
Chapter 36


  "Mummy", Salamat called entering the sitting room. It was a Sunday morning and her father and mother were both at home.

  The couple were sitting next to each other on a three-seater with a plate of freshly based chin-chin in between. They were both watching a program on MTVbase as they crunched on the snack.

  Her mother raised her head in response and replied with a " Uhm" as she threw more of the chin-chin into her mouth.

  "Dad, I thought you said you were going out", Salamat said, moving close to them.

  "Yes, I changed my mind", he answered her.

  "Okay", she said and sat down.

  She was debating on how to tell them she was going out with Ayoade. She knew Ayoade's father and her dad were currently not on good terms because of the incident that happened back in Abeokuta.

  Mr. Ademola and Ayoade's father who was known as 'Brother Jamiu' were from the same hometown and their fathers were friends.