
Cheese and Sausages

In the Prosperous Kingdom, Market Square

Like most Kingdoms in the world of Forgoe, they are split up into different squares/sections. Obviously there is the Town Square--a place where most of the Kingdom's news and events are held. Then there are four sections that are often referred to as "Neighborhoods" that split the Kingdom's wealth and society. There is the Slums, the Lower Class Neighborhood, Middle Class Neighborhood, and finally the Noble Class Neighborhood. Each Neighborhood is divided by a wall and a gate equipped with two guards who--if I had to be honest--are extremely lazy.

The Slums--I think you know just by its name. This is where all of the unfortunate individuals, without any sort of wealth, reside. The Neighborhood is in a terribly poor condition. The cobblestone streets are cracked and covered in dirt with a mysterious layer of grime. The houses are nothing more than little huts and the remains of buildings that were destroyed by various natural or artificial atrocities. Next to the Slums would be the Lower Class Neighborhood.

The Lower Class Neighborhood is often confused for the Slums for there isn't much of a difference. The streets are just a tiny bit cleaner and the houses are somewhat intact.

The Middle Class Neighborhood is much cleaner than the Lower Class Neighborhood. In fact, dirt and grime are rare occurrences, surprisingly. The houses, of course, are of better quality--they even come with second floors.

The Noble Class Neighborhood is where all the good things in life can be found. Large mansions, beautiful gardens, various servants and delicious food and fine wine. Whatever you can think of, the Nobles would most likely have it. The streets are impeccably clean to the point that the cobblestones somehow shine. The houses are big, lavish, and wonderful to look at. Then there is the Palace right after the Noble Class Neighborhood; however, I won't be going into detail. I'm sure you know how grand a palace is, right?

Situated within the Middle Class Neighborhood is the Town Square and the Market Square. Miceter and I are at the Market Square, stalking a certain stall.

The stall vendor is a tall man, somewhat thin but packing enough muscle to scare away the average thief. He has short brown hair, and a fair amount of stubble. His grey eyes are perceptive and quick. Don't get your hopes up, ladies and gentlemen. His looks are average. Certainly not handsome. What he sells is cheese of different types such as Cheddar, Mozzarella, Gouda, Feta, Havarti, etc. and sausages that are small but extremely juicy. To individuals who haven't eaten for a while, his wares are extremely attractive.

Who are these starving individuals? Why, it's Miceter and I, of course!

So here's our grand plans for this morning's heist. Don't worry, it's nothing too complex.

Plan A: I will walk up to the stall vendor and play the role of Puss in Boots from the movie "Shrek". Instead of holding a hat, however, I will have nothing in my hands and rely solely on my face. By using this trick, we'll be able to earn a sausage link or two or a slice of cheese for free without causing trouble.

If that doesn't work, we will execute Plan B.

Plan B: I cause a racket and knock a few sausages and a wheel of cheese off of the stall, distracting the stall vendor as Miceter secretly steals the food that I knocked onto the ground. Once Miceter is a safe enough distance away, I join Miceter in his escape towards the gate that leads to the Lower Class Neighborhood. We've already checked and the guards that are supposed to be guarding the wall are off playing poker in a nearby tavern.

However, I would prefer to avoid Plan B.


I can't fight and I lack the courage to do so.

I'll get back to you once the crowd around the stall dies down. We can't be stopped by a Bystander if we execute Plan B, now can we?


It took a couple of hours until the crowd had lessened to a moderate amount of people. All we have to do now is wait until the last customer leaves.

Hopefully he doesn't buy everything. That last customer looks extremely wealthy...

A Noble Elf, with his back straight and hands clasped behind his back, talked to the vendor, seeming to find a blue wheel of cheese to be fascinating. His long light blonde hair, that gradually changed into a light shade of green was tied back, letting a few loose strands to frame his beautiful face. His ears were long and tipped at the end. On his earlobes he wore a pair of earrings--on his right ear was a heart and on the left was an arrow.

He wore a white tailcoat which was buttoned up with gold buttons and a white dress shirt underneath. His pants and the silk gloves he wore were a dark shade of ebony. On his feet he wore a pair of black leather boots with grey buckles with the pant legs tucked in.

He exchanged a few more words with the vendor before he turned around, his frosty blue eyes looking in my general direction.


In the Prosperous Kingdom, Market Square

"So, what is so urgent that you had to call me out here?" Clark Hope asked, severely annoyed.

Patrick Poler shrugged. "I just wanted your opinion on something. But first--look like you are examining the cheese."

"Huh?" Clark Hope blinked, confused and irritated by his order.

"Just do it. Quickly, before they get suspicious."

"They?" Clark complied reluctantly. The wheel of cheese he looked at made the corner of his left eye twitch--it was blue and looked really gross.

It was at this moment that Clark regretted coming over. He, the proud, Noble Elf of the Royal Court, at this very moment, was staring at disgusting cheese from a lowly vendor wearing his Court uniform. Rumors would definitely fly after this. And for what? Clark couldn't help but guess it was for something stupid.

"Okay, here's the deal, I think there's two Beast Men right behind you."

Clark met Patrick's gaze, glaring at him. "You made me come out here for two Beast Men? Seriously?"

"Well, I think there are. If they are, I'll give 'em some food. If not, I'll just let 'em rot. However, I need you to confirm it."

Clark tsked in disdain. "So, what do they look like?"

"One's a black cat and the other is a white mouse on its back. They're hiding in the shadows. All you have to do is turn around."

Clark sighed before lazily turning around, gazing into the dark alley.

Indeed, there really was a black cat and white mouse

"Yes, they are Beast Men. Now, don't call me again unless it's for something urgent. If it's not, I'll make sure your life is a living hell." And with that, Clark stalked off.

Patrick shook his head. 'Outside, he's as cold as an iceberg but deep down, I know he's as warm as an oven.'


Back to Me

The Noble Elf stalked off after saying something that upset the vendor. Luckily, it seems like he didn't spot us.

I wonder...

...is the cheese really that bad? He didn't really taste anything so I'm not sure...

"Hey, you two!" The vendor suddenly yelled with his hands cupped around his mouth. He was no doubt looking straight at me. I quickly stood up, surprised.



And with that, I was hit in the face by a wheel of cheese.

Dang, that guy can throw. He just threw a heavy wheel of cheese ten meters and struck me in the face with it. And to add insult to injury, he added in a link of sausages.

Miceter squeaked in delight. I had no doubt that if Miceter could speak, he would be saying "Thank You" at this very moment.

I couldn't help but feel sour inside. I was hit in the face and Miceter's first reaction wasn't to ask if I was alright, but to thank my assailant!

I think I need to reeducate Miceter...

And heal my face...

I think my nose is broken.