
The Strongest Mage In A Ruined World

Dying after suffering from an illness without a cure, Adrian a sickly 17-year-old high schooler was pitied by the gods after they saw his life that was mostly devoid of happiness. Granting him a chance to reincarnate with his memories and their blessings, Adrian was reborn as the seventh prince of the Ragnar Kingdom with the hopes of doing things he couldn't do in his past life. But fate was sly. Forced to fight against his half-siblings after he was deemed a threat to the future Kings. But that was the least of Adrian's worries as a mysterious Organization had already locked its sights on him after finding out he was the key to their goal —plunge the world into eternal darkness thereby birthing chaos. With his life hanging by a thread after he was born, Adrian was left with two choices; solo his hardships in the Castle and die, or join the mysterious Organization and live. As for his answer, it was none. Cause who said he had to accept his fate?! Why leave your life in fate's hands?! If there is no third option why not make one?! Choosing to defy his fate despite the odds stacked against him, Adrian gradually shapes his destiny in a world where the strong rule and the line between good and evil is non-existent.

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27 Chs

I Doubt He's Cut Out For Magic

Intently staring at the lady who sat in front of him, Adrian's eyes were narrowed as he ran his gaze all over her.

Looking at her for about a minute, a question popped up in Adrian's mind the more he stared at her. 'Would she be able to teach me?'

This time it wasn't a matter of prodigy or not but if she was capable of making him understand things related to Magic. If she had looked a bit older, Adrian wouldn't have questioned her skills since she would have had a higher chance of making him understand.


Keeping his eyes locked on her form, Adrian finally decided to break the silence that masked the dining room.

Adrian stood up from where he sat before slightly raising his chin and saying. "My name is Adrian, the most handsome male in the whole of Arcania."

As they said, first impression mattered so Adrian tried his best to give her the vibes that he had a friendly Young Master attitude.

"My name is Rebecca Griffith." The blue-haired lady gave Adrian a nod after she finished speaking. Not moved by Adrian's display.

To her, he was a child and would forever be one no matter how many years passed.

Rebecca's red eyes seemed to glow like two rubies in the night sky as she said. "It's nice knowing you."


Adrian replied as he sat back in his chair. His desire to start a conversation had turned fowl after he realized she was uninterested from the way she spoke.

Adrian folded his hands and looked to his left, unwilling to continue the conversation with Rebecca. Trying to avoid seeing her in his line of sight.

Rebecca also stared at Adrian for a while before turning away. She found it bothersome to interact with a child who appeared to be a quarter her age.

It wasn't that she saw it below her to interact with children of Adrian's age, it was because she didn't know Adrian, and trying to talk with him would just lead to awkward circumstances as she would run out of things to say.

The silence around the duo had reached the point that if a pin fell its sound would echo through the dining room.

Not being the type that was comfortable with awkward silence, Adrian opened his mouth to speak when Liz's voice reached his ears.

"Come help set the table, Adrian." Her voice echoed through the house. Sounding calm despite the tinge of excitement that was laced in it.

Unceremoniously standing from where he was seated, Adrian made his way toward the kitchen with a small trace of happiness on his face.

'Why would she ask a child to help her set the table?' Rebecca said to herself as she looked at Adrian's figure.

It made no sense for someone to depend on a four-year-old child when it came to setting a table since they had a childish mindset and may end up breaking things.

Entering the kitchen, Adrian had a smile as he said. "Thanks for cooking Aunt."

"The pleasure is mine," Liz replied with s quinted eyes before she continued. " Now let's go serve our guest and have dinner."

Adrian nodded in reply before picking up the plates and heading to the dining room.

Expertly moving his hands across the table, Adrian placed the cutleries like he was born to do it. It was a combination of his seventeen-year-old mentality and the experience he got from constantly doing it.

Done with the task assigned to him, it had taken Adrian about fifteen minutes to set up the dining table for their meal.

'Is a child capable of this?' Looking at the magnificent table before her, Rebecca was able to keep calm despite being shocked by the impressive sight before her.

'To be honest, he sure did it pretty well.' Rebecca said closing her eyes and acknowledging Adrian's skills in her heart. But deep down she still found it weird that a child could do it.

As if they had rehearsed it a thousand times, Liz walked out of the kitchen about thirty seconds after Adrian had finished arranging the table.

Taking her seat in front of Rebecca after serving their food, Liz closed her eyes as she said. "We thank you for this meal."

Also closing his eyes so that he wouldn't get whacked on his head, Adrian said. "We thank you for this meal."

Apart from not wanting to be hit, Adrian was the type of person who respected other's religion so even if he didn't know which god Liz was praying to he closed his eyes to honor her beliefs.

"Thanks for the meal." Rebecca also said with her eyes closed.

Opening their eyes almost at the same time, Adrian didn't need anyone to tell him before he began eating. Delighted by the awesome taste that threatened to drown his taste buds.

'This should be better than what a five-star restaurant would serve.' Adrian said to himself taking another bite of the delicious meal before him. This was the best thing that Liz had cooked since he reincarnated which automatically made it the best thing he had eaten in both his lives.

And Adrian wasn't the only one who thought the food was delicious as Rebecca's eyes held shock when she took the first bite.

'I need to learn how to cook like this.' Rebecca said staring at her plate with resolute eyes. She knew her cooking was shit and it'll be impossible for her to reach this level but with Liz's help, it was no longer a pipe dream.

'I guess I outdid myself.' Liz said having a pleased expression on her face when she saw how Adrian and Rebecca ate. Happy at how they had reacted, Liz slowly ate her food —savoring the taste of each bite.

Licking his lips and rubbing his slightly protruding belly, Adrian said with a content smile on his face. "That was delicious."

Although she didn't eat as much as Adrian, Rebecca had to agree that Liz's cooking was out of this world.

"Let's clear up," Liz said after she was done with her food. Standing up from where she sat, she picked up the plates on the table.

"Damn it," Adrian muttered a curse after feeling Liz's gaze directed at him. He barely suppressed his urge to whine 'But I just finished overeating and my food needs to digest'.

Reluctantly standing up since he knew she might hit him if he actually said what was on his mind, Adrian took a few plates and cutleries before going to the Kitchen.


"Now let's get back to business," Liz said after they were done clearing the table. Like when they were eating, Liz had sat opposite Rebecca.

"You're going to be here too Adrian," Liz spoke just as Adrian was about to leave for his room.

Slowly turning behind him, Adrian stared at Liz for a while before he said. "Okay."

Even though he had accepted, Adrian thought something different as he walked towards the chair. 'I want to sleep damn it.'

Taking his seat after what seemed like an eternity, Adrian looked at Liz before looking at Rebecca. Waiting for the two adults to begin the conversation.

'Would he even understand what we are saying?' Liz said to herself looking at Adrian who sat with them. Although she found it impossible for a four-year-old to understand them, Rebecca thought it was best she kept her thoughts to herself.

"Like we discussed about you teaching him," Liz said deciding it was time for her to begin talking.

"So what'd you think?" Liz asked looking directly into Rebecca's eyes. Her heart pounded rapidly as she awaited what Rebecca would say about Adrian.

Rebecca turned to look at Adrian after hearing Liz's words, before shaking her head and bluntly saying. "I doubt he's cut out for magic."