
The story of the outlands

Humans,Beast,Gods and unknown beings fight for one thing and one thing only. Supremacy.

Tarnished_18 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

The Beginning

Ajax watched and observed the cheerful group of walkers who were taking the Trials of Awakening.


'Look at them all happy and excited to challenge the trial, not knowing it could be their last time seeing home'.


Ajax soon followed the group of walkers to the direction of the facility where trials were held. On some occasions, people would receive an [invite]. This invitation was a sign that the person who received it was eligible to challenge the awakening trial.


The awakening trial was both a curse and a blessing. The invitation was only usable when the bearer turned 16. The trial differed for every individual; it served as some sort of exam to see if their bodies could handle the outlands. At least 60% of walkers never return home, and those who do gain powers that no normal human can have.


For Ajax, this trial was a death sentence. At a young age, Ajax lost his parents to a spatial breach. They died saving him from a chaos abomination. He was orphaned and taken into an orphanage on the outskirts. His only hope left was his little sister Silver, but even that hope was taken from him. A legacy family took his sister due to the fact she beared an [invite] at a very young age, which is very rare.


'I lived 16 years in this pathetic hell hole, enduring everything this world threw at me, hoping I'd at least get some compensation. In the end, it only gave me a death sentence.' Ajax though


Soon, they approached the facility. The facility appeared to be a dome.. no, it appeared more of a fortress rather than a dome. Awakened individuals patrolled its borders, preventing anyone from sneaking in. This wasn't unusual because the government valued walkers over civilians because walkers possessed abilities that could fend off chaos abominations.


The Chaos abomination was quite literally a spawn of hell. They appeared from spatial rifts, commonly known as spatial breaches. They left destruction in their wake, slaughtering people and destroying infrastructures. The government succeeded, but the results were catastrophic. Guns and modern weapons didn't work that well against creatures that came from beyond. These creatures even sometimes had skills in their arsenal.


Soon people found out about the trial of awakening, and finally humanity was at peace again. However, for Ajax it wasn't. The hope he was relying on vanished as his last family was taken from him.


Once inside, Ajax was stunned by how simple but striking the interior of the facility was.


'They sure spent a lot of money on this place.' Soon they were given a plate with numbers on it. It was the number of the room where they'd take the trials. After finding it, they were given their own sleeping pods and the countdown began.


"Starting trials in 3... 2... and 1..." Then everything went dark.


Ajax woke up feeling nauseous. It felt like he was getting throwned around inside a container. After Ajax got his focus back, he observed his surroundings. He was in what appeared to be the ruins of a church. Ajax explored for a bit, checking the broken runes etched in the walls of the church. Observing the mystical runes he found out something.


'I have never seen runes like this before...' But Ajax was suddenly interrupted by an ear-piercing screech. Ajax shivered, his back soaked in sweat. He thought, 'What the hell was that?' Gathering his courage, he went ahead and checked where the noise came from.


The noise led him to what appeared to be an underground door and, in front of it, an abomination. The creature was wearing onyx armor and a massive great sword. It was probably an heirloom. Its eyes were burning red and its aura radiated death. Then a notification popped up in front of Ajax.


[Your trial has begun. Get past the Abomination (???) and receive your heritage.]