
The story of the Richards

Technogirlgamer21 · Khoa huyễn
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8 Chs

The Richards

Stage: The Richard Family House after 10 years

Clara: Kids! Enough of playing video games and come down

Alice: *groans* mom, do we have to? It's 9:00 P.M

Clara: Come down for dinner

Twins: Okay mom

the twins come down to the first floor for dinner

Kevin: mmmmm, what's for dinner honey?

Clara: Steak and mashed potatoes with butter

*doorbell rings*

Clara: Wait let me check

*opens door*

Post man: Are you Mrs. Richard?

Clara: Yes

Post man: Sign this receipt

Clara: *opens parcel* awww how kind of Samantha ,Samara and Lily 😊

Edward: How are they? I want to see Maddison, Timmy, Christopher and Elizabeth.

Clara: Wait....*reads letter*