
The Strongest Necromancer in a World of Magic

After an accident, Drogo found himself in the magical world and inherited the legacy of a necromancer. Was it destiny or a coincidence? "Underworld general! My bodyguards!" "Princess! Come over here and massage my shoulders!" How did he grow into a world-renowned necromancer? A legend is about to unfold.

MoonTreeBA · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
64 Chs


The sky had already brightened, and unlike the noise and chaos of yesterday, the morning in Barlow City was quiet and pleasant.

"What happened here?" The hotel owner, wearing a loose robe, climbed up from the floor. Several of his staff members were sprawled out haphazardly beside him.

Staring at the closed door in front of him, rubbing his head, the hotel owner still couldn't remember what happened last night. He couldn't figure out how they ended up sleeping here instead of their own beds.

Although strange, his habits told him that it was already dawn, and a new day had begun, so it was time to work.

"Get up, all of you! Wake up!" The owner kicked his staff in the buttocks, waking up these guys who were sleeping with their mouths open. Even these staff members couldn't remember why they ended up lying here.

Before leaving, the owner looked back at the closed door. The only thing he remembered was that there was a young man wearing armor inside. Next to him, lived his companion, a young lady...

"Ugh." A strange dizziness came, and Drogo woke up.

"Elaine!" Unlike the hotel owners, he still clearly remembered what happened before. Elaine drank alcohol, then suddenly had a fever, a really high one!

"Ah!" He called out Elaine's name, but the movement he made was a gasp.

"How could this be?" In Drogo's arm, the little girl was sleeping sweetly. Her breathing was steady, and her body temperature was normal. It seemed that the strange phenomenon from last night had disappeared.

But this was not the point. The point was that both he and the little girl in his arms were completely naked...

The smooth body of the little girl suddenly caught his eye, even more dazzling than the moonlight from last night. Drogo was stunned.

It was purely a man's instinct. Drogo's gaze moved slowly from top to bottom, taking in the familiar and lovely face with a slightly unique flush, extending all the way to the neck. Then there was the rising and falling curve, like a mountain peak, tempting as a delicious cherry...

And it's not over yet. Following the delicious part is a sudden drop to the bottom of the valley, a smooth plain, and then...


Suddenly spurting nosebleed made Drogo realize that he didn't seem to be appreciating art at the moment.

"Damn, when did my self-control become so poor?"

Afraid to look again, Drogo quickly grabbed the bed sheet from the side, but instead of putting down the little girl, he wrapped her and himself together in a moment of impulse.

Drogo didn't notice that the little girl's face buried in the sheet was even redder than before. Drogo tried to calm himself down and then tried to remember what happened last night.

First, Elaine, who had never tasted alcohol before, wanted to try it. Then Elaine's body suddenly changed. After that, he remembered shouting for the hotel owner to find a doctor.

However, neither the doctor nor the hotel owner appeared afterwards, it seems they took Drogo's words as just empty talk. Next, Elaine burst out with a terrifying psychic power, much stronger than Drogo could have imagined, even more powerful than Matthew in his memory. The outburst of terrifying psychic power also brought extreme danger. In order to prevent Elaine from being burst by her own psychic power, Drogo connected his own spirit with Elaine's through soul strengthening, and he had to rely on his own psychic power to calm Elaine's madness.

However, compared to Elaine's outburst, his psychic power was too weak, and he lost consciousness in just a moment... These were the things Drogo could clearly remember. But there seemed to be something in his mind, vaguely telling him that something else happened in the following time.

However, no matter how Drogo tried to think, he couldn't remember, as if some magical force forcibly cut off his memory. This was a strange feeling, very unreal, but Drogo inexplicably affirmed that from the moment he passed out to now when he woke up, something else must have happened.


A tiny mosquito-like voice came from his arms.

"Uh, you're awake," Drogo said, embarrassed to hear Elaine's voice. It was nothing to hold her in his arms. In the King's Forest, the little girl often hung onto him, and they slept together when camping at night. But now was different. They were both naked.

"Mmm." Elaine buried her head in Drogo's arms and didn't lift it up.

Drogo lifted his arm to separate from her, but Elaine's arms tightened around him, saying, "Don't go! Drogo, hold me a little longer."

