

The Stark by Dscot

I do not own this story.


It had only been one day since I finished the tough negotiations with Jon and Robert when the first competitors began to arrive in King's Landing. People from all walks of life, peasants and nobles alike, were gathering from all over Westeros to celebrate in Robert's tournament. Robert was extremely excited, especially since I had helped make the festival more extravagant. I had contributed funds to the festival, sponsoring small vendors throughout the city so they could have their own selling spaces. I also had set aside money to directly hire people from flea bottoms, other poor sections, to clean the streets and provided whitewash for painting the buildings.

So, when most of the Nobles from across Westrose finally arrived, the city looked much cleaner. Although I didn't bother addressing the smell issue, as it would have been a waste of my money to fix it.

Three days later, my Uncle Ned, along with his family and a group of Lords from the North, made their way into Kings Landing. Marching behind them were at least 300 Stark soldiers with another 300 guardsmen from the variety of northern lords.

That evening, I was seated at the high table, sitting beside my uncle and the always enthusiastic Robert. I found myself eavesdropping on their tales of their youth and the mischief and whoring they got up to while my uncle was staying in Kings Landing.

Uncle Ned seemed extremely uncomfortable during this part, and I could see Catelyn grimacing from the corner of my eye. Meanwhile, Cersei appeared to take a sadistic pleasure in the fact that they both were being cheated on

As stories of their past and incredible adventures filled the air, my mind began to wander, completely absorbed by the breathtaking grandeur of the magnificent Red Keep's grand Hall. The reality of its size and beauty far surpassed what I had seen portrayed on the television show.

The grand hall was truly awe-inspiring, exceeding even my wildest imaginings. It was so incredibly vast that it could accommodate noble families from every corner of Westeros, from the High Lords to the humblest hedge knights who traveled the lands.

To be honest, I shouldn't have been surprised by the differences in scale. After all, the show had made great efforts to showcase the grandness of Winterfell. However, the Winterfell they depicted on screen was so small in comparison that it could easily fit within the immense expanse of my Gods Woods, with plenty of room to spare.

During the feast, Robert was super excitedly telling everyone that the tournament was starting the next day. He mentioned that lords from all over Westeros had already arrived in King's Landing. There was a bit of buzz when people found out that my two sisters decided to participate in the melee, along with their friends Alysane and Dacey Mormont. There was even more excitement when Sybelle announced that she would join the joust. Also accompanying my sisters in the melee was our childhood friend, Brandon Snow. He has been squirting with my grandfather and was convinced by Maisie to join them.

In the beginning, it seemed like Robert had some doubts about letting them participate, especially because of the comments Uncle Ned and Caitlyn made. But I managed to convince him. I gave Ned a stern look, silently telling him to be quiet, and pointed out that "true northern women have exceptional riding and fighting skills, often better than most southerners knight." I found it quite amusing when Robert found our argument entertaining and dismissed any concerns about them participating.

"They're not weak like southern women," I said, keeping my eyes on Catelyn, who was making snide comments about my sister. She looked shocked when she realized I had heard her. I could tell that Ned had something he wanted to say in defense of his wife, but he chose to stay silent. He was well aware of my strong dislike towards her. Similarly, I knew he had thoughts about my sister participating in the tournament. He held the belief that women shouldn't be fighting or riding.


The next morning before, breaking my fast I went over and scanned the list of people participating in the melee and didn't see anyone interested who was participating. so I decided to just join the joust. I helped my sisters with the registration and made sure everything was going smoothly. Once that was taken care of, I left them to prepare for the melee.

My cousin Brandon and Olly were assisting Sybelle, Maisie, Brandon, Dacey and Alysane in their preparations for the upcoming melee. While I could sense Olly's frustration at not being able to participate in the archery competition, I was relieved to see that he had made the sensible decision to refrain from joining. It may have been a minor injury sustained during our encounter with the freefolk beyond the Wall, but I knew it was important for Olly to give his muscles the time they needed to heal. I reminded him that there would be many more opportunities for him to showcase his skills in the future.

As I made my way out of their tent, I passed Jon Umber who had managed to gather a group of skilled northerners to fight alongside him. I greeted him and wished him good luck in the upcoming melee. I went to one of my northern food vendors outside the stadium to collect chicken strips. While they made 40 big pieces. I walk around and look at the shops of other vendors to pick up some lemon cakes. I stopped and picked up a crate of northern ale, a bottle of chilled apple juice and two whiskey bottles. Stopping to talk to the vendor as her assistant collected my items. Before I got too far into our discussions with the vendor I heard the trumpet announcing that the tourney would soon start so I collected all my items, then I made my way to the tournament ground.

Walking into the pavilion, I spotted Robert motioning for me to sit with him. I noticed that my mother, as well as my Myranda was there, sitting next to uncle Benjen and his family. I was happy to see my uncle Rodrik as well, but couldn't find my grandfather. Next to him was my uncle Ned and his family. Little Arya was eagerly leaning against a post, excited for the games to begin. I rolled my eyes as her mother scolded her to behave like her older sister, who sat upright without fidgeting as she observed the gathering.

