
The Strongest(Baldur's Gate 3)

Jason a regular office worker dies due to a fatal car crash and is reborn as his favorite character from JJK in a world of DND. He loves DND and planned on getting Baldur's gate on his next paycheck but instead he is living in it.

Son_Karuto · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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The sounds of a pod opening fill the room as smoke is released. Jason slowly opens his eyes and lifts his body slowly. His body feels different but he can't explain it. He jumps out of the pod and looks around at his surroundings. Where is he and why can he see so much it's overwhelming. It; 's like his eyes can see all. All the magic flowing around. Wait magic? How did he know it was magic? He covers his eyes to stop the overflow of information but it seems like he can still see the the room perfectly.

He moves forward to a pool of ilithid parasites. He's still really confused about how he knows what this is called. He takes his hand off of his eyes and looks at his reflection and what looks back at him is shocking. It's Satoru Gojo, the honored one. All he can think about is what is happening.

Welcome to the world of Baldur's Gate 3 Jason

This is your new world and as you can see we gave you a little gift and that is being reborn as your favorite character in JJK. We look forward to seeing how you take on this new world.

Think of the word system.

Jason's eyes widen as he reads all the words that appear up in front of his eyes. He can't believe what he is seeing. He thinks about Baldur's Gate he remembers hearing it won the game of the year and he wanted to play it but never had enough money to do so. It's a world of DND but it's now a reality. He's in DND and as Satoru Gojo. This is insane and he kept his age too it seems like. He looks like the 28-year-old Satoru.

He takes in this information and remembers the words told him to think system. System The word resonates throughout his body as a scroll wheel pops up in front of him. At the top of the wheel is his character sheet, next is the spellbook, then a gap, journal, combat log, long rest, go to camp, short rest, s gap, map, waypoints, and alchemy. His main focus is only on three of them which are his character sheet, spellbook, and journal.

He mentally selects a character sheet, and what he sees back is his inventory and himself looking back at him. He really is Satoru gojo down to a tee which is insane to him. He moves over to characteristics and sees a tab with conditions, resistance, and notable features. His conditions is empty, but his resistances says can be earned. He will study that more later. Lastly is the notable features. the main one being Six Eyes.

Six Eyes (六りく眼がん Rikugan?): Not much is known about the Six Eyes, but it is known that they play some role in the precise usage of the Limitless. It has been stated that similar to Limitless, Six Eyes is also an Innate Technique inherited through the Gojo family. Yuta has stated that the Six Eyes allows Satoru to reduce his cursed energy consumption from technique activation infinitesimally near to nothing and that he will never run out of cursed energy in a fight as a result. It is uncertain whether this refers to the cost of the techniques themselves or the reduction of unnecessary loss for efficiency. His use of "Maximum Cursed Energy Output" seems to imply the latter. It is heavily implied that Six Eyes allows the user to perceive the world in terms of mass, speed, energy, and so forth alongside its other effects.

So what he can take is he does have cursed energy in this. That probably is an evolved form of magic in this world which is good to know. After his six eyes were darkvision. Thus making him able to see all dark areas like they are full of light. Next are Immense Endurance, Immense Speed & Reflexes, Immeasurable Cursed Energy, Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant, and Immense Strength. Yep, he is definitely overpowered.

The next section is reactions and the only thing there was infinity. Heich is the neutral form of his limitless technique.

Infinity (無む限げん Mugen?): Being the neutral form of the Limitless, the Infinity is commonly known as the ability to stop, although this is a common misconception as the true power of the Infinity is to slow things down. When something attempts to hit Satoru, the person or object in question instead hits the infinity between himself and them. According to Satoru, this is the convergence of an infinite series and comes straight from the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise. Akin to the way Achilles will never catch the tortoise due to the potential, infinite amounts of finite space separating them or how the real number one will never touch the real number two due to the infinite amount of fractions that separate them, the opponent will never touch Satoru due to the infinity between them. Satoru can decide what does and doesn't touch him and can do so based on mass, speed, and danger ratings.

An unbeatable defensive reaction well unless there is an inverted spear of heaven in this world now or domains, along with domain expansions, and amplifications. Will his being Satoru change the rules of this world? He can assume cursed energy never existed before but now it's a thing. So that drastically changes things in this universe but why is he worried he is the strongest?

