
The Special Path To Divinity

Alex a guy who came of age and got his system, He has a goal to become his strongest Awakened through his own designed path, though he doesn't know that there is more to this life than the power of strengthened. Will he accomplish his goal the easy way or the other way around after finding out there are stronger people in life and few are after his pathetic self. ............. Some readers might be wondering why an Eastern Fantasy Novel has an English name. Well the reason is that our MC is a World traveller, this might be considered spoiler to some people but it was because of the complain I received that I am adding this to the synopsis of the Novel. In the tags there is one that says Wastern Fantasy, it is not a mistake or grammatical error, the MC might have an English name now but he originated from an Eastern background, I will not reveal further but once we get to that volume it will be explained. I mean Volume 2, if you can wait and get your answers that is great.

Charming_Immortal · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 41: Lust and Rage

'I will explain that to you' Allison replied

'Battle lust are mostly concerned with battle there isn't much on that, where one is craving for war due to any reason, like war races, they are not at peace except when on the battle, so they often create scenarios that will lead to wars or when one is being bored to the extent they can cause universal clash between worlds to interest them that can be used as an illustration' Allison explained

[Isn't battle lust supposed to be when one is on the battle and then they go boom and start killing everyone?] Alex asked

'No that's not it, that is Rage' Allison replied

{Rage and Lust are different but can mean the same when being used in this terms, what about this when we are through with Lust we move to rage} Helius suggested

[Okay] Alex replied

{Lastly sexual lust, when one is in heat like an incubus or succubus or when certain races are in their mating period they can get aggressive about it that they can break the other party with pleasure and I mean break down, that is where the other races female comes in, For example if Lust demons are in their mating period the male need the female that can keep up with them, if a human and an incubus have sex then the human can break down due to too much pleasure and inability to cope, an incubus can last far longer than an human so after going for some few rounds his lust will still not be satisfied this is one reason why incubus who are very strong and cannot be satisfied by even their own kind decides to have a harem of woman that are not too much for them and they can satisfy, an very strong incubus can satisfy three to five succubuses so if he takes more than that then his harem can break apart since he will not be able to give all of them what they need} Helius explained


[That sounds like Sex Education] Alex said

{Well it's not but now I have explained lust it's time to explain rage} Helius said

'Whatever let's continue' Allison said

'Someone is impatient' Alex thought

'You know I can hear you right?' Allison said

[Did you?] Alex asked

'Oh so you want to act ignorant now' Allison said

[Can we continue please?] Alex asked

'Yeah whatever' Allison said

{Since you are done then I can begin explaining, Blood rage don't really exist but it just blood lust in a higher form, the stage where they go into frenzy and keep killing, but Battle/War rage is when one go into frenzy on the battle and keep killing but in this case not for blood satisfaction, for better understanding when someone is in a tight spot on the battle field or his/her side is at loss then they go into rage and keep killing till they die, run out of energy of Mana or can't go anymore but if not in some cases they can turn on their side also but it happens only in war or during battle, then sexual rage when that person is so deep in lust that they can do anything, it happens mostly to Sex or Lust races like Lust demons, when they go into this mode they can go on rampage and rape as many as possible and if it's their harem members then break them with pleasure till their lust is satiated, all of this is still lust but with another strong emotion added, rage so most people call it Battle, Blood or Sexual rage to differentiate it but remember it is an advanced stage} Helius explained

[Oh I get it now, thanks for explaining] Alex said

{No worries} Helius said

'Now that you understand you can move forward' Allison said

[To what?] Alex asked

{Control, you learn to control your Qi to surround you and fasten your physique} Helius said

[And how exactly do I do that?] Alex asked

'Just like the way you released your Aura as scent this time you learn to release an Aura for battle, killing Intent makes you faster and stronger but if you release that type of Aura you release during the duel then add pure anger that way the rage won't take you over' Allison explained

[Killing Intent with pure anger, What's that?] Alex asked

{When your anger is directed at a just cause then you won't lose your mind and go frenzy, that way you can release killing Intent anytime to make you stronger} Helius said

'All you need to do is practice it, you don't need to get it but it will help control your emotion' Allison added

[Okay I can do that] Alex said as he sat in a lotus position and started meditating and calming his emotions then tried getting angry....

He kept on trying for the next fifteen minutes as he soon started sweating and breathing heavily, when he started he was trying to get angry but at a point he had to control his energy flow and soon he had to control his thoughts not to drift anywhere else and soon he got tired and stopped.