As I made my way to my seat, I locked eyes with Catelyn. I held her gaze until she glanced away. Okay, perhaps engaging in this power play with her is a little petty, but I can't stand the bitch. I then turned to handing her some chicken strips, then told Arya to go down where Brandon and Olly are. I had several of my most elite guards around Brandon at all times, and they had enough room around them. That Arya could easily sit with them, and be closer to the spectacle. Before even getting her parents permission, grab the food then she was gone, climbing her way down towards her cousins.

I hadn't even been able to get comfortable in my seat before Robert noticed the bottles that I had, and eagerly came over to me taking one in his hands and saying, is this northern ale before uncorking it and taking a swig. I assumed he was going to do that and that is why I brought my whiskey. When he tried to grab my whiskey bottle, I quickly moved it out of his reach, and told one of my guards to go get another bottle while I gave Robert a glare. Smiling Robert stole my chicken strips while I was moving my whiskey away from him.

The day kicked off with Robert starting an archery competition that lasted the whole morning. I was thrilled to see both my cousins, Robb Stark and Domeric Dustin, participating in it. Robb was actually a really skilled archer. I had been watching him for a while and it was clear that he had received training in using both the sword and bow. However, he wasn't quite on the same level as his fictional counterpart who was the heir to the North and had better training and education.

The archery tournament had different rounds where the target would be moved further back each time. Robb made it to the semifinals, but unfortunately, one of his arrows missed the mark and he got eliminated from the competition. On the other hand, Domeric and one of his companions had reached the finals. The target had become smaller by then, which made it trickier for Domeric, and he did end up hitting the target, but it didn't stick so it was counted as a missed shot.

In the grand finals, there was one competitor from the north and one from the Riverland. Both competitors put on a great show, going for three rounds of intense archery. It was impressive to witness each of them hitting the bullseye with precision. In the end, I was thrilled to see my fellow northerner come out as the winner, although it was a close call. He displayed incredible skill by placing all of his arrows right in the center circle, while his opponent had one that was teetering on the line. As I examined the victorious northerner's gambeson, I noticed a mark of identification indicating he was a guardsman who served under House Dustin.

After the young archer was awarded his prize by Robert, he started making his way back. Just then, Domeric approached him and warmly grasped his shoulder. They exchanged friendly conversation, with smiles and laughter. When our gazes met, I acknowledged Lord Dustin for having such a skilled archer in his company.


Before the melee could start, Caitlyn was joined by her brother, Edmure. After a few minutes, Jon Arryn and his wife arrived, followed by Hoster. Hoster greeted me as if I were his favorite nephew before taking his seat next to his daughter. As I eagerly watched my sisters step into the arena, a swell of pride filled my chest. I knew without a doubt that they were skilled warriors, well-prepared for the melee that lay ahead. Probably only one better at using the spear than these two was our little sister Ros.

From my seat in the stands, I took in the spectacle below, carefully scanning the sea of combatants. It was easy to spot the three groups of Northmen and women, distinguishable by their gleaming full steel plated armor. The intricate engravings on their armor showcased the craftsmanship and attention to detail that set them apart from the rest. Our journey to King's Landing was not just for meeting up with Robert; it was meant to showcase the vast difference between the North and the other kingdoms. Our weaponry and armor far surpassed anything the other realms had to offer. Our fighters were unmatched in skill and training. By the end of this trip, it would become evident to the Seven Kingdoms that the rumors of the North's superiority were not mere hearsay.

While Participants in the melee were positioning themselves in the arena, I hadn't noticed that my uncle had left until I saw him coming up the stands with my grandfather. standing up, I greeted my grandfather before turning to one of my servants, I handed him a list of food and drinks to bring. I was running out of my supply since Robert and my uncles kept stealing it when I wasn't paying attention.

As Robert announced the start of the melee fighting while sipping on some stolen mead. The energy in the air was palpable, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as I watched the groups form and clash against each other. In the arena, the knights from the Vale and the Riverlands joined forces and fought in small groups. It was easy to see that they weren't accustomed to working together, and occasionally, they got in each other's way. Unfortunately, numerous Westerland groups had already successfully defeated several teams that consisted of knights from the Vale and the Riverlands.

During the intense chaos of the melee, knights from the Reach put on an impressive show of teamwork. They joined forces with the knights from the Stormlands, determined to overcome their opponents from Dorne and the Crownlands. For a moment, it seemed like victory was within their reach. (Pun intended ;) However, a handful of overly confident summer knights made mistakes. The overconfident knights allowed their pride, and want for glory to cloud their judgment. they decided to go off on their own instead of continuing to collaborate with their fellow companions. This misguided decision led to their swift defeat at the hands of their opponents.