Now it's time for proficiencies he expands the skills tab and is given all the skills and descriptions along with a proficiency bonus.


Arcana is knowledge of magic and its applications, useful for interacting with enchanted items or powerful spells.


History is everything you know about Faerûn's past, allowing you to recognize notable names and unusual items.


Religion encompasses knowledge about deities in the world of Abeir-Toril, including their domains, clergy, and holy rites.



Investigation is the art of deduction and extracting information, whether from objects or people.


Athletics is a skill in physical movement, such as climbing, jumping, or swimming.


Nature is expertise on flora and fauna, as well as the primal rhythms and patterns of the world around you.



Acrobatics is everything from balance to backflips — useful for showing off and getting away.


Sleight of Hand improves manual dexterity, whether for picking someone's pocket or untying a rope around your wrists.


Stealth is the ability to sneak, using silence and cover to avoid undesired attention.



Animal Handling is equal parts empathy and knowledge, allowing you to gain the trust of wild creatures. You also make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to control your mount when you attempt a risky maneuver


Insight allows you to read people and situations, piercing through lies and other forms of deceit.


Medicine is knowledge and training that can be used to heal wounds and diagnose disease.



Deception is the art of manipulating truth, allowing you to mislead others.

PERCEPTION + 10 (above max thanks to six eyes)

Perception is how your senses work together, detecting the details of your environment and anything out of the ordinary.


Persuasion is the art of convincing others to do your bidding and securing favors.


SURVIVAL +8 (due to six eyes)

Survival is knowledge of tracking, foraging, and hunting, and familiarity with natural hazards.


Intimidation is the use of threats in speech, forcing others to break under your will.


Performance is the ability to act, play instruments, and otherwise entertain audiences of all sizes.

His simple weapons and martial weapons are empty which is understandable because Satoru only uses his hands to fight. Everyone gets to run the 1s. Along with his armor being empty, he will be wearing armor if it looks cool.

Lastly was his statistics and all he cared about was the experience which is 0/300 he looks to the right to see his level and stats followed by, Melee Damage, Attack Bonus, Ranged damage and Attack bonus, Hitpoints, Armour class, Movement speed, and intiative.

He is a level one jujutsu sorcerer, human, and it says honored one underneath his name. Wait a second his name is Satoru Gojo. He literally became Gjo not just taking his appearance and abilities. He moves onto his stats which are all maxed. Yep, he now understands why gege would hate Gojo. He is a cheat code. Well, this should be fun.

His hit points caught his attention which means he has a gamer like health bar and his starting health is 21. Along with his movement speed which says error and he fully blames Blue on this, He can move like a train through anyone. and his initiative is +10 which determines who can move first. He will have to see how that is in combat.

He leaves the character sheet and moves on to his spell book. Which is what he expects it to be all of Satoru Gojo's abilities.

Black Flash (黒こく閃せん Kokusen?): A phenomenon that occurs when the user applies cursed energy within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit, creating a spatial distortion that causes their cursed energy to flash black and amplifies the destructive power of the strike to the power of 2.5. Satoru managed to use Black Flash against Sukuna during their battle in Shinjuku, dealing with a devastating strike when the King of Curses least expected it.[8] It is currently unknown how many times exactly Gojo has performed Black Flash, but he has used it at least four times.

Limitless (無む下か限げん Mukagen?): At the base level, Limitless is an innate technique that is derived from the Gojo family. This technique grants its users nigh-absolute control over space through cursed energy manipulation at an atomic level, resulting in multiple subsequent results and techniques within the overall ability. With the manipulation of space as just the base level of the technique, Limitless has three standard and one "non-standard" form beyond this.

Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue (術じゅつ式しき順じゅん転てん「蒼あお」 Jutsushiki Junten・Ao?): The reinforced version of the neutral limitless; Blue is the byproduct of Gojo amplifying the Limitless and negative energy, producing a vacuum. Through these, Gojo creates a scenario where the world itself is forced to correct itself and fill in the negative space, causing all matter in the range of the commanded space to be pulled together.

