
The Strongest Necromancer in a World of Magic

After an accident, Drogo found himself in the magical world and inherited the legacy of a necromancer. Was it destiny or a coincidence? "Underworld general! My bodyguards!" "Princess! Come over here and massage my shoulders!" How did he grow into a world-renowned necromancer? A legend is about to unfold.

MoonTreeBA · Kỳ huyễn
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64 Chs

Assassin (1)

Drogo's previous experiences in the Forest of Kings had made him accustomed to it, so when he sensed the hostility of the other party, he immediately pulled Elaine to the other side before turning his head to observe.

Guards! They could be recognized from their attire, this group of people were the guards of Barlow City.

"Excuse me, are you calling for us?"

Drogo maintained a humble and polite smile on his face, but his heart was tight. He had some idea why these guards appeared.

"Of course, we are calling for you."

One of the guards pointed his blade directly at Drogo. In their eyes, Elaine was just a little girl with no threat, but Drogo was wearing strange armor that looked abnormal in their eyes.

"Well then, may I know what you want from us?" Drogo asked, but the other party didn't seem to have any intention of answering. He saw the guard flick his sword and shout, "There's something suspicious, catch them!"

One person spoke, and the others immediately surrounded Drogo and Elaine. From the look of it, they intended to catch both of them on the spot.

Drogo frowned, and several thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Could it be that the incident of Chandler's murder has been exposed? But it shouldn't be so fast!"

He was extremely doubtful, but he couldn't ask now. That would be a real confession. However, Drogo had no intention of being caught by the other party. He immediately silently cast a spell and prepared to break through the encirclement.

A bone spear spell was quickly prepared, and Drogo was confident that as long as he released it, it was not something these ordinary guards could handle. He could leave effortlessly.

Just as Drogo hesitated about whether to break through the encirclement by force, a voice that had previously sounded extremely unpleasant but was now very pleasant rang out.

"What are you little rascals shouting about at my door?"

Accompanied by the voice, the robust figure of the fierce clothing store owner flashed out from behind the door. Seeing this lady appear, Drogo silently lifted the magic spell. He felt that there was still a turning point in the situation.

"Lady Estelle, I didn't expect you to be back," he said.

Estelle, the formidable boss lady? Upon hearing the guards refer to her as such, Drogo couldn't help but shudder. He had never expected such a fierce-looking woman to have such a delicate name, it was truly surprising. Even more unexpected was the fact that the guards referred to her as "lady", indicating that her status was certainly not limited to that of a mere clothing store owner.

The leader of the guards bowed to Estelle and said, "You may not know this, but something big has happened in the city. We are under orders from our superior to hunt down an assassin. These two individuals are highly suspicious, and we were planning on bringing them back for questioning, but we didn't expect to disturb you."

"Suspicious? How dare you call my guests suspicious! If they are suspicious, what about you lot? Stop the damn nonsense and let my guests go. Don't loiter around my store and interfere with my business."

The guards looked at each other before finally putting away their weapons and reluctantly backing away. The guard leader gave a salute to Estelle and said, "Since Lady Estelle is vouching for them, then they must be innocent. We will leave now."

The power of the formidable boss lady was clearly evident, as the guards who had previously been threatening had now turned and left after just a few words from her. Drogo and Elaine were both stunned by what they had just witnessed.

Drogo remembered that just moments ago, these guards had been attempting to enter the clothing store. From their demeanor, it seemed they were planning on searching the store, but now after just a few words from the boss lady, they were scurrying away. It all seemed so fake.

As Drogo and Elaine were about to leave, they heard Estelle shout, "Stop!"

The guards, who were already walking away, all froze in their tracks at Estelle's command.

"Explain to me, what exactly has happened in Barlow city?"

Upon hearing this, Drogo slowed his pace. He wanted to confirm whether or not these guards had been sent after him, and whether the fact that he had killed Chandler in the Forest of the Kings had been exposed.

The head of the guards deliberately lowered his voice, but Drogo still heard him clearly.

"My lord, you don't know, an assassin appeared in Barlow City just an hour ago. A big shot was killed and now the whole city is being searched."

"Assassin? Who was killed? Was it your lord?"

The head of the guards sweated on his forehead and quickly shook his head, "It's not my lord, it's the second young master of our lord!"

"The second young master? That useless bastard? He's nothing but a big shot in name only. Why bother searching the whole city for the death of such a worthless son? Is your lord eating too much shit?"

The guards' heads spun and they almost passed out. The dead second young master was indeed a useless person, not even worth mourning for in their eyes. But hearing such words, even if it was just hearing them, was enough to scare them, except for Estelle, who dared to speak so recklessly because of her special status.

"Well...we still need to search elsewhere. We won't disturb you any longer..."

The head of the guards was unwilling to stay for another moment and led his men to leave in a panic, at a speed comparable to that of rabbits on aphrodisiacs.

Both sides of the conversation were heard by Drogo, who felt relieved as long as it didn't involve him. Even if it was the son of a king who died, it had nothing to do with him.

Not his business, good mood. This little incident was soon forgotten by Drogo and Elaine, whose most pressing concern was to find an inn, take a bath, and have a good meal.

Little did they know that at the moment they turned the street corner, the owner of the clothing store, Estelle, took a deep look at them. Then she whispered to herself, "Investigate the origin of these two."

But there was no one around her...