The clamor of the arena reached a fever pitch as warriors clashed and blades danced. My eyes are drawn to a remarkable group from the Westernland. Their presence was formidable, led by a towering man adorned with the emblems of three ferocious canines racing across a vibrant field of yellow. they deftly vanquished their opponents, leaving House Freys in their wake.

After defeating this Riverland House, the Western land group, seizing the opportunity afforded by the distraction Dorneish who was easily dispatching the stormland, and the Reach knights back. the Westernland, under the command of Clegane, charged from behind the Dornishmen, easily taking them out before crashing through the knights of the Reach and the Stormlands. These knights, already reeling and struggled to hold their ground was overrun by the Westernland onslaught.

Amongst all the chaos, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as I watched my sisters' group in action. Their mastery of combat was evident in every move they made. With their spears in hand, they executed the fluid movements of water dancing, a technique they had honed over years of dedicated training.

But it wasn't just my sisters who impressed me. Each member of their group displayed incredible skill in their respective fields, wielding their swords and shields with precision and grace. Their coordination was impeccable. I watched them fight, I couldn't help but be captivated by their fluidity and accuracy. Their strikes landed with uncanny precision, as if they were guided by an unseen force.


Maisie and Alysane showcased their unparalleled skills in the art of water dance as they confronted the approaching group of Vale knights. With precision, Maisie engaged the first charging Vale knight. She moved like water, effortlessly flowing past his sword swings. In a swift motion, she struck the butt of her spear against his knee, causing him to collapse in pain.

Dodging a swing from another Vale knight, Maisie used his shoulder as a pivot, swinging herself around and delivering a powerful kick with her steel toed boots to the face of a third opponent. The force of the blow sent him sprawling, unconscious. Without wasting a moment, Maisie swiftly uses the shaft of her spear to lock herself around her opponent, bringing him down to the ground before jumping and slamming him against the ground, into unconsciousness . Swiftly, twirling around, she had her spear placed in gaps of the fallen Vale knight, who raised his hands in defeat.

Meanwhile, Alysane charged forward, her weapons of choice, a mace and an ax, held firmly in her hands. She met the swing of a Vale knight head-on, deftly evading the blow with a well-timed sidestep. Seizing the opportunity, Alysane used her ax to hook onto the knight's shield, using his momentum as he had swung his sword. She pulled on his shield, causing him to be unbalanced and leaving him vulnerable. With a resounding thud, her mace connected with the back of his helmet, rendering him unconscious in an instant.

While Maisie and Alysane were busy dealing with a knight from the Riverlands and Vale, Sybelle, Dacey, and Brandon swiftly took care of a group from the Riverlands, and then turned their attention to one from the Stormlands. Unfortunately, during the skirmish with the Stormlanders, Dacey sustained an injury and had to retreat. After regrouping, Sybelle took charge and led the group in further attacks, successfully defeating another group consisting of members from House Frey.

There seemed to be some animosity between Maisie and one of the Frey individuals, as during their confrontation, she skillfully disarmed him by cutting off his hand and sliced through his thigh, causing him to scream in pain on the ground. To finish the encounter, she forcefully struck him on the head with her weapon, rendering him unconscious. After the confrontation only Maisie and Sybelle from their group were left.

I glanced at the area with my family down towards the arena. Watching as Brandon had a huge smile as he looked back at me before going back and cheering Maisie on. The children had Stark Mormont and Ryswell banners that they were flapping back-and-forth.

The arena had fewer groups compared to before. I had not seen the fight, but I guess the great Jon must've lost curious who he was fighting. All that was left was my sisters , Clegane group, were there, as well as two groups from the stormlands one with Dondarrion and I don't know who the other ones looked to be a group of hedge Knights. I have to give them credit for making it this far and not betraying each other. There were two other groups, one with Barristan Selmy and the others with Jamie Lannister in it.

Clegane and his men fought against Barristan's group, defeating all of Barristan's companions. However, Clegane's companions, and himself, were defeated by Barristan. Jamie, on the other hand, was defeated by Beric Dondarrion and his companions. After the fight with Jamie, Dondarrion was left with just one companion who had to retreat due to injuries. My sisters went against the hedge knights, surprisingly easily dispatching the three competitors..


Now there were only four competitors left: Dondarrion, Barristan, Maisie and Sybelle. Maisie took the lead against Dondarrion. Sybelle and Barristan move off to the side to allow them to have their fight without being distracted.

In the beginning of the bout Maisie was having some difficulty dealing with Dondarrion. Because of his size and speed, she struggled to keep her distance from him. Maisie focused mostly on defending herself, skillfully evading and blocking his attacks. She focused more on counter attacks, using his attack against him. Every now and then, she managed to land a few hits, but they were deflected by his sturdy armor.

