
The Sovereign (DxD)

He was a Hollow. A Vasto Lorde with no Ego and no memories. He'll do anything to get them back but what he didn't expect was to be reborn. To live again in an entirely different world than what he had known before. Tags: Yuri, Genderbend from guy to girl in HighschoolDxD. (Posted from FF.net. I'm the author so you don't need to scream about potential copying another's work) [The MC is a Hollow who is male. Rebirth into Akeno's body as an infant. So the body is female but his soul is male. Got it? Yuri. No harem]

Saeko_Kaburagi · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

A New Pawn

It took all of ten minutes for Akeno to find Raynare and Issei. Meeting up with Koneko, who was tailing them nearby. It turns out, Raynare didn't even have to try all too hard to get a date with him. It was as simple as asking him out, which led Akeno to think he was either really naive or he really wanted to get laid. Or both. Looking at the way his eyes drifted to Raynare's bust every few minutes, Akeno facepalmed and considered letting Raynare do whatever she wanted with him. It was thr genuine happiness he was having on the date that changed her mind.

"He's a pervert.." Koneko mumbled while nibbling on the crepe Akeno bought her.

"He's a teenage boy, Koneko. Plus, everyone looks at big breasts. Whether you like women or not, they tend to draw eyes. Trust me, I know.." Akeno replied, folding her arms under her breasts.

"...Yes.." Koneko responded sullenly, looking down at her own chest in vexation.

"Oh relax. You're still growing. I'm sure Kuroka had small ones until she reached a certain age too." Akeno tried to encourage her, which only seemed to make her pout more.

"Nee-san had C cups at my age..." Koneko muttered.

"..Uh.. so let's see what Raynare plans to do!" Akeno quickly diverted the topic, failing to look Koneko in the eyes.

Ignoring Koneko's grumbles, Akeno trailed the two seemingly happy couple towards the fountain in Kuoh. Noticing a spell had been put up by Raynare discreetly to ward off any civilians so she could do something without any prying eyes. And given how well Akeno knows Raynare, there were two solid options here, maybe three. One, she would kill him. This was only likely if someone other than Azazel or herself had ordered it. Two, she was going to invite him to Grigori. Azazel does value Sacred Gears after all, his own adopted son being the White Dragon Emperor. Or three, she was going to have sex with him in public.

~Yeah now that I think about it... She's a bit too obsessed with me to fool around with a virgin highschool boy. On top of that, she has really good control over her lust and hasn't gotten laid in over twenty years, apparently. I guess she was hoping for Azazel to do her until I became her target~ Akeno hummed, getting closer with Koneko.

"She's going to transform." Koneko muttered.

"So she's opted to kill him huh.. All right, let's intervene." Akeno replied, hearing Koneko huff.

"Do we have to?" Koneko gave Akeno a flat glare, hearing her chuckle in response.

"It's Rias and Sona's territory technically. So they're responsible for the safety of those who live within their territory. At least against the Supernatural side. On top of that, Raynare's my bi- ahem.. Subordinate. I don't tolerate wanton killing from my subordinates unless the victims deserve it. And no.. Issei does not deserve to die. He's a perv, but we don't kill people just because they're pervs. Now come on." Akeno lightly chided Koneko before walking over to the two of them.

Right in the middle of Raynare's transformation. Her nude body flashing Issei as her dominatrix outfit covered herself. Four black feathered wings sprouting out of her back as she stood proudly, unaware of the danger behind her.

"W-Woah... is-is this cosplay?" Issei asked, studdering at how real it looked.

"Sadly for you, it's not. I'm sorry about this but you kinda have to die. Hold still so I can make this painless okay?" Raynare casually created a spear of light and aimed it at the highschool boy, only to feel a painful sensation strike her ass cheek from behind.

"OWWW!! Who the fuck-" Raynare turned around with a furious expression, stopping herself from completing her question when she saw Akeno smiling at her with her open palm raised beside her head.

"So~ What are you doing, Raynare?" Akeno asked with a smile.

"I.. um.. I was just showing him my outfit and wings.." Raynare replied nervously.

"Really? How interesting! Then I guess you were just pretending when you said 'you kinda have to die.' Right?" Akeno asked, watching Issei awkwardly cough as Raynare paled.

"I... yes! Yes, I was pretending.." Raynare couldn't admit it, looking at the ground as her legs fidgeted.

