
The story of shrouded nomad

Nomad who is sometimes imprisoned in the talismans of beauty, sometimes lost in the whispers of deserts, sometimes the draw of love feeds flowers and flowers in his heart, sometimes in the fire of hatred, he regrets even being consumed. It doesn't happen. Where the uncrowned kings of crime are happy to trample the helpless underfoot. Where there are beggars and players in this world of appearances. The story of kafna doosh born in the midst of these feelings and accidents.

NASEER_Khan · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs


You have given a good name, magician, what is wrong with me, but I myself like this name. You must have told people a lot about them before me. I have not come to Vijay Nagar city for the first time.

Excuse me, do you charge for this information? As if you wanted to say that this is not my livelihood.

No I have apologized, I am very impressed with you, what you have told me about me, please don't tell anyone else, listen to one thing if you are thinking that there is a blackmailer in Kaushal Kumari. I will try to get something from you by knowing your personal matters, so remove this thought from your heart.

No please you just keep seeing me as a friend, I am one myself I will consider myself a lucky person.

Ok, then the food was eaten with Kaushal Kumari. I own it I had told about the room number but not the name because I had not discussed it with Teja. However, she stayed with me for a long time, came to my room and then turned to go back saying, "don't go I will meet you tomorrow too." When she left, I took a deep breath and starting changing. All of a sudden I thought of Teja and along with it a strange rustling sounded so I turned around and saw Teja sitting on the chair. I took a deep breath seeing him and said.

"Are you here?"

He began to flow and then said. "Tell me, how was it?"

"Yes, it was interesting."

Look, don't try to fly too far from it. In the room with you had come don't look at too much mother earth you fool, this world is meant to be taken with life, these beautiful girls are what they are, aren't they, they increase the age. This game of life is for a short period of time, if a person avoids it, the he is not a person could be an angel. Be careful in the future, if you invite her to spend time with you even once, she would refuse? Goodness has happened and it has happened in so many cases that it also needs its place. It is not just about one skilled maid, there are many skilled maids. Tell me one thing Teja I didn't tell these people my name. well done, but a name must be mentioned.

Yes, names have an identity. If you are a Hindu, tell me any Hindu name, for example, what did "Om" understand and if you are a Muslim, then you have a Muslim name of your own. By the way, one thing has been forgotten that you have been registered as Prince Tahir in the hotel. If Kaushal Kumari is at all clever, after she leaves you and sees your room, she will see your name in the hotel counter register and know that Prince Tahir, well, what I have given you is not the idea to put. Well, then I lay down to rest. The fact that the little time I spent in the dining hall was the most pleasant thing for me was that I was being looked at strangely. Sonia herself was an attractive woman, Kaushal Kumari was also wonderful and if I kept telling these girls about her like this, I would be surrounded by girls all the time. It is also a part of human nature that people want everything. I don't know when I fell asleep in these thoughts, the next morning there was a loud knock on the door and I woke up on that knock. I had indeed locked the door from the inside but the hotel waiter could easily open it. It means that it is not a waiter, when I opened the door, Kaushal Kumari was standing there. I was surprised and spoke.

"Of course, I realize that I have come the wrong way, but please allow me in."

"Come, come, I said." He came in and closed the door, so I said.

"If it's not an emergency, at least give me permission to go to the washroom."

"One thing please, I'll call room service and order breakfast."

A smile spread across my lips.

"I said. Ok send it."

"Ok" I went to the washroom and came out very contentedly after doing the shave bath and changed my clothes. All the while I was thinking about Kaushal Kumari, as if Teja was right in saying that Kaushal Kumari because of me, I lost sleep at night. When I came out, Kaushal Kumari looked at me with loving eyes and said, "You look like raw Princess, what do you thing I can't know about you, Tahir. It's very easy." The kaushal ji, you must have taken my name from the counter register of the hotel. She started wearing it and then said but your name is Magician. I will lovingly call you Magician and you are Magician too. People you not only tell them about their past, present and future, but you are also very good at capturing their hearts. A smile spread across my lips, before I could say anything, the hotel waiter brought breakfast items had come. The matter was postponed, breakfast was done, said Kaushal Kumari and you did not ask me how I came to you so early?

I think it was an inappropriate thing to ask, guests can come to anyone at any place at any time. I'm not a guest, come on, whatever all night did not sleep.


I kept thinking about you.

"What?" That's who you are, keep thinking all night. Yes, if I say one more thing, I don't believe it. I hate myself.

If you have hated yourself, what is the justification for hating me?

"You have to support me."


"How will I support you in burning Ghunud."

"Just you have to make love with me for drama?"

"Just drama?" when is asked, she started looking at me strangely. Then speak.