Suddenly, as Maisie's spear deflected off Dondarrion's armor and slid past him, he saw an opportunity to strike back. Seizing the moment, he raised his sword, trying to stab Maisie. Off-balance and moving closer to him, Maisie narrowly escaped his attack by twisting her body and performing a series of impressive flips. The crowd erupted in cheers, amazed by the acrobatics displayed during the fight.

Maisie moved her focus to attacking Dondarrion's legs and feet with her spear. She executed rapid stabs and slashes, catching him off guard. Eventually, her relentless assault clipped him several times in the armor around his knees, she might've hit him somewhere because he stumbled back before being unbalanced, and he fell. quickly, Maisie took advantage and before he could gather himself, she had her spear poised at his throat, Maisie emerged as the victor, effectively ending their intense confrontation.

Maisie helped Dondarrion up, by enthusiastically clapping her four arms with him to show respect as she gave him support in standing up. Maisie stepped aside to make way for Sybelle and Barristan's bout. Sybelle wasted no time after the match began, launching an aggressive attack, using her spear to strike Barristan from every possible angle. But Barristan, displaying his exceptional sword skills, swiftly moved at lightning speed, effortlessly blocking each strike and deftly twisting his body to evade any potential hits.

Refocused, Sybelle now used her spear to execute quick and piercing motions, aiming to strike Barristan. Once again, he showcased his incredible skill by dodging most of the blows, relying on his armor for defense when evasion wasn't possible.

Undeterred, Barristan charged forward quickly trying to close in on Sybelle, attempting to get past her spear and invade her personal space, making it harder for her to defend. However, Sybelle maneuvered herself around him and planted her spear on the ground, using it to launch herself away from Barristan's reach with a powerful kick to his side; she managed to knock him back a few steps.

The crowd watched in awe as the two clashed, their weapons meeting with resounding force. Sybelle, not one to back down, swiftly moved her spear weapon to launch another strike at Barristan's head and gaps in his armor. However, with lightning-fast reflexes, Barristan sidestepped her attack and sliced her spear clean in half. But Sybelle was not about to let Barristan claim victory so easily.

With a burst of energy, Sybelle delivered a powerful kick to Barristan's legs, causing him to stumble and fall to one his knees, clearly in pain. Seizing the opportunity, Sybelle swiftly picked up her now shorter spear, which now measured only a meter in length. Both warriors locked eyes, ready to resume the battle.

As they circled each other, tension filled the air. Suddenly, Barristan lunged forward, his blade descending upon Sybelle. But she was prepared. Using her quick reflexes and agile legs, she deflected his blade and used her leg to deliver a strike to his injured leg, sending him crashing to the ground.

In a swift motion, Sybelle moved her spear under Barristan's neck, effectively ending the fight. The arena was filled in-shocked silence, unable to fathom that a girl from the North had just defeated the greatest warrior in the seven kingdoms. The astonishment was quickly replaced by thunderous applause, led by Prince Leon and followed by northerners, scattering through the arena then the rest of the crowd. Leon couldn't help, but smiled as he watched as his cousins and brother as well as Sybelle companions started cheering at the top of their lungs. Little Arya climbed up on top of one of the posts using Stark guards to help balance herself as, waved the Stark banner, while screaming up into the sky.

The calm atmosphere of the crowd suddenly erupted with shouts and cries after my sister defeated the greatest swordsman in the kingdom. It took almost 15 mins to restore order and silence. During that time, I couldn't help but tease and make fun of everyone in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways. Mocking Barristan, in particular, brought me immense pleasure. I was sort of surprised that no one mentioned the fact that I didn't participate in the melee to mock me back. Well I guess we can't have everything go our way. Though I got a reproachful look from my mother, my uncle and grandfather's eyes were full of amusement.

After order was restored, it was time for my two sisters to face each other in the arena. Judging by their stance, I could tell that this duel would be more of a spectacle for the crowd rather than a serious battle. They were about to engage in a mock duel, showcasing their skills and agility, twirling and flipping in coordination with the spears they wielded.

Maisie and Sybelle engaged in a fierce battle. Maisie, wielding her spears, attacked first with lightning-fast thrusts, which Sybelle skillfully parried. Sybelle, using her spare hand, blocked several strikes while also countering with her own attacks. Despite the intensity of the fight, both of them wore smiles on their faces as they continued.

Taking advantage of an opening created by Maisie's missed strike, Sybelle maneuvered closer to her. The two fighters exchanged rapid kicks and punches, skillfully blocking each other's strikes. However, Maisie seized an opportunity to spin and flip away from Sybelle and out of reach of her spear.

Now it was Sybelle's turn to go on the attack. With a quick thrust of her spear, she struck Maisie with her forearm and then twisted it, striking from different angles. She seamlessly transitioned between holding the spear with one hand and both hands as she continued her relentless assault. As the duel unfolded before their eyes, the crowd found themselves in a constant state of awe and excitement. The atmosphere was filled with a unique blend of anticipation and admiration, as they witnessed a spectacle unlike anything they had ever seen before.

