

Coming from a family that continuously and faithfully served the House of Narashel ever since the namesake country's inception as well as her reputation as an adept user of the sword, Filia has every right to be held with high respect even amongst other nobles in the country. As such, she has learned to treat anyone of lower status with contempt, especially against commoners. Just the sight of them makes her feel like barfing.

Yes, Filia is a snobby, arrogant lady who hates people like me, but tonight...

"Don't hold back, my prince. I know I said too many harsh words to you today, that's why I'll let you do whatever you like to me, as a way to make up for my rude behavior..."

"N-No way in hell I'll do that, especially with you!" I said as I hurriedly stood up from my seat and took my distance from her.

What in the world is happening to her? I don't think it's caused by eating something that is already bad. Maybe it's because she's drunk? No, her scent doesn't reek of alcohol. Stress? Trauma? I don't think she's that weak-minded judging from her behavior earlier.

The more I try to think of a reason behind the words she said just now, the more I think of her as suspicious. I can't help it, since she's still a stranger in my eyes.

"Are you sure about that? You might not know it but despite my occupation as a maid, there are still many noblemen wanting me to become their partner...or rather, wanting to have a good taste of me," she said, trying to force a smile.

"No thanks," I waved my hand at her. "I don't want to do those kinds of things, especially with a girl I don't like."

Go tell her, Ren! Show her how decent you are, that you're not as easy as you think when it comes to other people's advances!

Hearing that, Filia's face turned gloomy as she gets herself off the table.

"I see. So you've come to hate me then."

"I can't say that I hate you, but your attitude towards us commoners sucks and it's putting me off. Maybe people will like you more if you acted more like your master."

Despite having a life many people could only dream of, Lerish never treated anyone with as much contempt as her servant. She's jolly, kind, down-to-earth...it's near impossible for anyone to not like her.

It's a shame, though, that people like her are considered outliers in their class.

"And as for you calling me your 'prince'—please, please stop it. I don't even know why you're calling me that in the first place," I said.

Being called 'cool', 'handsome', or any other flattering words makes me want to bury myself alive in embarrassment. I'm not sure: maybe I was trained to only accept words of mediocrity or insult than to hear compliments. At least with how humans' way of thinking works, being called a 'pervert' has more sincerity to it than the word 'prince'.

Filia, still acting fidgety as she stood in front of me, then spoke: "I...I'm not sure. I dislike people like you, and yet at the same time I'm curious, as to how you've managed to get along well with Milady. At first, I assumed that she's just kind towards you—a benefactor's generosity—but after what happened inside your assigned room, I think that I've already found the answer."

What happened in that room...hey, are you saying that—

"Nn. I was embarrassed to death, you know? Having a man see me wet myself. I would've killed myself on the spot if you looked like you enjoyed such sight at that time, but your reaction was normal. Even though you're acting as if uninvolved in the situation, you couldn't hide the disgust in your face as you cleaned me with your magic. Your revulsed expression...made me realize things."

"What? I don't...understa...—"

Then, before I knew it, she has already unbuttoned her uniform, save for the one at the bottom. I tried to stop her, but her fingers moved so quickly that her clothes fell on the ground just before I could even reach her.

No way, you...

Underneath her uniform, she wore a very risque black two-piece swimsuit, complemented with her black stockings that snugged tightly around her thighs. Moreover, though her size's smaller than Lerish they were in very good shape, that I was drawn towards them for a moment before I realized that this is wrong.

"Yes. I was born to be like this—a servant that wants to be stepped on and humiliated! It's all because of you that I finally found who I am, and I can't be more thankful than that! My prince, let me look at your disgusted face one more time, as you feast upon this shameless maid's body!"

As she said that, she started to squirm as she covered her face with her hands. Her deep sighs sound like she enjoyed exposing herself to others, which caused me to take more distance away from her.

I can't believe it, I just can't. This girl...is an M all along?!

Heck, is that because she's been serving the royal family for so long, that it already affected her brain?! Geez, I can't seem to catch a break with all these strange people I've been encountering lately.

"What's wrong my prince, are you not satisfied with my body?" Filia bashfully asked, her fingers latched on the strings of her bra. "Could it be that...you're expecting more than this?! No, I'm not prepared for that yet! But...if it's you...I'll let you take...my first...—"

"Stop right there, you perverted shitty maid!" I said as I landed a swift blow at the back of her neck, easily knocking her down.

After that, I planned to escape immediately but I had second thoughts about leaving Filia alone on the floor, unconscious and only clad in her swimsuit. Hesitantly I placed her on a chair, dressed her up in her maid clothes, then went back to our assigned room acting as if nothing happened. I'm worried about what will happen next, but I am confident in myself that I did nothing wrong to her.

Needless to say, I'd still stay away from her as much as possible as a precaution.


According to their schedule, they are supposed to continue on their journey to look for the tower the next morning. And for that, they had no choice but to wake up while it's still very dark outside. Well, except Lerish, for she's the main reason why they had to get up so early.

"...Uuuu...can't we just depart a little later than planned? It's still way too dark here; someone like me shouldn't be even awake at this time yet," Aoi complained after letting out a big yawn.

"My apologies, Miss Aoi, it was my idea after all for us to wake up at this time," Lerish replied. "If you want to, I could arrange with the help of my servants to provide a small folding bed for you to use while waiting for the preparations to be done."

Hearing that, Aoi said, "...no, no! No need! I still have some backbone, you know? I can't believe I'm saying this, but there's no need for you to accommodate to all my needs every single time!"

"I-Is that so..."

"...Nn, so don't mind me and just do whatever you need to do right now!"

Aoi then walked back into the villa after saying that. She returned a few moments later carrying the folding bed Lerish mentioned, which she assembled right in front of her.

