
The Story Of The Black Angels

A mysterious town . Everyone knows the dangers of it . Dangers , in the form of anything and anyone . Everyone also knows that there are people to save them from the dangers . Angels , with amazing powers . However , their identities are unknown . Common people stay in their limits , don't show any unnecessary curiosity . Nothing matters as long as they are safe . It doesn't matter who is saving them . But ... Shouldn't they know the identity of their saviours .... .....or at least of their enemies ? How long will they live in legends ? Let this novel uncover the secrets of the town ..... ......... with the help of certain characters . Enilese has recently been added to the Angels group . She is always cheerful and friendly . She is the living embodiment of her Guardian Spirit . She has yet to know about their group's past , enemies and of course the secrets of the town . What would happen when she would unknowingly get involved with her group's worst enemies . Note 1 : no mature content and intense violence . Note 2 : main focus on mind , thoughts ,feelings and emotions .

Nabanita18 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
77 Chs

The Queen of the Spirits (1)

Finally , it was the day of the long awaited event in the mountain of spirits . It was the day when the king of the spirits would select a queen for the kingdom .

For the purpose , a grand and gorgeous banquet has been arranged . All the spirits were invited for the grand event . The spirits had already started coming to the banquet . The hall was filled with indistinct gossips and laughter .

The main character of this grand arrangement , the Fire spirit , was yet to come .

A group of female spirits were gossiping about the upcoming events .

" I'm pretty sure that Water spirit is going to be the queen . " , one of them said .

" How can you be so sure ? " another one asked with slight jealousy .

" Well , isn't that quite obvious ? She is the best one for this title . "

The previous one spoke up , " I don't think so . There are many other suitable spirits . I don't know what you see so special in her . If I were the king the Water spirit would've been my last choice . "

" Your jealousy is pretty obvious you know ? " , one of them spoke up with a laugh , " You may not like her but you can't deny that all these years there has been no other female spirit who could prove herself more suitable than Water spirit . She's always been best in everything . "

" I didn't know , you guys like that arrogant vixen that much ? " , the jealous spirit said .

Other spirits looked around hurriedly and one of them spoke up , " I think , you really should watch your words now . If anybody hears it , that won't be good for us . "

" Huh ! I'm not afraid of saying the truth . "

A spirit tried to ease the situation , " It's not about we like her or not , it's that she is the most deserving one . I know , you have some problems with her but we really can't do anything here . Everything depends on the King . "

The quietest of the group finally said to the angry one , " I don't understand why you are reacting this much . She has not been selected yet . We all know about Fire spirit's love for Nature spirit . There is always the possibility that he won't be able to select anyone and the choice would go to the court . And the court has someone else in their mind . "

" That'd be much better . I am okay with any other spirit but not that vixen . "

" But , I don't see any point for the Fire spirit to not select the Water spirit because he knows very well only water spirit can help him fulfil the love between him and the Nature spirit . After he marries the Water spirit a part of her power would be attached to him and that would help him and Nature spirit to be together without any problem . "

The quietest one said again to the fuming spirit , " You know , you can't see the actual truth because of your anger and jealousy . You want the Water spirit to suffer , right ? "

The former one nodded . The quiet one continued , " Then let her be the queen . "

The spirits looked at her confusedly .

She continued with a smirk , " Can't you understand ? This marriage would bring lifetime misery for her . "

" How ? "

" Even though she would be the queen she would never get the king's love . And the Fire spirit would marry his beloved Nature spirit as soon as possible . Just imagine , the beautiful and virtuous queen of the spirits would be denied the love and affection of her mate . Is there anything more shameful than that as a queen ? .... Can any marriage be more miserable than that ? And according to our law she would never be allowed to break the marriage . So in short , she'd be forever unhappy in this marriage . "

The other spirit's face lit up for a moment before becoming tensed again . She said , " But , what if that vixen seduces the king and the king falls for her tricks ? "

" Oh , come on . You think , the king can be seduced ? Huh , don't make me laugh . If it were anyone else I could've believed it but it's the king we're talking about . And seduction doesn't work on him . "

None of them said anything anymore as they laughed out loud thinking about the miserable future of someone .


