
The Strongest Divine Doctor

"Little Jiahao, always remember that the mortal world is filled with evil." This is his master's constant warning. **** What will an orphan who was adopted by an old man and lived all his life in a mountain do after descending and entering the real world? This is the adventure of Li Jiahao, the most talented medical doctor in the entire world, descending the mountain to experience real life for the first time in his existence

RexDEverything · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Chapter 7 – The Liu Clan’s Fear


"You said you two were saved by a young man?" 

Inside a mansion in the Liu clan's estate, in a room. 

Liu Mei and Bi were seated in front of a middle-aged man and being questioned. 

The middle-aged man had strong nervousness etched over his face while beside her, a furious middle-aged woman was seated. 

"That's right, brother. The young man shouldn't be above Mie Er in age, if not lower." 

"Hmmm…" the middle-aged man nodded his head, with no one knowing what to think. 

Liu Mei and her sister had returned long ago and realized that it was only a few people who noticed that they were missing, and these two were Liu Mei's parents. 

They had been completely disorganized and had done everything they could to find them, but not even a trace was found. 

They were extremely excited when they saw the two ladies return, however, they became both scared to death and then furious after learning about what had happened. 

"That bastard of the Huang clan, how dare he? Who does he think he is to dare abduct my daughter?" 

Liu Mei's mother grinds her teeth furiously, her eyes literally shooting flames. 

She would have long rushed to report this matter to the patriarch of the clan if not for her husband stopping her. 

Knowing that his wife's anger would not easily subside and that they couldn't just go ask for an explanation from the Huang clan, knowing how unreasonable they were, the middle-aged man ignored his wife. 

She however forgot that she's the one who had been urging her daughter all these years to agree to Huang Han's request and be his woman. 

After thinking for a moment, the middle-aged man sighed heavily and gazed seriously at his daughter and sister. 

"You two should keep this a secret and not reveal it to anybody." 

"What? After my daughter was almost turned into a puppet and your sister was almost killed? You still want to remain quiet?" 

Liu Mei's mother asked furiously while Liu Mei and her aunty gazed at the nana in disbelief. 

However, the man merely sighed. "Didn't you say that you have no idea about the condition of that brat? Do you think we'd still be able to live with our lives if the information got out that anything that happens to him has something to do with you?" 


As soon as the three ladies heard this, they sighed heavily and decided to swallow this hatred. 

The man finally heaved a deep sigh of relief when he saw that he had managed to talk his family out of the definite doom that they would have invited upon themselves. 

He believed that the Huang clan also wouldn't want to speak about this matter as long as Huang Han wasn't seriously harmed and they didn't speak about it. 

Only if he knew what was soon going to happen. 

"As for the poison you were given which most definitely comes from this clan…" The eyes of the middle-aged man suddenly flashed with coldness. "I will find the culprit and make them realize that my daughter isn't someone they could hurt." 

"Now you are talking," the middle-aged man said, finally feeling slightly satisfied. 

Just at this moment, the door to the room was knocked, and upon telling the person there to come in, which was a servant, they were notified that their attention was needed in the ancestral hall. 

The eyes of the four immediately squinted and they became curious as to why their attention would be requested. 

After exchanging gazes, they nodded their heads and stood up. 

Before long, they had already gotten to the ancestral hall which was already filled with all the other members of the Liu clan. 

The four were further confused and curious as to what was going on. 

It must be known that a meeting like this rarely takes place unless something very urgent has happened. 

Minding their business, the four went to a corner and sat without greeting anybody. 

Two minutes later, an old man slowly entered the hall and as soon as everybody saw him, they stood up and greeted him respectfully. 

This person was the patriarch of the Liu clan, Liu Mei's grandfather. 

"Seat down," he said, glancing emotionlessly at everybody in the hall. 

"The reason why I called for this meeting," the old man began before even getting to his designated seat. 

After he was seated, a serious look appeared on his face. 

"I got a piece of information some hours ago which I hadn't called you all because I was trying to verify it." 

As soon as Liu Mei, her mother, and her aunty heard this, their female intuition pushed in and they became slightly nervous. 

Not knowing anything, the old man continued seriously. "I received news that the Huang clan's young master was attacked by someone and was badly injured to the extent that he might turn to a waste for the rest of his life." 