Cursed Technique Lapse - Maximum Cursed Energy Output: Blue (術じゅつ式しき順じゅん転てん出しゅつ力りょく最さい大だい「蒼あお」 Jutsushiki Junten Shutsuryoku Saidai・Ao?): Satoru creates a center of gravity in a specific space capable of attracting all matter, crushing it all effortlessly akin to a black hole. He can also move the point of gravity at will, augmenting its destructive capabilities greatly.

Cursed Technique Reversal: Red (術じゅつ式しき反はん転てん「赫あか」 Jutsushiki Hanten・Aka?)[9]: Being an inversion of Blue, Red has the opposite effect. Using his reversal technique to invert the properties of Blue, Satoru activates the divergence of his infinity and causes an extremely powerful repulsive force, repelling all matter in its vicinity. Being an ability that is powered by positive cursed energy and formed as a reverse curse technique, the ability has two times the destructive ability of Blue.

Hollow Technique: Purple (虚きょ式しき「茈むらさき」 Kyoshiki・Murasaki?): An advanced technique that collides the Lapse and Reversal of the Limitless, resulting in an imaginary mass that is launched at the target.

Reverse Cursed Technique (反はん転てん術じゅつ式しき Hanten Jutsushiki?): At first, while a first and second-year student of Jujutsu High, Satoru was unable to grasp the complex nature of reverse cursed technique, but after being put on his deathbed during his first fight with Toji Fushiguro, Satoru, tapping into the core of cursed energy, was finally able to unlock the ability to not only heal himself but also make the positive energy flow into the Infinity, giving him access to his Red and Hollow Purple attacks.

While he has yet to master the skill of healing others, which is something that few like Sukuna and Shoko can do, by the time he became a third-year student, Satoru had mastered reverse cursed technique to the point where he developed the unprecedented ability to keep a reverse cursed technique flowing through his body constantly as to keep his brain fresh despite making constant use of the Six Eyes and the Limitless at a scale that would normally fry his brains, which also served to heal him should any attack pierce his Infinity, the maximum output of his reverse cursed technique capable of allowing him to even survive the effects of Sukuna's Malevolent Shrine by healing himself as quickly as the rapid-firing slashes of Sukuna's Domain. Satoru's mastery over the personal applications of reverse cursed technique is such that he even had the skill to use a reverse cursed technique to replenish his burnt-out cursed technique after using Domain Expansion, a feat that was believed by most who saw it to be impossible, even for an expert of reverse cursed technique on Yuta's level.

New Shadow Style: Simple Domain (シン・陰かげ流りゅう 簡かん易い領りょう域いき Shin Kageryū: Kan'i Ryōiki?): An anti-domain technique Satoru can use to resist the can't-miss attack of any domain targeting him. Satoru normally doesn't need to resort to doing so and Yuji didn't even know he could do it before the latter's fight with Sukuna. Unlike Yuki Tsukumo, Satoru is not suited to teach the technique to others.


Falling Blossom Emotion (落らっ花かの情じょう Rakka no Jō?): A secret art used as an anti-domain countermeasure. Gojo learned it when he was a kid, but didn't use it before his battle with Sukuna. Normally, this technique can nullify a domain's attacks, however, due to Sukuna's overwhelming pools of cursed energy it only weakened the damage from Malevolent Shrine.[11]

Unlimited Void (無む量りょう空くう処しょ Muryōkūsho?)[12]: Satoru's Domain Expansion. It creates a metaphysical space that causes the victims to receive all kinds of stimuli and information endlessly, restraining their thought processes and actions. [13] In terms of raw strength, Satoru's domain is equal to Sukuna's own Malevolent Shrine on the inside, only losing due to Malevolent Shrine's open domain that allowed Sukuna to destroy the barrier of Unlimited Void. Satoru's skill with his Domain Expansion is so great that he can precisely control the range and time of its activation for only 0.2 seconds, limiting its lasting effect on those he traps within it,[14] and can freely change the conditions of Unlimited Void's barrier. Those he makes physical contact with are also immune to its effect.

But thankfully all of these are level one except for infinity which is max level. So he can still get stronger as he progress thank the lord. Since he is this strong he feels this world will also get stronger to accommodate him too. So he has to train hard to stay at the pinnacle of this world. So that will be his goal.

The last thing on the wheel he cares about is his journal. The only mission he has is to escape the nautiloid. Time to head out.