
The story of the daughter of the demon queen

You will follow Eloise's story which is full of pitfalls and love and you will see how she will succeed in either realising her dream of doing good or becoming a master of evil. the character on the cover does not belong to me. In rewriting

nini45000 · LGBT+
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64 Chs


Alana was sitting at the back of the class, feeling bored and restless. She hated magic class, especially with this teacher who always picked on her. She wondered what would happen if she just left.

"Alana, since you are so interested in my class, why don't you come and answer this question?" The teacher said sarcastically, interrupting her thoughts. She knew the teacher was trying to embarrass her in front of everyone.

Alana looked up and smirked. She was not afraid of the teacher or anyone else. She was the princess of the demons, after all. She had purple hair and brown eyes that sparkled with mischief. She was tall and confident, and she had a strong personality that made her popular among her peers. She was also known for her witty comebacks and hilarious remarks.

"It's not my fault that your magic classes are so bad that I want to sleep already. When you walk, you make dust. So why should I listen to you?" Alana said loudly, making the whole class laugh.

The teacher's face turned red with anger. She had enough of Alana's insolence and disrespect.

"That's too much, Alana. You're going to get out of my class. Lucy, please take her to the principal's office and don't come back until you apologize." The teacher ordered.

Lucy sighed and got up from her seat. She was a smart girl with brown hair and red eyes. She was not very tall, but she had a slender figure and a graceful posture. She was one of the best students in the school, and she cared more about her studies than anything else. She was also the girl that Alana loved the most in this school.

Lucy walked over to Alana and grabbed her arm. She had to admit that Alana was right, and she really made her laugh, but she also knew that Alana was trouble. She had to take her to the principal's office, or else they would both get in trouble.

"Come on, Alana. Let's go." Lucy said firmly.

Alana smiled and winked at Lucy. She didn't mind going to the principal's office. In fact, she saw it as an opportunity to spend some time with Lucy.

"Lucy, I know a very good place where we can rest, you know." Alana whispered in Lucy's ear.

She hoped that Lucy would agree to go with her. She wanted to be alone with her and show her how much she cared for her.

Lucy felt a shiver run down her spine as Alana's breath tickled her ear. She pulled away from Alana and glared at her.

"Why would I do that? Don't forget that I'm one of the best students and I won't let you do what you want. You're a disgrace to this school and anyway you're only here because of your parents." Lucy said harshly.

She hated it when Alana called her princess or tried to seduce her. She knew that Alana was a demon without horns, which made her an outcast among her own kind. She also knew that humans and demons did not get along well, especially if they were from different kingdoms. There were common schools for demons and humans, but they were still divided by prejudice and hatred.

Lucy was a human from the kingdom of light, where magic was revered and respected. Alana was a demon from the kingdom of darkness, where magic was feared and despised. They were supposed to be enemies, not friends or lovers.

"Calm down, princess. You know I'm not what you think I am. Get to know me and you'll see that you won't be able to live without me." Alana said softly, moving closer to Lucy again.

She reached out and touched Lucy's cheek gently. She looked into Lucy's eyes with sincerity and affection.

"I already told you to stop calling me princess. Stop trying to seduce me. Love between human and demon does not exist." Lucy said firmly, pushing Alana away.

She tried to ignore the warmth that spread through her body when Alana touched her. She tried to deny the attraction that she felt for Alana. She tried to convince herself that she hated Alana.

"Don't worry, princess. You'll end up loving me, I assure you." Alana said confidently, before running away through the window.

She jumped onto a nearby tree branch and waved at Lucy with a smile.

"See you later, princess!" Alana shouted, before disappearing into the forest.

Lucy watched Alana leave with a mix of emotions. She was angry, confused, and curious. She wondered why Alana was so interested in her. She wondered what Alana was hiding. She wondered what it would be like to kiss Alana.

She shook her head and snapped out of her thoughts. She had to find Alana and take her to the principal's office. She had to do her duty as a good student. She had to forget about Alana.

She started to look everywhere for Alana, but she couldn't find her. She decided to rest somewhere for a while. She was tired and frustrated. Alana was driving her crazy.

