
The story of the demon king and hero's secret love life

The hero that is seen with holy light, a figure that is highly respected and said to be the one to kill the demon king that has plagued the land with his demonic forces The demon king that is feared by both human and gods, the vilest creature that has been corrupted by unnatural forces. While the hero and the demon are suppose to be mortal enemies of each others, who could have known both are actually in love with each other. even they don't know both of them are dating their mortal enemies. pic: https://www.zerochan.net/2549251#content

lunaa_moon · Kỳ huyễn
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world setting

Aetheria is the name of this world, it was said that the mother of all gods Gia created this world along with its inhabitants in her last moment before death.

Along with her death, several more gods descended from her corpse and each held unique powers that they had control over.

Pyra: the goddess of fire.

Clopoth: the god of stones and forging

Myrion: The God of the Seas

Aethon: The God of the Sky

Nyxara: The Goddess of Night

Thalor: The God of Knowledge

and many more, each divine deity has its respective believers like Thalor with his followers of mages who seek the truth of this world.

But one deity stood above the rest, said to be the direct incarnation of Gia.

Sylvana: The Goddess of Nature and life

With her authority over life, her powers are far above the other deities, and with her leadership, she created the Pantheon of Aetheria.

And with her powers, she created humans, dwarfs, and elves and instructed them to worship her along with the other gods and goddesses, in turn, she guided them on how to live.

Jealous of her power to create creatures Pyra tried to create a creature with her power over fire in secrecy.

But with her immaturity and ignorance, she created the demons, creatures of unending desire to see the world ablaze.

Upon hearing what she did Sylvana was angered by disturbing the world's balance and directly banished her to the sky where she became the sun.

The humans who believed in Liora: The Goddess of Light once hit by a great plague, The demons that roam the land are destroying their homes, and prayed day and night for her divine intervention.

And in times of despair, a golden light pierces through the dark cloud. Within the light a golden sword descended along with a voice.

"I grant upon thee the sword of light, bestow it to your finest warrior and it shall guide thee to slay the source of evil"

Shocked by the divine revelation the king recruited every people and looked for the finest warrior to wield the weapon.

Trails upon trails, one boy stood above the rest and after receiving the sword it lit up the night sky with a golden brilliance.

The boy named Thalindra was now named the first hero to be blessed by the holy sword.

Along with receiving the sword, he heard the divine voice of the sword.

"To wield the sword five trials must be passed"

"One is the loss of a loved one"

"Second is the betrayal of a trusted one"

"Third is to witness the greed of humans"

"Fourth is to question if your justice is right"

"Fifth is Lose the will of self-preservation in turn for the protection of humanity"

These trials were only said to Thalindra and he secretly kept this secret, if he were to announce these trials humanity would go into a frenzy and may quickly try to manipulate a situation to forcefully pass the trials.

So he would secretly look for a successor while vanquishing the demons that corrupted the lands.