

Hi I am Alice. I'm the gardener of this park. And what I believe is real. The people that come and go in this park had a story to tell. Some might have sad stories or some don't.

The stories I collect from the people are represented by a plant here in the garden. The plants that grow here are forever be growing. Now, you ask why is it called 'The Garden Of Ice'? To answer that question is a part of what's great about the garden. The people that made the garden bloom with their stories. For example the couple that once took shelter in the shed since a blizzard struck the garden in that moment they formed a bond that forever changed them and that made their tree grow. And another one was a child that visited the park was on the verge of dying just to see the rain with his friends for the last time with his friends crying beside him.

This kind of bond that formed around people was unique in each way that plants grow in different ways. The Ice in the garden represents the limitation of human life. Ice can be seen as a human it can be hard at one point but... The hardness is temporary. Humans will grow each year. As the ice melt they grow older and older carrying their memories with them representing the finite life of ice and humans. By doing so makes me wonder... If the Ice breaks what would happen? Well... That's just it I guess. The end of a life filled with memories.


In the end. I'm just a gardener that looks over my plants.