Although some of the people in the hall already learned about this, they were still greatly shocked as they didn't know the extent of the attack suffered by Huang Han. 

"This… which bastard dares to seek the ire of the Huang clan?" 

"Dang! Looks like this city is going to enter a moment of bloodshed," everybody began to comment while for Liu Mei and her little family, their hearts literally stopped working for a moment. 

Their hearts began to pound with nervousness. 

Unknown to them, a family of three that was seated opposite them was studying them intently at this moment as though they knew something. 

This family of three consists of a young man, a middle-aged man, and a middle-aged woman. 

As soon as they saw the expression on Liu Mei and her family's faces, they exchanged knowing gazes and wickedness flashed in their eyes. 

This family of three were the ones who had gone to report the issue of Huang Han to the patriarch, and they were the ones who advised him to call upon everybody, to share the news with them so that they wouldn't go offend the Huang clan at a time like this. 

The reason for doing this was because they were aware of Liu Mei and her aunt's abduction, as they were the ones who had helped Huang Han with all the information he needed and even the ones who had planned how the poison taken by Liu Mei got into her bloodstream. 

They'd have already rushed to report this matter to the Huang clan, however, they were scared of being taken as the scapegoat, so, they thought that this was the perfect way of taking Liu Mei, her father, and Aunty out of the clan ones and for all, since they were the only major competitor they had in the clan. 

"Elder Brother, is something the matter? This face of yours and that of your family isn't looking good at all. 

Liu Fan suddenly called out, acting as though he cared about his brother. 

However, as soon as everybody present heard him, they glanced at the family of four and were immediately curious about what had caused the current expression on their faces. 

"I…" Liu De was immediately nervous. 

Although he didn't know that Liu Fan knew something, he understood that he loved to always find trouble for him, so, he became nervous. 

Seeing that Liu De had no response, Liu Fan grinned internally. 

"We were discussing the matter of the Huang clan and the expression of yourself and your family turned strange. Don't tell me you had something to do about this matter." 

"What… don't dare talk nonsense!" Liu De and his sister quickly cried out, however, the tone they had used only made everybody gape at them. 

Liu Fan smirked at this and glanced at his father, waiting for him to take over. 

The poor patriarch, not knowing that he had already been involved in one of his son's schemes glanced at Liu De and his family. "Is there something we should know?" 

"I… I… I…" 

Liu De could no longer form a coherent word, giving himself away. 

Everybody's faces paled greatly at this and they became scared to death. 

"This… we need to take these people to the Huang clan right now before they find out and come to level our clan!" 

Someone began, and immediately, the others began to agree, nodding their heads. 

Liu Fan and his family began to smile wildly, looking so excited. 

However, they were soon frustrated when they heard what the old man said next. 

"You all," the old Patriarch suddenly glared at everybody, silencing them. "This matter already involved our clan as a whole, and for this reason, no one is to talk about it anymore, is that clear?" 


Everybody swallowed hard and then glared fiercely at Liu De and his family. 

Back to the Patriarch, he suddenly shut his eyes, then opening them, they turned frosty to Liu De and his family. 

"Explain everything that happened." He said coldly. 

"I…" Liu De nodded his head, and then he carefully recounted everything that had happened. 

The more everybody heard, the more nervous and scared they became, and soon, some of the clan members began to support what had been done to Huang Han while cursing ferociously at the person who had poisoned Liu Mei. 


The old man whose anger had finally receded, but now transferred to Huang Han was about to speak when a sudden disturbance interrupted him. 

"Who are you? How dare you launch an attack on the Liu clan?" 

As soon as everybody heard this, they were scared to death, thinking it was the Huang clan. 

"You… you… you guys better apprehend these people now and go use them to appease the Huang clan before their anger wipes us out!" 

Liu Fan cried out. 

But before anybody could respond, the massive door in the hall was kicked open, and then amidst everybody's shocked gazes, a handsome young man who was dressed in a rough but neat savage dress entered, carrying a bamboo-sawn backpack on his back. 

"Hello," the young man suddenly flashed Liu Mei and Liu Bi a smile. "Your house was so difficult to locate, and even then, I was kicked in the chest by those dogs at your gate when I was about to enter."