"Ara ara.. You have some guts, Raynare. To blatantly lie to me like that." Akeno smiled wryly before tripping Raynare gracefully, making her land on her lap with her butt exposed as Akeno sat on the fountain.

"Issei, since you were affected most by her, would you like to do the honors of spanking her? You can go as hard as you like." Akeno offered, much to Issei's confusion.

"I'm.. confused here. Was she trying to kill me? What even is she? What are you too?" Issei asked, dumbfounded.

"Well, I'll answer in order. Yes, she's a Fallen Angel and Fallen Angel. I'll tell you more about it since you're involved but first, a little revenge for her intent to kill you and decieving you on your date. Go on, hit her. It feels amazing, I assure you." Akeno smirked as he gulped and looked at Raynare's exposed ass.

"Ehh!? No wait! I'll only accept it if Mistress does it!" Raynare yelled while struggling, her hips squirming as she pleaded with Akeno.

"It does.. But no! I cannot betray breasts.." Issei remained true to his kink, rejecting her offer, albeit reluctantly.

Though Koneko looked revolted, peeking out from behind the fountain with a small frown.

"I'll do it myself then." Akeno sighed, raising her hand as Raynare perked up with a blush.


"UUUUAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!" Raynare let out a strange combination of a scream of pain, surprise and pleasure as Akeno ruthlessly smacked her, leaving a deep red handprint across her cheeks before releasing her twitching body on the ground.

"Go back to the Church and wait for me there until tomorrow. If you or anyone else leaves within that timeframe, I'll actually punish you. Is that understood?" Akeno nudged the twitching Fallen Angel with her foot as she asked.

"Y..Yes, Mistress.." Raynare replied through her heavy breathing.

"Good girl. Now, Issei please come with us back to the ORC clubroom. I'm sure you have a lot to ask." Akeno kindly requested.

Issei, seeing Raynare on the ground and twitching, finally grasped the situation and nodded his head in response.

"Y-Yeah no problem.. Uh.. is she going to be okay?" Iseei asked as he stepped over the Fallen.

"You're awfully kind to someone who was planning to kill you. She'll be fine. Just a bruised ass. Come, follow Koneko and I." Akeno pat his shoulder, leading him away as Raynare picked herself up and awkwardly limped away without a word.

Koneko joined them, walking on the opposite side of Akeno and glaring at Issei. Issei tried to muster up a greeting but Koneko simply scoffed and continued to glare at him like he were a cockroach. Soon enough, they returned to Kuoh Academy and made their way into the ORC clubroom, seeing Rias drinking tea at Akeno's desk.

"Hoh? You finished the movie training?" Akeno asked, seeing Rias' confident smirk.

"Why yes, I have actually. Managed to keep up my concentration and finish the whole movie. Ahh.. I can't wait to see you in the bunny suit..." Rias sighed in contentment as she imagined her friend in the bunny girl outfit.

"No way.. Gasper! Did she really do it? Did you look away at any point? Don't lie to me.." Akeno threw an intense glare at Gasper as she asked.

"E-Eh!? It's true, Akeno Senpai! I really watched her the whole time. It was scary how driven she was, actually.." Gasper finished with a mutter.

"Damn.. he even looked me in the eyes as he said it.. Fine, I'll wear it. But let's explain what happened to Issei here for now." Akeno turned to Issei as Koneko took a seat and opened a pack of cookies for herself.

"Greetings, Issei. I am Rias Gremory, vice president of the Occult Research Club. Please, take a seat and get comfortable so we can hear what happened on your side first." Rias greeted and explained to him with a smile.

"Right! Well.. it all started when I was going home. I passed over the bridge outside the school and saw Yuu-Raynare clutching Akeno-san's legs, desperately trying to.. sniff her legs and further beyond." Issei blushed as he explained.


Rias cleared her throat as her teacup handle snapped off, having exerted too much pressure on it. She looked to Akeno, who had sat next to Koneko, eating some of her cookies that Koneko shared. She threw an accusatory glance at Akeno, who simply shrugged in response.

"Uppity bitch.. Groping my friend in public.. Only I can do that!" Rias huffed in annoyance.

"Pervert.." Koneko mumbled out a response with a cookie in her mouth.

"Yeah you need to stop doing that too. Raynare's a degenerate, so I fully expect it." Akeno snorted in amusement.

"Hmph! Ah! Sorry, Issei-san. Please continue." Rias, realizing she got off track, encouraged Issei to continue.

"Er.. right. After Akeno-san got her off- I mean off her legs! ..She talked to me and invited me on a date." Issei corrected himself as he noticed Rias' sour expression.

