
Puppet Show

Dancing to the song of a fast paced violin, a Puppet King and Puppet Queen hopped about while a Puppet Dragon rested in the paper clouds. Behind the dancing couple were the Puppet Knight and Wizard, singing the lyrics of a famous folktale song.

Miceter watched the introduction with sparkling eyes filled with excitement and joy. Unlike the rest of the children watching the show, he wasn't here for the songs and games. Miceter was a mouse on a mission. He was here solely for the story that was exclusively told in the Prosperous Kingdom.

"Guess what, Mister!" Miceter demanded.

"What?" I complied.

"I've already heard all twenty stories in the world! The only tale I need to listen to is the Myth of Xavier!"

"Oh, that's amazing." I blinked, acting astonished. "What were they like?"

"Most of them were fun and exciting! Rarely did I get to hear a Romantic or Tragic story about the Gods. Especially the Creator! I wonder what he's like."

I almost choked on my saliva before I quickly responded. "I'm sure he's a fine man."

"Not really." Miceter denied. "I don't think the Creator is as great as they say. If the Creator was so great, he could make all of the baddies go away and make us live forever."


I can't refute that.

To the creatures that live in Forgoe, this world is their reality. Everything they touch is real. Each breath they take fills their lungs. Their hearts beat all the same.

I could've easily written them a happy ending or placed them in a Utopia, but instead I destroyed the world for my own sadistic entertainment.

So, in the end, I guess I'm not a fine man...

If I wasn't the Creator but a resident of Forgoe, I'd hate me too.

This was when I heard the voice of the Devil...


[Hello, Previous Resident of the Corridor of Wandering Souls. How have you been so far?]

Without waiting for my answer, the System continued.

[If I had to make a hypothesis, I would guess that you're doing just dandy. In fact, you're doing so well that you have completely forgotten the reason why you're here, yes?]



How do I explain?!

[Worry not, Previous Resident of the Corridor of Wandering Souls. Since I am feeling rather generous, and you have A LOT of free time, I guess I could hand you a bit of Quests to do on the side. However, since you've greatly disappointed me, I will give you exactly twenty-four hours to find either Fur Charleston or Thomas Hark and begin teaching them before I severely punish you. Until then, Sayonara!]

Before I could even process what had just happened, the System popped up once more.


[Oh, clumsy me, I forgot about the Side Quest! Hmm... ...it has to be something really fun and tricky to do... Oh! I know! Since you find Puppet Shows to be more important than your TASK, how about I make you do this!]


[Side Quest: Help Miceter Find and Free Marionette!

Description: Miceter--although being young and naive--is an incredibly kind Mouse with a heart of gold. In his free time, he loves to listen to Folk Tales and Myths about the Gods and their descendants. Even though it has been a few months, Miceter still holds the horrible tale of poor Marionette in his heart. To free his fragile emotions from the chains that restrict him, help find and free Marionette!

Hint: The portal leading to Puppet Land is just under the puppet stall up ahead.

Rewards: A Spacial Collar Just For You!]

[Have fun!]