
The Strongest Multiverse Chat Group

After reincarnating, Jin waited patiently for his cheat. Finally, he managed it arrived. He was given a chat group. But the members of this chat group were... eccentric. [The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer has joined the chat] [The King of Heroes has joined the chat] [The King of the Beasts has joined the chat] [The Demon Emperor has joined the chat] [The Black Wizard has joined the chat] [The Father of Humanity has joined the chat]

ImProcrastinating · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

The Chat Group is Established

A white-haired man strolled across Tokyo, nonchalantly humming. Due to his unusual hair color, coupled with his height and handsome looks, he drew many gazes as he walked by. He wandered rather aimlessly, seemingly lost in his thoughts.

He was broken out of his stupor, however, by a notification from his phone. Checking it, the man was surprised to find that it was not at all work-related.

[You have been added to the Chat Group of the Multiverse]

[Position: Group Member]

Upon seeing these words, a frown came upon the man's face, and tons of thoughts rapidly sped through his mind.

'Chat Group of the Multiverse? What is this? Could it possibly be some sort of trap or pranK? But what would the reason be? And how else would someone be able to control my phone? On the other hand, I have too little information currently. What this group chat is, why I was added, and who added me are all things I can't verify at the moment,' he thought to himself.

Various thoughts flitted through his mind, but in the end, he was able to make a decision, opening up the notification.

'I'll investigate it more. After all, even if it is some sort of trap, it won't be able to do anything to me. After all, I am the strongest.'

As he opened the app, the man was once again met with another notification.

[Welcome to the Chat Group of the Multiverse, Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer, Satoru Gojo]


Chaldea, an organization dedicated to the preservation of humanity, contained many distinct people. One such person with golden hair and red eyes was currently relaxing in his quarters, retiring from a not-so-tiring day of saving the world.

As he combed through his treasury looking for wine, he came across something peculiar. Taking a look at the object, the man frowned.

'What is this? A black, rectangular box?' He fiddled with the object for a while, before the screen lit up, similar to what the man had seen in the electronics used in Chaldea.

Looking at the now-lit-up object, he noticed words spelled out on the screen.

[You have been added to the Chat Group of the Multiverse]

[Position: Group Member]

'A chat group? Judging by the title, it seems to allow the user to communicate with other beings throughout the multiverse. If this does function as expected, it would be quite a powerful artifact. How interesting,' the man mused to himself. Tapping on the notification, he was brought to an application, once again greeted with a string of words.

[Welcome to the Chat Group of the Multiverse, King of Heroes, Gilgamesh]


Within the isolated country of Wano, a man washed away his sorrows with heavy alcohol. The man sat on his throne, guzzling outlandishly large jugs of sake.

Amidst his drunken haze, he noticed something peculiar within the room that had not been there before. A large, yet thin, rectangular black box the size of a normal adult human. While this would have been incredibly large to anybody else, its size paled in comparison to the man.

Abruptly, its screen lit up, causing the man to squint, reading the words.

[You have been added to the Chat Group of the Multiverse]

[Position: Group Member]

'Chat Group of the Multiverse? Have I gotten so drunk that I've begun to hallucinate?'

Picking up the device, the man began to fiddle around with it, accidentally opening up an application. The man looked in interest and began to read the words that once again appeared on the screen.

[Welcome to the Chat Group of the Multiverse, King of the Beasts, Kaido]


Out in the countryside, a young man with a head full of black hair laid, relaxing on the grass. However, his attention was drawn by something completely out of place in the countryside: a phone.

'Hm? How did this get here?'

Opening up the phone, he found it completely blank except for one message.

[You have been added to the Chat Group of the Multiverse]

[Position: Group Member]

'Chat Group... of the Multiverse? Is this some sort of prank or trap? No. At this point, nobody should know of my continued existence. However... the concept of a Chat Group connected to the multiverse is rather absurd. Though, before I came into contact with it, the idea of a Geass would be absurd as well.'

Frowning, the man made the decision to open up the notification, which immediately took him to an application with a message written on it.

[Welcome to the Chat Group of the Multiverse, Demon Emperor, Lelouch vi Britannia]


Within the boundaries of a flourishing empire, a man sat in the empty throne room. He had a frown on his normally composed face, as he studied the object in his hands, a small, thin, and rectangular box.

Pressing a button randomly, he lit up the screen of the device. On the screen, however, was only a single message.

[You have been added to the Chat Group of the Multiverse]

[Position: Group Member]

'Odd. Could this object have come from the gods? I haven't seen anything like it before. And to have relations with this so-called Multiverse, it must be extremely powerful,' the man mused to himself.

Tapping on the message, he was brought to an application carrying yet another message.

[Welcome to the Chat Group of the Multiverse, Dark Wizard, Zeref Dragneel]


Floating within what seemed to be a nigh-infinite void full of white, stood a person with the appearance of a young man. He had blonde hair and handsome features and was naked except for a single leaf covering his crotch.

'Where am I? Had I not died? Or is this some sort of afterlife?' the man wondered, surveying his completely white surroundings.

However, as he floated, he noticed an object stand out from the sea of white. It was a thin, black, rectangular box. He managed to light up the screen by pressing a button and was greeted by a sole message.

[You have been added to the Chat Group of the Multiverse]

[Position: Group Member]

The blonde-haired man frowned in thought, before instinctively tapping on the message. It opened, leaving a message that only left him with more questions.

[Welcome to the Chat Group of the Multiverse, Father of Humanity, Adam]


So, here's the lineup summarized.

1. Satoru Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen

2. Gilgamesh from Fate

3. Kaido from One Piece

4. Lelouch from Code Geass

5. Zeref from Fairy Tail

6. Adam from Record of Ragnarok

This was a pretty hard chapter to write. I just didn't really know what to do with it, and it didn't come out like I hoped. But oh well, it was mostly just meant to introduce the group members.

Anyways, feel free to always leave suggestions, comments, and criticisms down below.

ImProcrastinatingcreators' thoughts