Meanwhile, Alana was lying under a tree, dreaming about Lucy. Lucy was so beautiful and smart. Alana wanted to make her happy and protect her. Alana wanted to marry her someday, after she fulfilled her dream of becoming a captain.

A captain was the strongest person in the two kingdoms and had more power than the royalty. A captain commanded the missions and ensured that there were no useless wars. A captain also led the groups that went on missions.

Alana wanted to be a captain because she wanted to change the world. She wanted to end the conflict between humans and demons. She wanted to create a peaceful and harmonious society where everyone could live together.

She also wanted to be a captain because she wanted to impress Lucy. She wanted to show Lucy that she was not a disgrace or a failure. She wanted to show Lucy that she was worthy of her love.

She fell asleep under the tree, thinking about her princess.

Lucy was desperately searching for a place to rest after a long day of running around the school. As she scanned the surroundings, her eyes fell upon Alana, who was peacefully nestled in the shade of a tree. Determined to confront her, Lucy approached Alana and shouted with frustration.

"Wake up! You're driving me crazy, making me run all over the school!"

Alana stirred from her slumber and stood up, meeting Lucy's gaze face to face. A mischievous smile played on her lips as she retorted.

"Well, well, well, princess. Already missing me, huh? Seems like you're desperate enough to search for me everywhere. What a delight it is to know I have you running after me."

Alana took a step closer to Lucy, their proximity causing her cheeks to flush bright red like a ripe tomato. Lucy couldn't understand why she was blushing so intensely. After all, she didn't even like Alana, yet she couldn't deny the forbidden desire to feel her lips against her own. Lucy found herself moving closer to Alana, her gaze fixated on Alana's lips, all the while biting her own.

"Hmm, your eyes betray you, princess. I can see the longing in them, the desire to kiss me. Yet earlier, you insisted you didn't want me," Alana teased, her hands gently caressing Lucy's lips.

"I-I..." Lucy stammered, feeling lost amidst her conflicting emotions. Despite her reservations, she continued getting dangerously close to Alana's lips.

"Alana, come here right this instant! We're going home," a stern voice interrupted their intimate moment.

"Dad, why did you come to get me? I didn't do anything wrong," Alana protested, disappointment clouding her expression.

"Alana, remember that I am your father and also the king of the demons. You will come home with me. A princess should not behave in such a manner," her father reprimanded.

Alana took a step back and spoke with a hint of defiance. "See you next time, princess," she muttered under her breath, perplexed by her father's unexpected presence outside of the castle.

Lucy let out a sigh of relief as Alana walked away with her father. She was grateful for the intervention, although a part of her felt a twinge of disappointment. She watched them disappear into the distance before deciding to head back to class, attempting to put the tumultuous events behind her.

In Alana's perspective, she was frustrated with her father's sudden appearance. He had never shown much interest in her behavior before, but now he was trying to play the model father. The constant pressure to marry and become a queen irritated her to no end. Alana wanted to follow her own dreams of becoming a captain and living a normal life without the weight of responsibilities.

"Dad, I've told you countless times. I don't want to get married and become a queen. I want to be free and live life on my own terms," Alana expressed her dissatisfaction.

"You can't make decisions like that, Lana. We'll continue this discussion at home," her father asserted, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.

Once they arrived at the castle, Alana locked herself in her room, pondering the encounter with Lucy. She dwelled on how close they were, contemplating the taste of Lucy's lips that had been so tantalizingly close. Frustration welled up within her as her father's interference ruined the moment. Nevertheless, Alana made a silent vow to herself that one day, she would make Lucy hers, defying anyone who tried to stand in their way, including her own father.

Back in Lucy's perspective, she found herself constantly dwelling on the earlier encounter with Alana. Confusion filled her mind as she questioned her own feelings. Could she possibly be in love? No, that couldn't be. Alana belonged to the royal family of demons, while she was just a humble peasant girl. Their worlds were too different to intertwine.

"Lucy! Lucy! LUCY! Are you even listening? I've been calling your name for five minutes," the teacher's voice snapped Lucy out of her thoughts, causing her to jolt in surprise and fall out of her chair. Laughter erupted throughout the classroom, and Lucy's face burned with embarrassment.

"I think it's best if you go home," the teacher suggested, the sympathy evident in her voice.

