnee who has gone abroad and returned with gold. These people are not ordinary people." The middle-aged woman nodded her head.

"Secondly, he's a grateful man. This gratitude is reflected in the fact that others have given him a little help, whether active or passive, no matter what the situation, he wants to return naturally. Otherwise, he might not have come to our school today, even if he is a house teacher, he would rather. All this is because I gave him a little hard time yesterday. Maybe he didn't mean it when he insulted that mean girl, but he knows I was helping him, and he wants to thank me." LAN Chu continued.

"Oh, why don't you think it's because he covets your beauty, or because you want to conquer you to prove your strength to come back?" Hearing this, the middle-aged woman could not help laughing at LAN Chu.

"I'm not that narcissistic. Besides, a man like him, although he looks young, his actual psychological age is probably not as young as yours. He's a man with an experience and a story." Lanchu shook his head and said with a sigh.

This light sigh is some knowledge, do not know because they actually did not get into the eyes of Lin Yu and sigh, or because her spring boudoir secret resentment no one knows and small depression.

Collecting her thoughts, she went on, "Again, he is a man who can stretch and bend and has real ability. The so-called can extend and bend, I believe you should be able to see, that is, he never really put anything in his heart - not that he does not have intentions, but that he has a strong heart, can be willing to be willing, unless he does not want to do something, once the decision is made, he will never give up until success. Otherwise, the fact that he bore up with the harshness with which I began to treat him is proof enough of his shining character."

"So what you did to him today was a deliberate test? Just to test his patience and tolerance?" The middle-aged woman asked with a smile.

"Indeed, I really did put him to the test at the risk of him leaving. But as it turned out, he passed the test." Lanchu thought about the things just now, smiled. She also felt that what she had just done was a little neurotic, a little crazy, which was impossible to imagine in normal times.

No wonder Lin Yu called her a lunatic.

"At the same time, I want to say that he is very capable because he is actually very good at throwing a fat man several meters away." And, in the face of a group of hooligans is not a change of face and heart. I don't know at the time how he managed to get those thugs to back down, but I am certain that without a strong social background or his own strength, the outcome of yesterday afternoon would have been quite the opposite." LAN Chu continued to add the third reason said.

"I have confidence in his own ability, but your third argument seems far-fetched on the whole." The middle-aged woman mused for a moment and shook her head, somewhat disagreeing with her.

"When I have said the last reason, you will see that the first three are auxiliary, and the last is the principal." LAN Chu smiled and said that she understood the woman's meaning.

"Well, you say, I'm listening." The middle-aged woman obviously came to the interest, went to the window with her to look outside, open and good vision interface, is Lin Yu is about to disappear in a willow background.

"The last reason is that he is curious, and his curiosity is far greater than the average person." Lanchu said here, could not help laughing.

'What do you mean? The middle-aged woman stared for a moment, not quite understanding her words.

"In fact, you can completely make such a hypothesis, if you are a very skilled and curious person, in the encounter of a beautiful woman suddenly to him and did not tell him any reason and reason, but the next day is sudden change to him all kinds of difficulties, but also pay a high salary but hire him as a house teacher, this situation, what will you do?" LAN Chu asked in an interesting way.

"I will figure out why, because I have the ability not to be afraid of unknown risks." On the contrary, the greater the risk, the greater the challenge, the more fun it is. Idle is idle anyway." The middle-aged woman answered without hesitation.

"Yes, that's my last reason." Lanchu gently pat smile smile way.

If Lin Yu is here, I am afraid it will be very complicated, because he is not a person who likes to be seen through, but on the contrary, the woman who has just met for two days has actually become his "confidant", and sees him so thoroughly, he should be depressed or because someone else has such a beautiful and cold woman to see through him and his heart is dark and cool? !

"In that case, you are deliberately creating a mysterious atmosphere to attract this young man into the urn, to see if you can achieve your purpose?" The middle-aged woman asked thoughtfully, at the same time the eyebrows have been unfurled, obviously, she has agreed with the Lanchu statement.

"Yes, that's right. The more mysterious and bizarre he is, the stronger his curiosity will be. And, with his ability, he can definitely give us a surprise beyond imagination. It is no exaggeration to say that we have found a treasure." Lanchu smiled.