
The Strongest(Baldur's Gate 3)

Jason a regular office worker dies due to a fatal car crash and is reborn as his favorite character from JJK in a world of DND. He loves DND and planned on getting Baldur's gate on his next paycheck but instead he is living in it.

Son_Karuto · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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10 Chs

Wait I'm in what???

My life was always mediocre. Wake up, eat, go to work, and repeat. This was my life for the past 8 years since I got my job in this company. I'm a receptionist. I know so fun. I deal with all the annoying and hard-headed people you can imagine, but this is my life and it pays good.

Even though I feel my life could be worth something more, this is the life that was given to me so I will deal with it or so I thought until one night on the way back from work. I got into a car crash due to a drunk driver of course. My car was total and i was mangled beyond belief. Well, that's what I'm seeing now anyway as a ghost floating above my body.

Confusingly enough I feel nothing towards my death. It might be the side effect of becoming a ghost but who knows?