"Yes, ma'am. I apologize," Lucy mumbled, feeling utterly humiliated as she left the classroom. Alana's influence had caused her to make a fool of herself, and the shame weighed heavily on her.

Over the course of the next six months, Alana continued to captivate Lucy's attention, seducing her in ways she couldn't resist. Unlike before, Lucy found herself genuinely enjoying Alana's company, wanting to spend more time with her. She acknowledged the selfishness of her desire, wishing for their connection to remain exclusive and undisturbed by others.

"How about we go out to eat today, princess?" Alana proposed one day while they were in class.

"Yes, that's a great idea," Lucy replied, perhaps a little too eagerly. When she glanced at Alana, she caught a glimpse of a genuine smile on her face.

After the lunch break, Lucy and Alana found a secluded spot where they could be alone, away from prying eyes and interruptions. The air was filled with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation as they sat down, their hearts pounding in their chests.

"I have something important to tell you, Lucy. It's been on my mind for a while," Alana confessed, her voice betraying a hint of anxiety. Lucy's mind raced, unsure of what to expect. She silently hoped that Alana didn't want to end their friendship.

Lucy took a deep breath, attempting to appear composed. "I'm all ears," she responded, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her.

Alana looked into Lucy's eyes with sincerity. "Lucy, I love you. I want you to be my girlfriend. But, I understand if you don't feel the same way," Alana said, her vulnerability shining through.

A wave of relief washed over Lucy as she heard Alana's words. How could Alana think that she didn't like her? The truth was, Lucy loved Alana with all her heart. She had kept her feelings hidden for so long, fearing rejection. "I-I love you too, Alana," she managed to say, her voice filled with a mixture of shyness and genuine affection.

Time seemed to fly by after their confession, and the two lovers embraced their newfound relationship with passion and intensity. Their love for each other grew stronger each day, and they embarked on a journey of exploration and discovery together.

However, one day, as Lucy realized that she was pregnant with Alana's child, a sense of unease settled within her. She knew she had to tell Alana, but the timing couldn't have been worse.

Pov Lucy

Today, I have to face Alana and tell her the truth, that I'm carrying our child. I make my way to the castle, my heart heavy with apprehension. However, as I approach the castle, I unintentionally overhear a conversation between Alana and her father.

"You will marry the princess of a prestigious kingdom in two weeks. Make sure you treat her well, Lana," her father commanded, leaving no room for objection.

The words struck me like a blow to the chest, shattering the hope that had remained within me. How could I tell Alana about the pregnancy now, when she was about to marry someone else? Doubt gnawed at my heart, whispering that perhaps I should keep silent, sparing Alana the burden of this truth. With a heavy heart, I left the castle, tears streaming down my face. How foolish of me to have ever dreamed of a life with a princess. I felt utterly foolish and defeated.

A week passed, and I wrestled with my emotions, torn between my love for Alana and the painful reality of her impending marriage. Finally, I made a decision. I would write a letter to Alana, requesting her presence at our favorite park, the place where we had shared so many cherished moments. She arrived, unaware of the heavy news awaiting her.

As I watched her for a few moments, my heart ached with conflicting emotions. With a deep breath, I began to speak, my voice trembling slightly. "Alana, I'm sorry, but things have changed for me. It's not the same as it used to be between us. So, please, forget about it. I'm leaving forever, and don't try to find me because I'm getting married."

Each word I spoke felt like a stab in my own heart, but I hoped it would be enough to make Alana let go. Tears streamed down her face as she desperately pleaded with me, making my decision even more agonizing.

"Please, don't go like this. I can't bear to lose you," she cried, her voice filled with heartbreak.

"Please, Alana, forget about me. I know you love me, but if you don't want to hurt me, let me go," I implored, tears mingling with my words. With those final words, I turned and ran away, unable to bear the pain of the situation any longer.

After Lucy's departure, Alana was devastated. She went on to marry the person her father had chosen, and her dreams of becoming a captain faded into the background. The pain of losing Lucy haunted her, and she never heard from her again. Their love story remained a bittersweet memory, forever etched in their hearts.

After so much time I decided to rewrite this story tell me if it's better.