

"I guess he was really hungry..." Ellain eyed me with pity in his eyes.

"Tsk." Aaron clicked his tongue while he used his guest towel to clean up the mess I had made. "So we're going to leave it at that?"

"Yes, we are going to leave it at that."

That... was anticlimactic.

"I did something similar in the past..."

"You were able to speak. November here can't even speak."

"Meow." I meowed to prove his point.


Aaron glared at me. "I don't trust him."

Well I don't trust you either, Aaron, so take that. I know your future!

Mwahahahahahaha!!! I win this duel!


Now I feel like a jerk...

I'm sorry, Aaron. I wasn't fair to you. You can't help the way you act.

"Fear not, Aaron, you'll be rid of him by the morning."

Not if I convince Thomas otherwise... and to do that, I need to remove my kitten status.

How in the world do I get myself to talking again? It worked out with Zed.


Thomas finally came back whilst I was contemplating.

"The fish will be over in a minute. As for the milk..." Thomas pushed a small bowl of milk in front of me. "Drink up."

I looked into the smooth, white bowl in front of me. It was full of cold, white milk.

I then looked back at Thomas. He was watching me expectantly.

I returned my gaze to the milk.

I've never been so nervous to drink milk before...

It's just so weird...

Being stared at so intently over something as ridiculous as drinking milk...

For some reason, I feel as if there's some expectation I have to live up to.

I don't know what though...

I awkwardly bent my head down and started to lick up the milk, watching Thomas's expression in the corner of my eye.

With his chin resting in the palm of his hand, Thomas watched me drink with the biggest smile on his face.

Now I know how an ordinary cat must feel when being watched like this...

It's so weird!

Considering I was sitting across from Mr. Arrogant, I got a front and center view of Aaron's irritated mug as he glared at me.


I turned to face Ellain.


He's currently nodding off.

Did all three of us just luck out?

Do we not have to listen to Ellain's exaggerated counts of past achievements?

But then, why is he nodding off? Wasn't he just lively like two seconds ago?

Must be because of the jet lag.

Or carriage lag.

Whatever you wanna call it.

Or maybe this must be some sort of trick to catch us all off guard.

He'll bust out into story telling the moment we stand up to wake him and then it'll be game over.

We'll be napping on the dining table until tomorrow morning.

I see how it is...

Ellain, you sneaky deaky snake...


Inside Ellain's Mind

"Ellain, are you almost done with the mission?"

"Not yet. It seems I have to help out a stray Beast Man."

"Hurry it up. Mother is going to come over in a couple of days and I don't want to explain to her the reason why my husband and kids are missing. It's enough that I allow you to continue your travelling business."

"I understand, my dear. I'll be home in no time."

"How's Aaron?"

"Still energetic and intelligent as ever."

"Keep him that way. He'll be attending the academy in a year and I want him in tip top shape."

"Yes, yes I know. Is that it?"

"Of course. Love you, Ell."

"Love you too, Dianne."

A pop like a bubble burst, signaling the end of the transmission.

Ellain opened his eyes to the real world. Aaron was glaring at their guest while Thomas watched the cat with a gentle look in his eyes.

'What about Thomas?


Am I missing something important?'


Back to Me

I knew it! I knew he would wake up again!

Ellain coughed to clear his throat.

Here we go...

Brace yourselves!

"November, what do you feel about coming with us to meet Mrs. Hark?"


"What?!" We all exclaimed in unison.

That was easier than I had expected...

Is my luck finally turning around?


I just jinxed it, didn't I?