
Relocation destination (3)

The cadets were already finished taking their necessity cleaning for the long day of working on mud and dirt. As they finished their basic needs in cleaning their bodies they would proceed to dry themselves. Once done all of the cadets that were finished are formed outside of the bathhouse in a 7 by 4 platoon formation. They would stay there until all of the members inside the platoon were done.

After a few minutes pass by, all the cadets that are in Artirians platoon are completed. Artirian would then walk towards in front of them and with an assertive tone of voice he would command "Platoon!, Left Face!". With great synchronous ways of facing left their boots would snap as they turned. Next Artirian would then face left and then snapped his boots. Next, he ordered with a loud voice "Forward! March!" The Platoon would then march straight at the main road towards the mess hall.

He would notice a few changes while his platoon was marching towards the mess hall. The other cadets that are supposed to be walking around the campus are nowhere to be found. Artirian would then look around and still, there were no cadets that were roaming and his last seen of a cadet that was walking was about a few meters away from the bathhouse.

Then Artirian and his platoon would catch their attention on the flare that sparkled in the night sky. As they would see a bright light they would be startled they thought it was like a celebration. Soon another flare would light up in the night sky but it was on light but no sparkle. Then 4 consecutive loud explosions would be heard by the 4 platoons that were marching towards the mess hall.

The platoon leaders would order their platoon to stop. Artirian would then look at Rommel and Arthur and then signal both of them to come to him. Artirian would speak in a gentle manner and serious face "Rom hand picked 7 men inside the platoon and moved forward, Try and look for clues on what is going on.

Then come back to me if there is needed to be reported." Artirian would then look at Arthur "Arthur take 10 men and take cover on the ramp and the chairs and trees ahead of us make sure you are in cover." After he said that he looked at the 7 cadets who were left. "The rest come with me, we are going to be the reserve force." Artirian would then move his men towards one of the ramps moving up to the East side of the buildings.

The other Platoons would see how Artirian quickly organised his platoon. The 3 other platoon leaders were still cautious on how they would handle their men so the 3 platoon leaders would talk to each other. While they took a glimpse of the face of the cadets in their platoon, the same faces were scared and unprepared.

Soon came from the back of them would be 2 3rd year cadets shouting "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY CADETS! MOVE! MOVE!" The cadet would be split into two sections as there would be jogging 3rd year cadets with muskets and wooden swords. Some of the cadets would smirk as they saw wooden swords. But they would also get the attention of the red bandana that was wrapped around the 3rd year cadets arm.

Soon as the would see the 3rd year cadets that were jogging they would see a red flag that one of the 3rd year cadets is holding and soon it would be pierced through the ground and then comes with a messenger riding on a horse that also has a red bandana wrap around his arm.

Meanwhile at Rommel position, As they were doing some reconnaissance. They would see two forces both have red and Blue bandanas on their arms. "Arghhh DIE YOU ROYAL DOG" one on the red cadet shouted then replied with "AHAHHA POOR RED MOBS YOU WON'T GOING TO TOUCH US!" Rommel would still observe both sides as it clashed with swords some were already shouting some were bleeding but still continued to fight but when a cadet was hit by a paint bullet that cadet can no longer fight and would drop on the ground. The chaos continued while both sides needed to capture the mess hall flag pole to gain its territory. Both of the factions would be fighting and clashing their swords repeatedly. (cling clang zing krang) screams would also be heard. Warcry is to be shouted from both factions as both forces clash.

Then came trotting their horses from the Red team. As they already used their cavalry on the Blue team(Royal) infantry that was fighting. Some of the Royal forces would already flee the mess hall flag pole. Because of the sudden arrival of the red cavalry forces, the Red faction occupied the Mess hall. As Rommel observed some would cadets would use muskets but their bullets were different. As they observed the musket bullets were colour paintballs that once it hits the body it would explode with a certain colour and once hit by it the cadet would drop on the ground.

At that point, Rommel would give a good observation on his surroundings which helped him gather much information and report it back to Artirian. After looking for more scenes he would feel the atmosphere changed. And there was one word that came to his mind "The Grand Strategist". Rommel would quickly order his 7 man team to head back to the platoon position " Lets head back we are in need of more to get some weapons."

Rommel and the 7 of his men would be running towards Artirian position. But before they see Artirain they would already be seen by Arthur and his 10 men squad that were equally spread across the radius of the main position of Artirian that is located near a wooden tree. Arthur would signal a runner to report to Artirian that Rommel is on the way.

Rommel would then gasp for air as he looked at Artirian. He would then speak with continued breathing. "Ha- Well here is the- infor- woo -mation. There are-- 2 factions that are fighting… One is the Blue faction that is located at the North wing and the Red Faction who are located at the West Wing of the Academy. They are doing like a grand battle of some sort. They have weapons and it looks bloody even their weapons are wooden swords and colour bullet muskets."

While Artirian and Rommel were discussing some plans. On the other hand, The Red faction Messenger was giving some flourish words to the 3 Platoon leaders of cadets to join them. But to the dismay of the Red faction messenger, the Platoon leaders he was recruiting are from noble lineages. And all the not noble lineages are not Platoon leaders except for Artirina who are far away from the main group of the 3 platoons. Then the 3 platoon leaders would ignore the request of the Red faction messenger.

The Red faction messenger was disappointed he did not expect that the incoming batch of cadets was not coming from non-noble lines. After a few minutes, the Red faction messenger already left and soon came trotting Blue Faction rider who was wounded by a sword slash at his arm. The 3 platoon leaders would then look at the incoming horse rider. And once it stopped in front of them it was a Blur forces messenger that was seeking for the help of the 3 platoons.

"Dear young masters! Hear me out if the Blue forces or known as Blue Royals faction need your strength to defeat the Red Forces or known as Red Rebels Faction" as the messenger said that he was gasping for air and looking at the eyes of the 3 platoon leaders who are still confused.

Theo would then speak up on behalf of the 2 platoon leaders "We will accept the offer and bring us to the headquarters of the Blur forces." Theo states those words with confidence and boasting like attitude. The other two Platoon leaders nodded after that conversation the 3 Platoons would begin to march to the Blue Forces headquarters at the north wing.