After some time , finally , the Fire spirit arrived , accompanied by the Wind spirit and some guards .

As he slowly walked in the other spirits stopped gossiping and bowed to him . He nodded towards them . Some spirits came forward to greet him . The venue again got filled with voices and laughter .

The Wind spirit was admiring the beautiful arrangements and saying something to his friend but his friend's eyes were scanning through the room in search of someone . The Fire spirit's disappointed eyes stopped on a familiar figure who was standing alone near a window .

The wind spirit looked at him as he wasn't answering any of his questions . He followed his eyes and let out a sigh .

The Fire spirit said after a moment , " Excuse me for a moment . I have to meet someone . "

" Umm , sure , I understand . " , the wind spirit said , " Um , can I ask a question ? "

The Fire spirit nodded .

" Have you made up your mind about who to select as the queen ? "

He nodded again .

Wind spirit couldn't help but ask , " Who is it ? "

" What's so hurry ? Just wait a little longer , you'd come to know anyway . " , with that the Fire spirit left . The wind spirit made a displeased expression and said , " Whatever ! " , with that he went to meet other spirits .

The Fire spirit approached the lonely figure , in slow steps . The spirit's face lit up upon seeing him as she spoke up , " Why are you so late ? "

" I had some things to do . " , he replied in a straightforward tone .

" Really ? Or , are you nervous to meet your beloved ? " , she said in a slightly teasing tone . He rolled his eyes at her .

" Anyway , she is at the balcony . " , she said after some time but he didn't say anything . He just stood there looking at the spirits enjoying themselves .

She looked at him and asked , " Aren't you going to meet her ? "

" That's not your concern . " , he said without looking at her , she didn't mind him as she shrugged her shoulders .

" Why are you standing here , alone ? " , he said after a while , picking up a drink from the table .

" I like it here . " , she said . He didn't say anything as he started taking small sips from his glass .

Some moments passed like that . The Water spirit couldn't take it anymore . She said , " How long are you going to stand here ? "

" Why ? Do you own this place ? "

" No , I don't . But now , you shouldn't be here . Don't you know she's waiting for you ? "

He was going to say something again but before he could the Water spirit pushed him slightly towards a certain direction saying , " Just go . She has been waiting for a long time . "

The corner was a bit far from the crowd , so nobody was around them otherwise they would have been really shocked if they saw that the king was being pushed by someone .


As the fire spirit came to the balcony he found the love of his life looking at the moon with a sad smile on her face .

He approached her and spoke up , " I think , I made you wait for so long . "

She turned hearing his voice and her autumn eyes sparkled a little with joy .

" I thought , you won't come . " , she said softly .

" It's not like that . It's just , I didn't know how to face you . " , he was going to say more but the Nature spirit cut him off , " Why ? Because you have to select someone else as your queen ? " , the king of the spirits looked at her with sad eyes but didn't say anything .

" Well , it's not that we didn't know about this . Both of us knew that this day would come . So don't feel bad . " , she said and smiled a little .

They looked at each other for some time , the Nature spirit was looking very beautiful , her smile was very soothing but her soft eyes had a tinge of sadness in them . The fire spirit cupped her face with his right hand and caressed her cheek with his thumb . After a while he pulled away and went to the railing .

" Aren't you upset ..... or should I say disappointed in me ? " , he spoke up looking at the moon .

" Honestly speaking , I am a bit upset that the person I love is going to select someone else as his partner . But .... I also know that it is not in your hands . Destiny doesn't permit us to be together . No one is to be blamed here , specially you . " , she stopped for a while and then continued , " Don't blame yourself , you are the king , you have many responsibilities towards your subjects and one of them is giving them a virtuous queen . You should do it without any regret . "

" I knew , there'd be a day like this . That's why I never wanted to be the king in the first place . "

" Don't say that . The spirits wanted you as their king , they had faith in you . And all this while you've proved that they weren't wrong in choosing you . You are the best king we've ever had . And believe me , no one would ever question any of your decisions not even me because I know , you'd always choose the best for the people . So don't worry , whatever you decide , I'll respect your decision . "

The fire spirit nodded a little . None of them said anything for a while before Nature spirit spoke up , " So , who do you want to select as the queen ? "

" I have always wanted only one person as my queen and ... that is you . "

( A small moment of silence )

" Since that is not possible , you must've thought about someone else .... "

" If you were in my place who would you have selected ? " , the fire spirit cut her off .