Although many in the crowd were unfamiliar with the intricacies of combat fighting, they could still appreciate the artistry and finesse displayed by the duelists. The clash of spear-fighting techniques from the distant lands of YiTi and the graceful water dancing of Braavos was a mesmerizing sight to behold.

Even those who were well-versed in the art of combat couldn't help but recognize that this was more of an exhibition rather than a true fight. Yet, the skill and precision demonstrated by the dueling warriors were undeniable, leaving the crowd in a state of awe.

And just like that, the intense duel reached its conclusion. It was a swift and unexpected turn of events, as Sybelle attempted to close in on Maisie once again. But Maisie, quick on her feet, in a split second, grabbed the shaft of Sybelle's spear and pulled it forward, utilizing Sybelle's own momentum against her. Simultaneously, Maisie skillfully kicked Sybelle's feet out from under her, causing her to lose her balance. With incredible agility, Maisie swiftly maneuvered herself to be on top of Sybelle. With her knee firmly pressed against Sybelle's throat, Maisie held Sybelle's arms in an awkward angle, rendering her defenseless. The tip of Maisie's spear was poised and prepared to strike. The arena again erupted in cheers. I watched as my brother followed by my cousins and friends ran out into the arena to hug them both. I slowly stood up and started clapping.

That night, I hosted a grand feast and invited Robert and his family to join us, along with the northern Lords, on my magnificent flying ship. I wish to celebrate Maisie's victory. With encouragement from my grandfather and mother, I also invited the Lord Paramounts of Westrose that had come to King's Landing and their family.

Lord Hoster Tully was at the gathering, representing the Riverlands, and he brought his son along. I never really cared for that weasel, but surprisingly, when I looked into Hoster's thoughts, he seemed to have a surprisingly positive opinion of me, despite my genuine hatred for his daughter. I could tell from his mind that he didn't appreciate the comments I had made about her, but he seemed to think that it was mostly Catelyn's fault, not mine.

When I delved into his son's mind, I could see that he didn't like me at all. It was evident that he heard the mocking comments that I made against his family that were passed on from his sister. How horrible dealings. Though she made it sound like it was my fault. They made those mistakes on top of it. His father had several times remarked on how he was a useless heir, and how he wishes that Edmure could be more like me. He even threatened him that he was going to name Catelyn's children as the heirs to the Riverlands. Though I could tell that was not real, it was just Hoster being angry and saying things he didn't mean. It also seems that Littlefinger had failed to turn Hoster against me so he turned his attention to Hosters stupid daughters, and moronic son, who was more willing to listen. One little detail that confused me that I didn't learn before from the mockingbird's mind, was that the reason why there is no Bran Stark was that Catelyn wasn't sure when she got pregnant that the child she was pregnant with was Ned, or was littlefingers.

And, of course, there was the Hand of the King, Lord Jon Arryn, attending the gathering, representing the Vale. Jon wasn't exactly thrilled with me because of my trade embargo, and the fact, many of his vassal Lords are angry at him, and at me. Jon understood that I could be petty, so he chose to remain silent through the meeting, only talking when necessary. Then there was the Reach lord, Lord Mace Tyrell, representing the Reach. Greedily, eating everything that was in front of him at least he was mannered while stuffing his face. I know, this fool won't participate in the joust, otherwise he would end up dead.

He arrived with his mother, his wife and accompanied by his good father. One of their sons, Loras, was already here in King's Landing, serving as Renly's squire. However, they didn't bring their other children with them to King's Landing. Mace's mother surprisingly had been quite reserved around me, just observing. I was kind of taken aback because I was expecting her to start in with her sharp remarks. Lord Renly Baratheon from the Stormlands was his usual cheerful self. He couldn't resist making annoying comments to his brother Stannis Baratheon though.

The entire gathering was impressed with the ship, enjoying their journey from King's Landing as they made their way to the dining area. They craned their necks, marveling at the intricate carvings made from Ironwood and steel, adorned with gold and silver designs throughout the ship. I had commissioned paintings depicting the Stark's dominion in the North, which hung proudly on the walls. Rich and thick carpets adorned the floor

As my guests made their way into the dining hall, they paused at the entrance, feeling a bit cautious before stepping into the room. Eventually, they followed the rest of the Stark family inside. They were initially wary due to the floor being made of hardened glass, providing a view of King's Landing below. The walls were adorned with beautiful gold and silver statues of dire wolves, and the table was a magnificent blend of obsidian, ironwood, and Weirwood, intricately etched with gold and silver designs. Underneath the glass covering, the table featured an incredibly detailed map of Westeros, far more accurate than the one found in Dragonstone. It even included additional details from beyond the Wall and parts of Essos.

Stannis tried to appear uninterested in the table, feast, and surroundings, but I could see the envy in his eyes. My guests were thrilled with all the food we had. Stannis was the only one who stood out, as he barely touched the wine and opted for a simple meal of bread, cheese, and meat. Despite the abundance of food available, he remained stingy. I had spices from all over the known world - flavors that no Westerosi had ever experienced since they couldn't travel to Westeros conventionally.

