
The story of the so called villainess

Anathe de el Lucifer, a girl born in Duke family had a wonderful life untill her family was framed and executed by the emperor. She was the only one left alive as her soul was said to be the devil's child and couldn't be killed by anyone but the god's child.

anshikajha2006 · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs


It had been a week since the incident. I had also lost my appetite. My arms and legs had gotten thin. I frequently get dizzy. I can even sense the maids and manservants getting all worried because of me. All they can do is request me to eat.

One day I was sitting in my room lost in my thoughts when someone knocked at the door. I opened the door and saw everyone who resided in the cold palace standing in front of me.

"Miss Lucifer, please eat something. For all our sake." said Julia

I remained silent and nodded my head.

"Please Madam, I know what you are going through and everyone who are here has a similar story as you do." said the head butler.

I was shocked of what he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

" You see I am an orphan and my parents died in the plague 30 years ago." said Nastik (head butler).

" My mother was brutally murdered by my alcoholic father who died because of a heart disease." said Julia.

"My sister was burned alive because they thought she was witch." said Anisa (one of the maids).

"Now you see Miss, you are not the only one who suffered but all of us who are standing here did." said Julia "and instead of giving us a proper justice the emperor hired us as maids and manservants of the cold palace."

" We also get bullied by the imperial staff." said Anisa.

" Please miss come and eat your food." said a maid wearing glasses.

"Ah yes I believe I should eat. I am sorry for concerning you all. Let us go to the dining hall." I spoke.

"Yes miss." said Julia.

We all went to the dining hall. The cooks made new batches of food. The maids and manservants served me.

After eating my food I spoke "I hope you all aren't busy right now. I would like to talk to you all in an casual manner."

"None of us are busy my lady." said Nasika "I shall prepare a place in the garden for all us to sit and talk. Will that be alright?"

"Yes, please do so as soon as possible." I replied.

Nasika went to the garden to prepare for our little picnic. After a short while the preparations were done and all the staff and I sat on the cloth that was kept on the ground.

" Miss, what kind of book do you like?" asked Anisa.

"Well I like to read history books." I replied.

"You should read something else miss you might like it." said Greana.

" Oh what kind of book shall I read then?" I asked.

"Shall we give you recommendation?" both Anisa and Greana said at the same time.

"Yes you may." I replied with a little smile on my face. These girls are quite funny I thought.

"Why don't you read this one, this one is about a lady and her butler." said Anisa.

"Yes I have read that one , it is quite amazing." said Greana.

"Okay then, I will give it a try." I replied.

They handed me the book. I kept it aside and proceeded to talk to others. We had a good time.