"...See? I can get things on my own too," Aoi said with a smug face.

"Y-Yes..." Lerish smiled wryly.

Truth be told, Lerish doesn't mind being ordered around by Aoi. To her, Aoi's appeal as a deity comes not from her dreadful power but her cute form and Lerish isn't an exception when it comes to liking cute things. If not for the reverence she has for the girl, she would've already lost herself to the temptation and start pampering her to death.

"By the way, where is Ren? If I remember it correctly he was supposed to pick up the carriage I rented for our journey. Surely he is not lost in the city again, I believe?"

"...Big brother? Wait, let me locate him with his heartbeat," Aoi said as she started concentrating. "Let's see...he's at the back of the villa, maybe taking a break or something."

"Thank you very much, Miss Aoi! I will head over to him immediately!"

Lerish then excused herself to Aoi and ran to the back of the villa. With the first streaks of light shining from the east, it didn't take her that long to find Ren as he rested on the ground, with his head resting against the wheel of the carriage.

'Why is he resting here and not inside the carriage? He might get a cold if he stays here longer. I need to do something...ah!'

If there's one thing that could surely wake him up, that must be it. After mustering her courage, she kneeled beside Ren with her face placed up close, her lips almost touching his left cheek. Then—without any warning—gently blew air into his ear.

"Uwaahh—oww!!! W-What the...Lerish?!"

Startled after feeling something ticklish on his ear, Ren hit the back of his head against the wheel. Looking at his side he saw Lerish, her face looking as radiant as ever while being illuminated by the early sunrise.

"Good morning, Ren. I was just trying to wake you up. I hope that you are not offended by what I did."

"Geez..." rubbing his eyes, he replied, "no, it's fine. It's my fault for not getting enough sleep last night."

"As I thought, letting you read all of those books on your own was a bad idea after all..."

"Hehe, you're right..."

He can't bring himself to say it to her, the reason for his lack of sleep. He can't say that a pervert in the name of Filia tried to expose herself in front of him, asking him to take her first time, and calling him 'Prince' while she's at it. He can't say all of those, for who knows what will happen once Lerish, and even Aoi finds out the truth.

"Anyway, here's the carriage you asked me to get. It's just what you prescribed: a somewhat old, generic, wooden carriage used for cargo—perfect for not sticking like a sore thumb among hundreds of similar carriages on the road. Oh, I almost forgot that the canvas cover on the roof is still intact and the wheels are fine, so its value is slightly higher than the usual," Ren said as he slapped the carriage's body.

He also managed to get spare wheels and axles in case the carriage breaks down, and extra yokes for the two horses that will move the vehicle. All of that he paid with his own money, which surprised Lerish.

"But Ren, I cannot accept these! If you do not mind, I can ask someone in my office to reimburse you the cost of these spare parts. You should use your money to provide you and Miss Aoi's needs instead."

When she said that, Ren's face soured. Slowly he towards her...and gave her a flick on the forehead.

"There you go again, spoiling us with your generosity. Aren't comrades supposed to help each other? I can't just have you handle all the expenses on your own; at least let us have a share too."

"But, Ren..."

"No buts, Lerish. From now on, all of our expenses during this journey, and in the future ones to come, will the shared between everyone. Right now it's only just the two of us as Aoi and I share our expenses, but in case more people join us they will also have to give their fair share for the group. Are you okay with that?"

Pressed into giving her response, Lerish pondered about it for a moment, before saying:

"Hm, that is a great idea!"

"Good, good!" Ren smiled at her. "Now that everything's settled, we should get Aoi now so that we can finally continue on our trip!"


The sun was already above the horizon by the time they finished loading the carriage. With Lerish at the head of the vehicle, she looked behind first to see the siblings, and asked, "Is everything alright for the two of you over there?"

"...Aside from this damned thing being cramped as hell? None so far."

"Yeah. I never expected this carriage to be small, but Aoi and I can handle it."

"That is...regrettable," Lerish muttered. "Miss Aoi, would you like to sit here beside me? There is plenty of space for you to move about here."

"...Really? I'll take you up on that offer! But..."

"But what...?"

"...I'll only sit there...if big brother also sits in the front!"

'Eh?!' Ren and Lerish looked at her with disbelief as soon as she blurted out her idea.

"...Isn't that great? Not only will every one don't have to suffer sharing space with our supplies, I'll also get to sit on big brother's lap! It's a win-win situation, I'm telling you!"

She then looked at Ren, asking if he agrees with her suggestion. Hesitant about him taking a spot where Aoi should be, he said:

"Err...if Lerish would be fine by it..."

Smiling, Lerish replied, "What is there for me to refuse? Please, sit here with us. I will be more than glad to have people accompany me here."

After everyone was finally on their seats, Lerish started to pull on the yoke, but—

"Milady, wait!!!"

"Oh, Filia? What brings you here?"

Despite running from the innermost part of the villa, Filia's warrior lineage proved to be reliable in building her stamina.

"I came here...to bring you this."

She then handed over to Lerish a large, black rectangular ornate box. When Lerish opened the box, the three of us had our eyebrows raised by the objects inside it.

"It's the bow and arrow your ancestors used to rebuild the country after the Great War between the gods shattered the world," Filia explained. "Since then it has long remained in our house's care for countless generations, not used again by anyone from the House of Narashel. I believe now's the time for this legendary weapon to return to its rightful place, hence I'm giving it to you."

reku here.

I...just got a job. that's the reason why I'm going to and fro recently, and not being able to post these past two weeks. right now the workload is still tolerable, but there will be time where even sleep will be a privilege for me to have.

please wish me luck.

rekunekocreators' thoughts