
Be rather baffling .

"Good morning, Nurse Su!"

As Ye Xiu walked to the hallway, he saw Su Dongmei and a young nurse pushing a cart loaded with various medications. He quickly stepped aside and greeted her with a smile.

However, his greeting went unanswered. Su Dongmei didn't even glance at him and passed by with a cold expression.

What's going on?

Did I do something to offend her?

Ye Xiu's smile froze on his face, and a puzzled look appeared in his eyes. This wasn't the first time Su Dongmei had ignored him. Lately, every time he greeted her, she would act as if she didn't hear him.

Initially, he didn't think much of it, assuming she was busy. But today, it was clear something was off.

Ye Xiu racked his brain, trying to recall if he had done anything to upset Su Dongmei recently, but he couldn't think of anything.

"Dr. Ye, hello!"

Unlike Su Dongmei, the young nurse with her greeted Ye Xiu politely as she passed by.

"Hello!" Ye Xiu responded with a smile.

After returning the greeting, Ye Xiu hesitated for a moment before calling out to Su Dongmei, "Nurse Su!"

Su Dongmei stopped and turned to look at him with a cold expression. "Yes, Dr. Ye, what do you need?"

"Uh, nothing specific. I was wondering if you're free this evening. I'd like to take you out for dinner to thank you for your help when I first joined the hospital."

Mentioning the time when he first reported to the hospital only fueled Su Dongmei's anger. This guy is still pretending! she thought, remembering how he had acted clueless back then, making her feel embarrassed.

"I have no time!" Su Dongmei snapped, then turned and pushed the cart away.

Watching her leave, Ye Xiu felt more confused. What on earth had he done to make her so angry? If there was an issue, why couldn't she just tell him?

Old man was right, women are indeed the most mysterious and difficult creatures to understand.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Ye Xiu decided to let it go for now. He'd have to figure out what was going on and clear up any misunderstandings later.

Realizing there wasn't any work for him today, he decided to go grocery shopping instead. The fridge at home was nearly empty, and it was time to stock up.

Sitting in his car, Ye Xiu closed his eyes to think for a moment, then started the engine and drove towards the exit.


"Nurse Su, isn't it a bit harsh to treat Dr. Ye like that?" the young nurse asked cautiously once they were back in the nurse's station.

"What's wrong with it?" Su Dongmei replied coldly.

"Well, Dr. Ye is a doctor, after all," the young nurse said carefully.

"And so what? Does being a doctor make him superior? Does it give him the right to insult nurses?" Su Dongmei's temper flared up again.

The young nurse was stunned. Is this really Nurse Su? What's gotten into her? She was just pointing out that Dr. Ye is a doctor. Did she have to react so strongly? Besides, Dr. Ye never insulted them. In fact, he was always the most approachable and respectful doctor.

Seeing Su Dongmei's outburst, the young nurse didn't dare say anything more. She was new at the hospital and knew better than to challenge her senior.

"Am I wrong?" Su Dongmei asked, her tone slightly softer but still cold.

"No, you're absolutely right, Nurse Su!" The young nurse quickly shook her head. Now was not the time to argue.

She was left wondering what had happened between Nurse Su and Dr. Ye. They used to get along so well. What had changed? Dr. Ye was always busy at the outpatient clinic, and Nurse Su was equally swamped in the inpatient department. They rarely saw each other, and there hadn't been any incidents she could recall.

"Humph!" Su Dongmei snorted and went back to her work.

Doctors think they're so great? If he doesn't apologize, I'll never forgive him!

She had been waiting for an explanation from Ye Xiu, but he hadn't offered any. Today, seeing him act as if nothing was wrong only infuriated her more.

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