During the feast, Robert made an announcement. He said that Jon had decided to return to the Vale, and he had chosen my uncle Ned to be the Hand of the King. I saw Cersei make a displeased face, and surprisingly, Catelyn did the same. I could tell most of the other lords at the table weren't too thrilled either. Even Jon didn't seem to approve, but no one objected. On the other hand, some of the lords from the north showed their approval by enthusiastically slapping the table. I found it amusing to observe Stannis, who seemed angry at being overlooked again. It surprised me that he was unaware of this development, considering it was quite evident that Robert intended to name Ned as his Hand. I would have expected him to be better informed, especially as I knew this information without having to read anyone's thoughts. Furthermore, I was taken aback to see that Renly was not surprised, indicating that he was aware of Robert's decision. How much out of the loop was Stannis...?


Early the next day, the joust began. The first matches were between the lesser-known houses. Around midday, I had my first encounter with Jason Mallister. Initially, I had a good rapport with House Mallister. I believed that they could have been a strong ally, as our trade would have enriched them, especially with the opening of the northern canal. However, I recently received letters revealing that several of my trading vessels had been attacked. Thankfully, none were captured, but when pirate ships were seized, they contained numerous letters and documents concerning my ships and their cargo at Seagard. I'm uncertain if Jason Mallister is involved, but it's evident that someone in his city has been leaking information, particularly about northern trade ships.

Since I didn't know for sure that he was guilty, I decided to be lenient with him during the joust. I activated only a few of the runes on my armor and unseated him without causing too much injury. I faced off against several more competitors and managed to unseat them without causing too much harm as well. However, whenever I came across a lord from the Vale, Westerlands, or especially the Reach, I activated all of the runes on my armor and defeated them ruthlessly..

Most of them were unable to leave the tournament grounds without needing assistance, as they were either unconscious for at least a week or few are left crippled for life, two Freys even lost their lives which is a big deal since there's plenty of them to replace the ones that died.

By the end of the first day of jousting, I had gained quite the reputation and had three competitors who disqualified themselves when they found out they would be facing me. It was a bit of a surprise to see Sybelle and my uncle Benjen continually advancing in each round. Honestly, I had no idea that Uncle Benjen was even participating until his name was called. It was impressive to witness him on his horse, especially without any magical assistance like I had.

Jokingly, I congratulated both of them and teased that I couldn't believe they made it this far. Sybelle playfully punched my arm and stuck her tongue out at me. Uncle Benjen, in good humor, made it clear that he intended to win the joust. Smirked at Uncle Benjen and said, "Well, don't get too ahead of yourself, old fellow. We wouldn't want you to break your hip while trying to mount your horse, now would we?" My cheeky comment made Uncle Benjen laugh, and he mock-chased me as I ran between Myranda and Sybelle.


The next day, bright and early, I found myself engaged in two joust bouts. The morning air was crisp as I effortlessly maneuvered my horse, aiming for victory with each pass. After the bouts, I made my way back to my pavilion, eager to join my family for a well-deserved lunch.

As I entered the pavilion, I couldn't help but admire the elegant u-shaped table that stood before me. Its slender design allowed our servants to move about freely, ensuring our cups were always filled and our meals presented in front of us with ease. Taking my place at the head of the table.

To my right, sat my grandfather, his wise eyes twinkling. Beside him, my mother, radiating warmth and love, with my siblings seated next to her. Sybelle sat closest to my mother, followed by Myranda. My cousin Brandon sat between Myranda and Maisie, their laughter filling the air as they whispered about something behind their hands.

Uncle Rickard Ryswell, a jovial presence, found his place between Maisie and his sister, Aunt Bethany. Bethany's husband, Lord William Dustin sat next to her, he had a calm and happy presence. And of course, their son, cousin Domeric, a fine young lad completing their little family circle.

On my left side, Uncle Benjen and his wife Melessa sat, their smiles warm and genuine. Their children, William and Sara, sat beside them, their eyes filled with curiosity and excitement as they eyed the cookies and the lemon cake.

Uncle Ned, sat next to his wife, Catelyn. Her oldest daughter, Sansa sat beside her eyes darting towards the lemon cake on the table as well. And then, there was young Arya, the townboy full of mischief and spirit, who found her place between cousin Sansa and cousin Rob. Her mischievous grin never faltered as she regaled Rob with tales she picked up sneaking around the tournament.

As we sat in the pavilion, enjoying the warm summer breeze, my younger brother Olly suddenly appeared, looking a bit disheveled. With a strong scent of perfume wafting around him and a few noticeable hickeys on his neck, it was clear that he had been up to something interesting. He walked over to my mother. My mother stopped him and took her napkin and wiped some lipstick off of my brother's neck and his ear before giving him a tired, but amusing look.

