
Chapter 1 : let the pen write

Ladeis and gentlemen in this story I will talk you about a great man story,

He is the Messenger of God, Abu al-Qasim Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abdulmutallab bin Hashim bin Abdul Manaf bin Qusay bin Kalab bin Kalab bin Kaab bin Louay bin Ghaleb bin Fahr bin Fahr bin Malik bin Al-Nader bin Kanana bin Khuzaima bin Mo'arih bin Medhar bin Mutar bin Nizar bin Adnan, and extends the noble lineage to our master Ibrahim (peace be upon him).

The father of the Prophet Abdullah bin AbdulMutallab married Amina Bint Wahb, and died before the birth of the Holy Prophet in the year of the elephant, the year he witnessed an attempt to demolish the Kaaba by the Habshi needle, who wanted to destroy the Kaaba, but God with his mercy and virtue

The first scene. Orphaned childhood

After the birth of our holy prophet, it was the custom of the Arabs to go to a tribe in badia where he lives in the desert and receive his first steps in the origin of mecca, and indeed the infants of the Messenger of God from Halima Saadia, and this blessing was received thanks to God after the women of Bani Saad refused to breastfeed him thinking that they would not get paid because of the death of his father, but she accepted and received good and blessing, and the little child grew up strongly and intensified his return two years later and Halima returned him to his mother, but but Afraid of the diseases in Mecca, he returned back to the badia with Halima again،

His mother, Amina Bint Wahb, died at the age of six years, and was on a visit to his brothers in the area of The Father and mother, and his grandfather AbdulMutallab guaranteed him and lived in his bail for two years he was taking care of him and taking care of himself but he was taking him out with him on commercial trips, and on one trip AbdulMutallab passed on the silo of a monk. The monk saw the young child and stopped AbdulMutallab and said that this child would have a great business, and AbdulMutallab knew that and he felt that the monk saw the young child and stopped AbdulMutallab and said that this child will have a great business, and AbdulMutallab knew that and he felt that His grandson already has a great deal to do in the future.

AbdulMutallab died, and became an eight-year-old Mohammed in the bail of his uncle Abi Talib,

His work in grazing and trade in his youth and meeting him in Khadija

Here we reach the stage of youth of the Prophet, he worked by grazing in the beginning of Mecca, caring for the sheep of the people of Mecca, and the Messenger of God said: God sent a prophet only to graze the sheep, and his companions said: And you? He said: Yes, I was taking care of her on the decisions of the dinar and the déréce- for the people of Mecca.

He also worked in commerce like men in Mecca and grew up because of his honesty and integrity with all, and his generous morals appeared in the business in Mecca until he be gained fame in ،

The story of our prophet Mohammed from start to finish 13 scenes of the life of our holy prophet from his birth to his death

The Story of the Prophet Muhammad

Who is Muhammad?

The first scene. Orphaned childhood

His work in grazing and trade in his youth and meeting him in Khadija

Mohammed and Quraish Sadiq Al , Amin

Mission scene. The beginning of prophecy

The secret invitation. The beginning of the call in the Meccan era

Fighting Quraysh For Advocacy

A sad and heavy scene on the heart of the Messenger of God

The immigration scene to the city. A new beginning for the call

The foundations of the State of Islam. The Prophet is a leader.

Invasions.. Defense of religion

The Library of Kings ،At the age of 40, the features of prophecy began to appear on him, he loved the emptiness, which is to hide himself, he was leaving his house and going to a free raid especially in the month of Ramadan and leaving around him and meditating on the creation of God, until the promised day came when God ordered Jibril Amin al-Revelation to come down from heaven by inspiring Muhammad to be a prophet sent from God to all people.

The Messenger of God had signs at first, the signs of prophecy before the Secretary of Revelation came to him, and the mother of the believers, Aisha, tells him in this scene: The first thing the Messenger of God started was the prayer ،When Quraysh decided to fight the call of God and eliminate it from the beginning, they started harassing the Messenger of God and his companions by saying and then already after that, the soldiers of disbelief in Quraysh tortured Muslims and kicked them in the desert of Mecca and in the extreme heat so that they might return from Islam, and the threats began to get the Messenger of God from all sides to give up this matter.

And it didn't just continue at this, but they boycotted and harassed Muslims, as they surrounded everyone in the people of Bani Hashim and wrote the newspaper Al-Bahram on the door of the Kaaba and narrowed them down in everything from buying and selling and selling

The call of the Messenger of God continued to take effect and triumph every day in Mecca, and in return for this spread, abuse, torture and starvation of Muslims increased, until the Holy Prophet advised his companions to migrate to Abyssinia away from Mecca.

Indeed, a number of honorable companions emigrated to Abyssinia for fear of Quraysh, and all attempts to return them failed thanks to Najashi, king of Abyssinia, who was a supporter of these people and did not want to let them down.

Thinks for reading I hope be good as you expect me to be, as you seen it was the story of the great messenger of God in history of human's so happy reading

I will share with you the rest of the story soon