Drogo was stunned. The little girl must know they were naked, so was she shy? But Drogo quickly confirmed that Elaine's current appearance was not just because of shyness. He almost scared himself to death with how he understood it.

"I mean...you know, last night was the first time," Elaine said.

"Oh, the...what, first time?" Drogo's head buzzed.

A girl lying in his arms, holding his waist, saying it was the first time, only a fool wouldn't understand what she meant. Drogo's stunned expression made Elaine look up at him. Her expression froze, with a hint of grievance.

"Drogo, do you...not remember?" Elaine asked.

Remember? Remember what? Elaine's words echoed countless times in Drogo's mind. He wanted to admit it, but the problem was he didn't remember what happened last night!

"No, no, it's not like that," Drogo quickly waved his hands. He knew he couldn't joke around in these situations. A misunderstanding could make the little girl think wrongly, which would be a tragedy.

But Drogo's actions were a little too big. They were only wrapped in a sheet, and when he lifted his hand, the part covering Elaine was lifted off with a whoosh.


Elaine screamed, and Drogo's chaotic mind made him loosen his other hand too. As a result, the entire sheet slipped off, and the sunlight coming through the window shone directly on both of them.

"The reflection of sunlight made Drogo's eyes suddenly narrow. In that moment, his gaze passed over Elaine's lower body, where he saw a hint of bloody red - dried bloodstains. Elaine had just taken a shower yesterday, so how could there be dried bloodstains on her body? The only possibility was..."

Thinking of this, Drogo was completely stunned. His mind was filled with Elaine's words whispered in his ear just now, with shyness and a bit of joy - "It was my first time last night."

"I...this is actually true, last night..."

In shock, Drogo forgot to cover the two of them with the bed sheet. Elaine looked at Drogo with a face full of grievances, tears on the verge of spilling out.

"Drogo, are you really not willing to admit it? It's okay, I...I won't pester you..."

With a grunt, Drogo was almost knocked out by Elaine's words.

"I won't pester you..."

Such words actually came from the mouth of a little girl, and Drogo felt that everything seemed so unreal.

But does it really matter whether it's true or not? Drogo already knows that girls in this world mature early. And Elaine is not an ordinary human girl, she is the little princess of the fox tribe. The fox tribe is an open-minded race, and if Elaine were not a princess, she would probably have been married by now.

And with what Elaine said, and the dried bloodstains, everything should be irrefutable. No matter what the reason for Drogo's memory loss was, it was definitely a fact that had actually happened.

Would Drogo deny what actually happened? Would he not admit it? Would he choose to escape from this?

The answer, of course, is no.

"Elaine." Drogo tried to make his voice sound calm, and said to Elaine who was looking up at him with her small face: "Elaine, you have to remember first, no matter what I do, I will definitely admit it. Especially when I'm with you."

Elaine nodded along, having been through life and death together with Drogo. While she couldn't say she completely understood him, she knew him well enough to trust him. At the very least, she believed that someone who would stand in front of a poisonous arrow-armored beast to create an opportunity for her to escape was not a coward.

Drogo continued, "However, something unexpected happened yesterday that caused me to forget a lot of things. I need you to help me remember."

Drogo's sincerity moved Elaine, and she nodded gently in agreement.

"I'll tell you what I know first..." Drogo slowly recounted what he remembered. When Elaine heard about how Drogo had connected their spirits in order to save her, her face turned pale.

As a princess of the fox tribe, she knew how dangerous such an action was. If her spiritual power had been as strong as it could have been at that time, the most likely outcome would have been that both she and Drogo would have died. In fact, there was no need for Drogo to do something so reckless.

Drogo finished speaking, and Elaine remained silent, lowering her head for a moment. When she looked up again, tears were streaming down her face.

"Do you... do you know how dangerous that was? You could have died," she said.

Drogo smiled and didn't say anything, just like he had done in the King's Forest, reaching out to wipe away Elaine's tears.

"Drogo, I also have memory problems. What you just said happens to be what I can't remember. But, I remember what happened afterwards very clearly," Elaine said.

Drogo's pupils dilated, it was a strange thing indeed. He remembered what Elaine had forgotten, and what Elaine couldn't remember, he remembered.

Drogo perked up his ears with anticipation and a bit of nervousness. What Elaine was about to say was not only important to herself but also to Drogo.

Elaine's shy face hid her embarrassment as she slowly began to speak...