
Pet Name

"Oh, Calamitis, why didn't I think of that?!" Aaron excitedly approved the worst name possible.

"Meow!" Translation: Screw you Aaron!

Also, side note: What happened to my mysterious ability to speak the human language in my cat form?!

"Calamitis..." Thomas turned to study me again. "If we do use the name Calamitis, we'll have to watch out for the Churches of Light. Black cats, after all, are commonly used in rituals to summon Evil Gods. Especially if they're named Calamitis."

Thank God (Don't ask which one) they never answer back.

After all, if you were an all powerful Deity who could destroy the world with just a snap of your fingers, would you seriously answer every summon that comes your way?

Ain't nobody got time for that.

"How unfortunate..." Their father sighed emotionally, as if he were looking forward to naming me Calamitis.

You know what, knowing Ellain Hark, he probably did want to name me Calamitis. I know for a fact that deep down, he's still got a little bit of angst that pops up from time to time.

*Sigh* The stuff I came up with when I was a teenager...

"We can't have the priests disrupt our schedule, can we?" Ellain mournfully bit down on his strawberry.

"What, so we're no going to name him Calamitis?"

No, Aaron, stop asking!!!

"I think not." Thomas shook his head.

"What, why?! Both of us agreed, didn't we?!" Aaron turned to Ellain in indignation.

"We did, but then Thomas thought it wasn't a great idea." His father explained.

"And you let him choose the name because?!"

"If I had to be honest, I would say it's because you're extremely rude to Beast Men. I can't trust you to come up with a decent name."

"Seriously?! This is ridiculous!"

Aaron angrily huffed before tossing his guest towel onto the table.

"How about Edward?" Thomas suggested, ignoring Aaron's tantrum.

"Hmm... for some reason it makes me want to cringe..." Ellain admitted.


"Too much of a pet name."

Before Thomas could spit out another cliché name, Aaron yelled: "November, just name him November and get this over with already!!!"

Ellain and Thomas stared at Aaron in shock.

"D-Did he just..."

"Yes, yes he did."

To be honest, even I am touched by Aaron's genrousity.

To name me after a God that represents everlasting hope and light in eternal darkness is honorable without a doubt.

Thank you, Villain, I shall accept the name gladly.

"I never knew you could be so kind." Ellain dramatically wiped a tear from his eye.

"Father..." Aaron met his father's sparkling eyes. "Stop crying, you look ugly when you do."

Thomas choked on his milk while I spit out the strawberry I had secretly stolen from Ellain's plate while they were distracted.

"I... I take back what I just said..."

"So, now that that matter is settled, where is the waiter?" Aaron sipped his cup of coffee noncholantly, as if he hadn't just insulted his own father to his face.

"We have to stand up to order..." Thomas pointed out.

"Then what are you dawdling for? We haven't got all day." Aaron waved Thomas away.

While Thomas got up to reluctantly obey Aaron's haughty demand, Ellain finally realized something was wrong.

"Why is my last strawberry chewed up on the table?"

Both pairs of eyes turned towards me.

I gulped nervously.

Why are focusing on me and not disciplining your own son?! Don't you think he's a bit arrogant, Ellain?!

He's the reason why I spat out the evidence!