
The story of shrouded nomad

Nomad who is sometimes imprisoned in the talismans of beauty, sometimes lost in the whispers of deserts, sometimes the draw of love feeds flowers and flowers in his heart, sometimes in the fire of hatred, he regrets even being consumed. It doesn't happen. Where the uncrowned kings of crime are happy to trample the helpless underfoot. Where there are beggars and players in this world of appearances. The story of kafna doosh born in the midst of these feelings and accidents.

NASEER_Khan · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs


"Yes, tell me what the situation is?" He presented himself as an elder, a dervish to solve people's problems and interfered in matters in which he should not have interfered. Did he do anything against humans?"

No of course he did not do that, but he tried to attain the rank of faqiri for which jihad has been waged for centuries. Difficulties have to be taken who has revealed his unique knowledge calls upon oneself. This is a great sin. A person himself his murshid. Its name also represents different religions when it shouldn't. He admits himself to the realm of dervishes in her name. Qutb, Abdal, all these are the protectors of the hidden world, but there are those who penetrate by stealthy paths they also tamish the status. Indeed in order to gain status, one has to observe for a long time and such people who come forward from these thieving paths and start misleading people are worthy of punishment. They should be punished he should be given the worst punishment.

"You want to say something in your cleaning." Judge said to me.

"Don't know what my crime is? What is the crime against me? I have been troubled since the beginning and strange things have happened to me. My parents have been taken away from me and I am living in exile, in such a case I have not committed any crime. Are these people sitting on the streets that play what kind of games by inciting people, them with all kinds of advantage of the problem of known people and tempting favors and extracting wealth from them? I am nothing like that."

"What is it? He lies, talks nonsense, who is living his life and how you did it you have undertaken to solve people's problems, are they the result of your hard work?"

"What did you do?"

"But Mr. Murshid said, the name of the person does not reveal his nationality yes, he is called Murshid isn't it the Hein of dervishes?"

"I am an ignorant man who knows nothing."

"He should be punished, he should be punished, voices began to emerge from all around and I became unconscious after hearing these voices." This is very difficult, what should I do? What should I do I suddenly got up from my seat and tried to run, no one tried to stop me. But when I got out of that big wide hall and started looking for a way to escape in this khan do-like building, I didn't see any way. Wherever I went a wall would block my way, whether I was in a dream or in reality. These moments of fear were talking over my life and I was shaking badly with fear, then screams started coming out of my throat, save, save, save me but there was no one to hear my voice. Tired of running. I don't know who is who in the building 1 had circled. Tried to come back to the hall where the rest of the people were. But which hall? what hall there was no big hall. What was all this, this building was a Gorakh Dhanda, anyway, it was destroyed as much as possible and lay down on the ground. My body was wet from drinking, my heart was beating too loudly to be heard, and I turned and saw four old men in green robes, very tall and with eyes as bright as glasses, on their faces. Very severe signs were visible and I felt as if they were starting at me with hateful eyes. Then one of them went ahead and said. "Get up, your father doesn't rule here. Prepare to be punished."

I was shaking with fear. I said. "But what have I done?"

"O accursed human being, why do you call yourself innocent, you have no idea how you have been sinning. After suffering the punishment of your sins, life has been narrowed on you, now you will have to face every difficulty in the world from which you want to run away to save your life."

Could wave were running throughout my body and I could not understand what sin I had committed. But it was not possible for me to escape from the torment I was in. The four old man went ahead and caught me? The way they put their grips on my arm, they were unbelievable to me, I felt like their hands were made of wood, the grip was so tight that I felt the bones breaking. Snatchers came out of my throat; they dragged me away from there and then took me to a room in the same dilapidated building. The room would be 10 by 10 yards at most, spot walls, spot ceiling above, just a small door through which they let me in and then they locked the door from outside. I started looking at these walls in surprise, suddenly a stream of water gushed out from the holes around the walls and fell on my body and soaked my whole being left.

This water was hot. A scream of terror came from my throat and I rushed towards the door, but there was no door in the room. I even forgot to determine the direction, which direction was that door. The surrounding walls were now spewing hot water, and this water was so hot that it burned my skin. Stream was also filling the room, the water fell on the ground and the soles of my feet started burning. Terrible gasps started coming out of my throat and I said in a panicked manner. "Save, save, save me."

But no one was going to save me in that locked room. I went crazy with a frenzy, hitting the walls, trying to protect myself from the water jets, but the pressure of the water jets was so strong that they hit the opposite walls and splashed across the room. Were the agony I was going through at that time cannot be described in words. I was trying to protect my eyes by keeping both hands on my eyes, but every drop of boiling water was burning my body from place to place. He was jumping on the ground in a strange way and the agony of his veins and legs was familiar with the fire of hell at that time. He could not bear it even for a few moments and fainting started.