Olly then greeted our sisters, and my Uncles, and my grandfather then clasped me on the shoulder as he walked by me. He half-heartedly greeted the Stark side. I was a little annoyed at seeing Sansa, and Catelyn wrinkling their nose as he walked by. Nonchalantly, he plopped down into the chair next to Rob and Arya. He started to pilot plate while starting to speak to them. It was clear that Olly had gotten into some mischief and had some stories to share, and Rob and Arya were too eager to hear what he had been up to.

After we finished eating and most of the kids had gone, it was just my mom, uncles, grandpa, aunts, Sybelle, Myranda, and me. I had some tea from YiTi that I brewed, pouring out a cup for everyone, offering them some milk to put in it. a little tradition I'm trying to start up in the north. Even though I left England in my previous life, part of the UK still sticks with me. While we sip our tea the mood was relaxed, and we started talking about Ned being named Hand of the King. Uncle Benjen started with some concerns he's having with the appointment.

I had some concerns about him doing it alone, so I suggested a list of advisors for him. I wanted someone to have his back, help him out, and give him some guidance. Catelyn didn't seem too happy about my suggestion. I was surprised by this since I was under the impression that just last night she was against Ned's appointment. It seems that Hoster works fast in manipulating his daughter.

She said that her father and brother had already offered their support and found some capable advisors to assist Ned. I couldn't help myself from making a sarcastic comment, asking if those were the same people who thought building a canal through the Riverlands was a brilliant idea?

Uncle Rodrik laughed heartily at that. "Oh, the little trout, thinking he could swim the ocean but ending up stuck in the mud." His comment elicited amused looks from everyone at the table. Catelyn, feeling embarrassed and angry, tried to dismiss her brother's foolishness.

Catelyn then leaned in closer and mentioned her good friend Baelish, who she knew would be more than willing to help Ned. She looked at Ned, expressing her belief that he possessed the necessary skills and knowledge to assist him in running the realm as Hand of the King. Catelyn reminded Ned that he had been the master of coin for almost a decade, emphasizing his qualifications.

My mother gave Catelyn a piercing look, then turned her gaze to Ned. "Only a fool would trust Peter Baelish, Ned. He's nothing more than a little weasel." Catelyn, clearly angered by my mother's insults towards her childhood friend, tried to defend him. My mother paid her no mind as we continued the conversation with Ned. Catelyn persisted in interjecting herself into the discussion, shooting nasty glares at us.

Uncle Benjen and my grandfather informed Ned about the agreement that was made with the north to help reduce the crown's debt. Ned seemed to be surprised by this. I assumed he would know at least a little about the crown's debt but he seems to not know anything about it. I mean, he was living here in King's Landing while Robert was spending lavishly, accumulating the debt. I was surprised, surely Jon or someone would've mentioned it to Ned? Someone should've asked Ned as being such close friends with Robert to help restrain Robert spending.

When Catelyn started to shout over my mother, Sybelle had had enough. She turned to Catelyn and reminded her of her inexcusable behavior in the presence of Prince Stark. Sybelle reminded her that she wasn't a Stark and even if this is about Ned's placement as Hand of the King, it was northern business. This is Prince Stark talking to his vassal and his uncle, therefore she has no right to have a say in this gathering.

Catelyn's presence here was merely a courtesy extended to my uncle Ned. Before Catelyn could stop herself, she blurted out to my sister that a bastard like her had no place to talk to her like that. She gave my sister a look of disgust, only to realize what she had said and turn pale. The room fell into complete silence. Everyone's eyes shifted toward me. Anger and pure hatred etched itself onto my face as I stood up and stared down at Catelyn.

The room crackled with tension as my voice reverberated through the air, each word infused with rage.. The once serene atmosphere shattered into countless fragments, mirroring the anger surging through my veins. Fear flickered across her face, as the weight of her words.

"So, you think it's acceptable to demean my sister? To ridicule her lineage?" I sneered, my voice dripping with contempt. "You, a descendant of Ironborn serfs, have the audacity to insult one who bears the blood of ancient Northern kings? To dare to question her worth in my presence?

Every word I spoke, I knew would be a strike against the fragile peace we had. I will not bite my tongue. This person, who goes against everything I hold, has pushed me to my limit. I've made sarcastic comments in the past, never berating her in front of the family, and I gave my support to her in front of the realm for Uncle Ned's sake.

As I leaned in closer, "You may have married into this family, Catelyn, but you'll never be one of us. Our ancient blood runs strong; you just don't belong in the North. And you've done nothing to prove me wrong all these years." Tension filled the air, my words hanging heavy in the room. I kept my gaze fixed on hers until she finally looked away. "You're nothing but an ignorant and uncultured fool! The very thought that you have married into our family and diluted our blood brings shame to my ancestors!"