She thought for a while and said , " Of course , I'd have chosen the water spirit . "

" And why is that ? "

" She deserves to be the queen , she is perfect from every angle . I really admire her a lot ... And ..... "

The fire spirit looked at her and she continued , " I may sound a bit selfish but I know very well that only she can help us to be together . So , if we have a chance to be together I would really take that . "

The Fire spirit didn't say anything , so the Nature spirit said again , " Don't you think so ? "

" Think what ? "

" That she is the most deserving one ? "

He thought for a while and spoke up , " She may have all the qualities to be the queen but the thing is .... she is too arrogant and also a bit rebellious . And I don't think , a queen should be like that . "

" Arrogant ? But I've never seen her behaving like that . "

" How much do you know about her ? "

" Well , I don't really know much about her . She doesn't attend most of the gatherings and if she does she doesn't speak much . So I've never got much opportunities to talk to her . "

" But I know her very well . I know , how hard it is to deal with her . "

She remained silent for a moment and said , " I think , she has the right to be arrogant . " , the Fire spirit looked at her raising his brows . She continued , " She has all the qualities to be an independent queen and she knows that . "

" Independent queen ? "

" Yes . A queen who is not under any king's order but is an independent ruler . But our laws don't permit a woman to be in such power . She is too strong to be an obedient queen . " , she stops for a while and continued , " You know , if you don't select a queen yourself , the court would select someone who is docile and obedient , easy to manipulate , so that they can maintain their influence in the king's rule through her . The court would never select the Water spirit as she is not easy to influence at all . "

" I know . "

" Are you sceptical about her ? " , she asked as he wasn't saying anything .

" I don't know but I can't understand what she wants . "

" Earlier you said that she just wants to be the queen , she is not interested in anything else not even you and she would also help us to be together . So what are you stressed about ? "

" That's what she said .... But she is so unpredictable . What if she changes her mind later . What if she doesn't want to help us anymore . What if she doesn't want me to have another queen . "

" But the king can make decisions even if it's against his queen's choice . " , the Nature spirit said with a pout .

He couldn't help but smile seeing her expression and said , " Of course , I can make decisions against her choice , but if she doesn't offer a part of her power to me nothing would change between us . Even if I marry you we won't be able to get close to each other . "

Nature spirit remained silent for a moment then spoke up , " I don't think , she'd be that cruel to us ..... And if she is I'd just leave everything to our destiny . "

( Silence )

The Nature spirit suddenly said , " I just remember that all this time I was just talking about my opinion . You haven't told me yet who you've decided to select . "

The king of the spirits looked at her and started in a cold voice , " As the king , I have to keep in mind what would be best for my subjects as well as my own life . I won't say much because I think , you can guess the rest . "

His beloved just nodded a little and turned to the beautiful moon again . No one said anything for a moment , both of them were in their own thoughts . After some time , the Fire spirit looked at the Nature spirit only to find her fidgeting with her fingers .

" What happened ? You suddenly got quiet . "

" Um ... I'm just thinking about something . "

" And what are you thinking about ? How to deal with her in the future ? I'm telling you , it'll be really hard . " , he said in a teasing tone .

" That's not what I'm worried about . "

" Then ? "

She turned to him and spoke up , " What if you fall for her and don't want me in your life anymore ? " , the slight layer of anticipation in her eyes didn't get unnoticed by him . They stared at each other for a moment .

" That day will never come . " , he said in an undetermined tone and pulled her into a comforting hug .

They talked for a while about themselves before returning back to the hall .