

watched with his back resting on the headboard as Eleanora paced back and forth at the foot of the hotels bed. He had slipped on his jeans, and he had a small smirk on his face due to the sight in front of him.

Eleanora had put on the first shirt she grabbed, which ended up being one of Mark's. It was too big on her, the bottom reaching around the top of her thighs and the long sleeves going well past her hands. Her hair was a perfect mess, and Mark could see some of the hickies he left on her neck and that her lips were still kiss-swollen.

It made pride swell in his chest.

Eleanora, however, was rambling on and on, her voice high-pitched and slightly panicked.

"We...you, oh my god we had ! I had sex with . Mark Sloan had sex with . Y-you're my boss! I can't, I shouldn't be having sex with you. Oh god, am I going to be fired? Wait no, Mer and Derek weren't fired." Eleanora is silent for a moment, then she stops in her pacing to look at Mark with wide eyes.

"Oh god, Mark, we can't be the next Meredith and Derek! That's a mess and I don't know if I can handle the stares. I just now starting being able to ignore the sad, Alex caused stares!"

Mark let out a small sigh, sitting up as he looked at the woman. "Nora, you have to calm down. We aren't going to be the next Derek and Meredith, we just slept together one time." Mark shrugged, his eyes filling with lust as he remembers the night before. "One amazing, long, hot, time. But one time nonetheless."

Eleanora leaned over and picked up his jacket and balled it up, throwing it at him. He let out a yell and caught it, snapping out of his memories.

"Stop that!" She squeaked, her face heating up.

"Stop what?" He asked, looking at her with wide eyes.

"The looking at me like.....! It's distracting!"

Mark smirked, leaning forward. He let his eyes trail over her bare legs, licking his lips. "I can't help it that I look at you a certain way, doll."

Eleanora made a noise, throwing a crumpled up shirt at him. "Mark Sloan!"

The two joined in on laughter, Mark leaning back on the bed as he caught the shirt. The laughter dies off after a few moments and they continue to stare at each other, their eyes a mixture of softness and hunger.

Eleanora let her eyes drift to the alarm clock on the nightstand, letting out a gasp. "Oh god, I have to be at work in an hour. Oh god I have to shower!"

Mark shrugged, scratching at his chest. "You can use mine. The water pressure is, truly, worth the money."

Eleanora gave him a nervous look for a moment, biting the inside of her cheek as she weighed the pros and cons. She let her eyes dance across his bare chest, Mark smirking when he noticed. She took a shaky breath, deciding to go ahead and put herself out there.

"I don't think I'll know how to work it. Do you think you could.....help me?" Her voice was soft, but Mark noticed something in it he had never heard from her before. Underneath the softness and shyness, he heard .

A grin settled on his lips as he crawled off the bed, giggles falling off of hers as he placed two hands on her waist and started to push her towards his bathroom door.

"Thought you'd never ask, doll."


looked up from where she was sitting at the nurses station when she heard Meredith start speaking, her voice happy and excited.

"It's the first day! My clinical trial, my baby, all grown up." Meredith grabs a pile of charts and sets them down beside Eleanora.

She looks up at her friend, squeezing her arm in excitement. "Yay! I hear it's a busy one, you should be proud!"

Izzie made a noise, obviously jealous of Merediths clinical trial. Sure, all of the residents were, it was a huge thing for someone's career. However, it just made the rest of them want to push harder in other aspects, whereas it made Izzie mad and left her falling behind.

"Yeah, nobody cares about your clinical trial or your sick, sick terminal patients who would probably rather be left for dead."

Meredith gave her a sarcastic smile. "You're just jealous."

Izzie scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Well yeah."

Eleanora giggled, shaking her head as she focused back on the chart she was going through. She felt her hand drift to the part of her scrub top that was covering her chest, and therefore covering the hickies Mark left on her the night before.

They hadn't stopped seeing each other after the one night and morning in his hotel room. Sure, they tried, Eleanora telling him it wasn't professional and Mark not wanting to upset the girl, even if the thought of never being with her again broke his heart in two.

It had lasted about a week, which to them felt like years. Longing glances, lust filled eyes, and innuendos whispered from Mark just dragging it on. After working a case together where they saved a little girls face after a mauling, they fell into each other again.

Just like that, the next two weeks were full of sneaking into Eleanora's room, trying to get past the house full of residents. When they didn't go back to her place, they ended up at his hotel, not hiding at all.

So far, it had just been sex. Their relationship was the same as before, which had started to get Elenaora wondering if maybe it wasn't shocking that they ended up together. Still, she chose to ignore it, wanting to just enjoy what they had in that moment before it changed or ended up ruined.

"Ella, Elllaaa." Meredith called out, snapping in front of her friends face. Eleanora jumped, looking up at her with a deer-in-headlights look.


Meredith gave her a curious look. "We've been waiting for you to give your input on the fact I found my path to medical history, but you've just been sitting there, staring off into space."

Cristina hummed, looking at her with slightly narrowed eyes. "You've been doing that a lot lately. It's kind of concerning."