

"I wished them immortality but my thirst for redemption caused them suffering, I gave them eternity yet brought the end of the world" Ethan mumbled as he dragged himself from the ruins of the Golden throne. "You should understand me, human, what I wanted, was eternal happiness...yet I received torments from my own wish" "You call me a human, aren't you the same?" Replied a faint voice. Ethan laughed in response before saying " Human? I am beyond humanity, I am..." _____ The world was no longer what it once used to be. A thousand years after the birth of Nexulytes, people who were able to wield Nexus energy and awakened miraculous talents with unimaginable abilities, the earth had fallen to the brink of near extinction with just less than twenty percent of its population left. The Dreamscape, also known as the reflection of the real world, was a space that was shockingly similar to the real world and copied every small detail of the real world. Their only difference was that the Dreamscape was not a place where humans could move about easily as even the strongest Nexulyte could die without knowing how. Years after the appearance of the dreamscape and multiple gateways spammed all across earth, giving the horrors of the dreamscape access to the real world; they unleashed chaos and a hundred years of bloody battle were the consequences of humanity's late response. In a world where those with talents were worshiped and respected, a boy who hated Nexulytes and wished all of them could die ended up becoming one himself. Not only did he become what he hated, but he awakened a talent that he had never heard of or known about. How was he supposed to survive the elapse with a seemingly useless talent or was he ever going to find out the secret of his talent and the birth of the dreamscape?

Vee_High · Kỳ huyễn
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76 Chs

Monster in the outskirt

It was a normal day on the outskirts of San Pluto; the sky was bright, and the weather was warm. A gentle breeze blows past occasionally, cooling the skins of the residents of the outskirts.

Old house structures, abandoned playgrounds, and damaged vehicles were the normal sights in the outskirts, and no one bothered about these as everyone went about their daily lives.

Some people could be seen gathering scraps on the streets while others walked about doing one thing or the other, some kids could be seen running around playing while others fought over food on the streets; it was just like any other day with nothing out of the ordinary.

This was until the sky suddenly turned dark as if it had become night in the middle of the day, accompanied by a loud sound that was as loud as an explosion and the whole outskirt shaking vigorously as if an earthquake had occurred.