[I never knew it was that difficult to get annoyed] Alex said

'One you don't get angered easily, two ot needs to be pure anger, well as pure as anger can be and lastly you haven't gotten the act of Energy circulation since you know little close to nothing on cultivation or how Dantain works' Allison said

[Can I.. I mean we take a break?, we've been here for sixteen hours now and I'm really tired] Alex asked

'We don't need and can last for three days without rest' Allison said

[Even so you need it, I mean you guys have been instructing and working since] Alex said

'Well we don't mind' Allison said

{Allison you know...}

[Right 'we', meaning I am part of we so if you don't need me one I do] Alex said as you lied on the grass as he soon slept off

{His body capacity has improved, he should be able to use Mana very soon if he keeps up the pace or fasten it} Helius said

'I just hope he is up to the task since her life is on the line here' Allison said

{I am sure he will succeed} Helius said

'I hope' Allison said as they also decided to take a break even if they don't need it.


After one hour Alex finally woke up

[I feel more refreshed than before] Alex said

'That the stamina working out, Why don't you use it to train you while it fresh' Allison said

[Give me a break I just woke up and get back down to training already] Alex said

'So what would you rather do?' Allison asked

[Anything, Helius anything from your side?] Alex asked

{Hmm, Yes there an unexpected change in your level} Helius Said

[See their is something to do] Alex said.....

[Wait are you really serious?] Alex asked

{Hmm did it sound like a joke?, if it did I'm sorry} Helius said apologizing

[No need to it just that I thought....]

'What he is trying to say is that he thought you were trying to cover for him' Allison completed his sentence

[Am I to blame, I'm bored with all this seriousness] Alex said

'And Helius was starting to say you might be able to wake her up early at this pace or an even faster one when you want to slow down' Allison said

[Whatever] Alex said

[So What's this change you speak about?] Alex asked

{Well check it yourself} Helius Said as the Status screen popped up at his front

[I don't think I'm used to that yet, I mean I usually get the image transferred through the System Mind Link but I guess this one is far better] Alex said

'Yes this way your partner can see it when permitted' Allison said

Name: Alex Jackson

Age: 18

Level : Qi Perfection Level 10 (0/5000)

Lust Coin: 13230(+12000)

Lust Coin: 25230

[That reminds me, can you please stop using that name, it's supposed to be a secret name, not to be told to even myself, so change it] Alex requested

{Sure it's said to be a key to…..…}

[I said a secret that is even you must not know and if you know forget it] Alex said

{Okay} Helius replied

'Well that's the first time I have seen so serious about something yet you forget all this while' Allison said

[It's because most of the time I go straight to where I want but now that it's a screen I see everything] Alex said

[Now what happened here?] Alex asked confused

{Her life force made you level up more than what anyone would have expected but when she knew you were sucking life out of her she had to sever the connection forcefully thereby fainting in the process and going unconscious also from here levelling up gives you 1200 Lust Coin and then bonuses and hidden missions rewards} Helius answered him

[Why is it unexpected isn't she powerful?] Alex asked

{Yes she is infact too powerful compared to this world level so you should have died or it should have been wasted since you can't refine... let's just say it's somehow poisonous to you in the stage you are in but somehow you managed to level up with it} Helius said

[Cultivation Jargons right?] Alex asked

'Actually that isn't, he explained it fully' Allison said

[Buuuutttt, if we leave it at Cultivation Jargons we don't need to worry about it, see win win for everyone] Alex said as Allison bursted into laughter

'I never knew you were this lazy that even those words are disturbing' Allison said

[Whatever most important thing I have money now] Alex said

'Then you can buy the Mystic Sense now' Allison added

[I still don't understand what you mean by sucking her life force and as curious as I am something tells me I would be better off not knowing] Alex said

'In the simplest form, your body and bloodline was reacting to her, reason unknown of course, there a different reasons why your body didn't reject it which w....' Allison said

[Waaiit...] Alex interrupted her

[I was right let's leave it at Cultivation Jargons cause we ain't going to start searching for that now] Alex said

{It is really important} Helius

[Wow] Alex exclaimed

'What now?' Allison asked

[When I thought about it well I think I understand so we will find out about it but not know so let's buy the mystic Sense now] Alex said

{He doesn't understand} Helius said

'He doesn't' Allison agreed