Casting a scorching glare upon Catelyn Stark and Ned, I continued, "You, who hail from a poor and useless lineage that can barely keep their Riverlands together, your family is but one rung above the lowly smallfolk in my eyes." Pausing for a moment, I took a deep breath. "How many times have I had to rescue your pitiful family from ruinous trade deals? Or had to intervene to support your father over another Lord from the Riverlands, gaining too much power? How much of my fortune has been foolishly squandered in supporting your feeble and worthless kin?"

I glared at Ned, my rage bubbling within me. The room crackled with tension, suffocating every breath. Ned's feeble attempt to defuse it only fueled the fire burning in my soul. Leaning in, my voice became a venomous whisper. "You have forgotten, Ned," I hissed, locking my eyes with his. "Forgotten who I am, to whom you owe your unwavering loyalty. I have endured your disrespect and incompetence for far too long, more than I ever should have allowed."

The fury within me fueled my words, each syllable cutting deep like a dagger. "You allowed that wretched harpy to build a sept within the very castle I constructed for you! Instead of worshiping in the gods' woods as a true Stark, you spend your time in their chapel. Your marriage contract clearly stated she would become a follower of the old gods. Are you such a weakling that you cannot control your own wife? You would do everything to make Theon Stark sacrifices meaningless, one of our greatest ancestors would weep in shame for bringing the faith of the seven into the Stark line. You were meant to be a beacon, a true Stark, yet I see no trace of it in you."

Your children, Ned, they know nothing of our traditions, nothing of the ways of the North! Rob is barely acquainted with our heritage, and that is only because of his friendship with Olly! You bring shame upon the name of our noble family!" Ned's eyes widened in surprise, the weight of my words finally sinking in.

With authority, I declared my intentions. "While you reside in the halls of King's Landing, I will personally restore order to your crumbling household. As the head of House Stark, I demand the immediate return of your wife and children to the North!" Your wife and my cousin shall return to your castle. A steward will be handpicked by me, who will teach and assist Rob in running your lands like a proper Northerner. I hissed through clenched teeth, my voice dripping with venom. "And as for your wife, consider her fortunate that my wrath extends no further. She shall be placed under house arrest."

Catelyn was to be assigned a governess, whose task would be to teach her the ways of the North, effectively erasing any southern influence from her mind. Additionally, I planned to have the Sept demolished and order the punishment of anyone preaching anything about the seven outside of the Manderly territory will be whipped and executed. AdCatelyn heard these plans, a look of horror etched itself onto her face.

Arya will be fostered at Bear Island, where her adventurous nature will thrive. She will learn to embrace her true Northern roots. I turned my gaze to Uncle Benjen and Aunt Melessa and said, "Sansa will be fostered by Uncle Benjen, and we hope that Aunt Melessa can help correct the mistakes made in her upbringing."

During the meeting, Ned's facial expression changed constantly, showing different emotions like embarrassment, anger, remorse, and resignation. I informed him that Rob and Catelyn would be sent back to the north the following day, and that I would have 50 men escort them. After asking Ned if he understood my orders, he bowed his head and said, "Yes, Prince Stark," before leaving with his wife. After a period of silence, my mother finally spoke up and said, "I don't know if that was wise, my son."


After calming myself, I got word that my name was called. I was about to re-enter the arena for my joust against a minor Lord from the crownlands, I received some urgent news from Winterfell. You see, when my ships were being constructed, I took great care to have special runes placed on each one to prevent theft. These runes are connected to a parchment back in Winterfell.

Now, one of these runes is actually linked to the life force of the ship's captain and their first mate. If either of them were to perish, the ship would send out a distress signal, indicating that it may have been compromised. Additionally, there is another rune embedded in the undercarriage of the ships. When activated, it is designed to dismantle the vessels while at sea, ensuring that they do not fall into the hands of our enemies for reverse engineering or misuse.

I must admit, this is the first time that one of my ships has encountered such a predicament. In the past, we have faced attacks on our vessels, but the attackers never managed to board or cause serious harm to the captain or crew.

I began to order my men to prepare for our departure from King's Landing following the conclusion of the tournament. I carefully planned out our approach to the ship and its location. Normally, I would activate the runes and sink the ship, but I held out hope that a certain one-eyed Ironborn was responsible for its theft. I have been following reports about pirate attacks and The Silence was seen attacking ships around that area. Putting that out of my mind, I focused on my joust and Crownlander I was about destroying.

Later that evening, I found myself facing off against Jaime Lannister. I must admit, I took great satisfaction in landing a forceful blow to his chest, causing him to be knocked down in the first round. I hope I broke a few of his ribs. After my bout was my uncle Benjen, he was against a knight from house Ockheart. Uncle BenJen won the first bouts with points, but was knocked off his horse in the second. In the next round, I had to face Sybelle. We mutually agreed to deactivate our runes and engage in the joust without any magical assistance. I must confess, I felt a hint of regret in agreeing not to use magic as I found myself being launched off my horse after a painful hit to the side of my breastplate during our fourth bout.