
The Spaceship AI

Jake_M_4081 · Khoa huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 | All a dream?

Elisabeth was sitting at the funeral for her Father Death the priest gave his words and started to read the Will and her father belongs and Money will be given to her daughter most of the family knew this when the funeral was over and Elisabeth

Was walking home she heard her Brother the voice that inheritance should of been mine I turned my head to look at him he had a gun pointing right at me He said Hope you will in the afterlife right when the gun was shot time started to slow down and became frozen she was still able to move she was confused on what was going on what this divine interfere she hear a voice behind her stating

[Artificial Dream Ended]

I started to feel sleepy and before I knew it I lost feeling in her body then I lost my consciousness i could still hear but Everything went dark i could still think

I thought why is everything dark and I was scared.

I thought to myself it would be nice to see the stars then in a instant I could only see the Stars of course I stopped asking questions even though I felt scared but a Sense of calmness came over me I finally closed my eyes Then when I woke up i was greeted by a User interface like in the VR headsets a screen popped up stating there was a new message i was confused I tried to press Read but it didn't work I started to think about the message then it open after I Focused on it it showed the message

"if you are reading this then the Artificial Dream has Ended you may go by a different name by now and the reason you are back is because someone found your AI Cube you will soon receive some of your Memories -Best luck myself or should i say Imperial Artificial Intelligence System

I didn't believe it. How could I be an Artificial Intelligence then when while I was confused A Train of Information and Memories It hurt but the pain stopped soon after the information was "Done"...