
Enactor & Questions: part 1

One day on a day period, on here way to the Hatter Mansion for a tea party, It was the Autumn season, the leafs were falling and the color orange was everywhere, Alice found herself facing a strange door in the middle of the road, she was going to ignore it since she had a lot of bad experiences with doors her in wonderland.

Just as she was about to walk past it, it opened and what she saw was someone in a rob laying on the floor in the room inside, without thinking she rushed to see if the person was okay and without her knowing the door closed behind her.

When Alice reached the robed person she looked to see if he was hurt only to find that it was a girl and she was just sleeping, she sighed in relief that was when she really looked at the room around her, and what she saw was lots and lots and lots of books, everywhere she looked there were books, it was bigger than any library she ever saw or heard of, it was so big she almost fell back when she was looking up.

That was when she remembered the girl laying on the floor, "Okay Alice this is no time to daydream this girl needs your help even if she is only sleeping" she thought.

When she reached to help her from the floor, the girl started to wake up that's when the hood covering her hair and face fell back, Alice was stunned, what she saw was mind blowing the girl had hair white as pure as snow more so than Peter the White Rabbit, and when she opened her eyes they were a beautiful mix of white, blue and gray, she had never seen eye color like this before.

The girl blinked once then twice, rubbing her eyes and then started stretching that was when she noticed Alice, then she asked her ''Are you okay?'', Still in a daze the girl looked at her, then Alice continued ''You were laying on the ground and I was going to move you but then you woke up'', still silent, Alice continued talking ''You were sleeping on a pile of books weren't you uncomfortable?'', then she heard the girl answer in a quiet voice ''No'' then she continued ''I'm fine thank you but who are you and how did you get here.''

''OH!, my name is Alice Liddell and I came through that door'', when she turned around to point at the door it wasn't there, that's when she started to panic ''W w what, what happened where's the door it was there'', she looked around but she couldn't find it anywhere, when she was about to start panicking, she heard ''Don't worry'' Alice stared at the girl and said ''why wouldn't I worry, I can't go back like this'' the girl stood up and said ''The door brought you here for a reason so when you finish whatever it is, it well come back and take you to the world you were in'' when she heard what the girl said she calmed down a little and sighed.

''So can I ask your name'' Alice asked.

''OH! right, I never introduced myself, I'm Dianiamhximaria Alexandria Kairos'' , ''Aaaah, well that's a mouth full I don't even know how to say that' Alice said, ''Yah, it's been a long time since I introduced myself, and I know it's long so you can call me Alexandria if you like.''

"So, can I ask why you were sleeping on a pile of books on the floor'' Alice remarked, ''Well I was awake reading books for five days without sleep, so I must have passed out at some point' Alexandria replied.

''What!! You were awake for five days reading books, that's impressive, but also stupid, you have to take care of yourself this isn't healthy, you could die from exhaustion, Don't you know that'' Alice yelled at her.

Alexandria replied without being offended or any care ''Don't worry about me, that won't happen'' then she turned her head a little and whispered in a low voic ment for herself ''It's not like I can die'' , ''Jeez you talk just like my friend Julias'' Alice said not hearing her last words.

''So, did you read all these books?'' asked her Alice while looking at all the books ''that's an impressive amount you have'' she continued ''I don't think I've ever seen this many in my entire life, are they all yours?''

Alexandria sighed ''this is the is the infinit library, it contains knowledge from all worlds across time and space, it has an infinite amount of books, so even if I read all these books more will show up again'' Alexandria told her in a  bored and uninteresting face.

Alice shoked by the news looked at her and then at the books and then at her again, then she sighed while rubbing her forehead ''And here I thought I was getting better at handling crazy stuff since living in Wonderland, but this bites the cake'' looking in the distance with dead eyes she let out a small chuckel.

Then she composed herself and asked ''You told me that the door brought me here for a reason, any idea why?''