
Chapter 146 - Metal and Iron

"Not so strong now, huh kiddo?"

"Is this what that flashy sh*t was good for? To knock out the weakest of us all?!"

"Hahaha! Look at them, boys, I told you they will be worthless! Brother Metal and Iron made quick work of them!"

"Let's break their bones and dump them in the river!"

Threats and violent remarks were fired from the crowd hoping for the kid's earlier than expected demise. None of the gathered crowd of delinquents seemed to care about the following legal consequences of such outcomes.

The two bald brawlers took their time, enjoying the foray of the crowd and even playing into it.

After a short while, the central man continued, snickering at the scrawny looking boy's beaten and battered cold-looking face.

"Heh, still got that arrogance on your face? Quite respectful of you! Listen up scrub, the second choice is, you fight to the bitter end, hope for the futile victory. Although I do not advise you this, I can-"