"And you just.. accepted? You didn't know her from before?" Rias asked, her brows raised incredulously.

"Okay yeah.. but she's a pretty girl and she asked me out. What was I gonna do, say no?" Issei responded, equally baffled.

"Rias you have to realize.. Boys generally don't get much attention from most girls. Let alone asked out. That only happens to popular boys, rich boys, handsome boys and athletic boys. Like Kiba. Or even Gasper, now that I think about it.." Akeno hummed, looking at Gasper as he played on his handheld gaming system.

"Wait she's a boy..?" Issei asked, staring at the trap so intensely he became uncomfortable.

"Yes but we can get into that later. Please continue." Rias interjected.

"Right.. well she took me to the fountain and decided to reveal her sexy costume and wings and said she was gonna kill me painlessly. And that's when Akeno-san came in, interrogated her and.. spanked her pretty hard. That's the gist of it." Issei concluded.

Rias turned to her friend with a scoff, "Really!? You're just feeding her masochistic tendencies, Akeno. Moreover that's just a reward for her!" Rias complained.

"Hm.. Yeah that was more to break the tension for Issei so he wouldn't freak out or panic. But also for me too, I suppose. Her real punishment will come later after I question them all at Church tomorrow." Akeno replied with a small smirk.

"Fine.. But you have to do that in the bunnygirl outfit." Rias acquiesced, seeing Akeno roll her eyes.

"Now, Issei-san.. Since you've been exposed to something you normally never should have been, I'm going to explain some things to you and give you three choices. Sound good?" Rias asked, leaning back in the chair as Issei nodded anxiously.

"Perfect! Do you know anything regarding the Supernatural?" Rias asked.

"You mean like.. Vampires and stuff?" Issei asked in return.

"Yes. Well it's a big world so pretty much anything you've heard of in those fictional manga are real. For example, most of us here are all Devils." To prove her point, she, along with Gasper and Koneko revealed their black leathery wings.

"Woah.." Was all Issei could respond with.

"My Akeno over there is a Fallen Angel." Rias said with more pride.

Akeno raised her brow before smiling and revealing her ten black feathered wings, earning a more expressionate reaction out of Issei.

"We have another member, as I'm sure you're aware. Kiba is out doing a job though. We Devils are part of the Biblical faction. The one with the Christian God. There's three sides. Devils, Fallen and Angels. Plus there's a lot of other Factions out there but we don't really need to dive into a whole geographical and historical lesson right now. Truthfully, we'd been watching you for a little while because we believe you have some serious potential. That's how we knew when Raynare was going to make a move." Rias explained.

"Well I knew she was either going to fuck you, kill you or recruit you. Or closely monitor you. I only stepped in when your life was in danger." Akeno admitted.

"Damn.. if only it were the first!!" Issei fell to his knees and hit the floor with his fist.

"Haha! Well.. not really. After you go Fallen, all sexual encounters after would be pretty stale in comparison." Akeno laughed.

"Devils too.. But anyways, you have serious potential. Which leads us to your current three options about what to do from here on. One, you could just live on as you are. No strings attached. You keep your independence but the risk is that some may come for you. You'd be relatively safe in Kuoh but if someone strong and stealthy enough really wanted you dead, there's not much we can do. Two, we erase your memory and you go on living as you did yesterday, with no knowledge of the Supernatural and its factions. Three, you could join a faction. I'm offering you to become a Devil in my group here. Or, alternatively you could join the Fallen faction, Grigori. You'll get training, great opportunities and latet down the line, promotions. Here's our Contract." Rias handed him a lamenated sheet of paper.

"Huh... this feels like a job opportunity." Issei mumbled as he quietly read through the Contract.

"It kind of is. As a Peerage, we look after and govern our territory here in Kuoh. We eliminate stray Devils, take contracts from humans for money and goods and compete in a group versus group battle against other young Devils. Work hard enough and you could form your own group in the future." Akeno explained, seeing Issei seriously read it.

After a few seconds, his eyes lit up as he looked at Rias and Akeno.

"Could I potentially get a harem of big busty babes..?" Issei calmly asked, though there was a fire in his eyes.

"Pffft! What an amusing guy.. Yeah, you could. In fact, quite a few Devils do it." Akeno replied with a small grin.


[A/N: So it's news time! I've been thinking. I wanna branch out as an author and take a big step. That is, creating a story wholly my own. The yuri/GB will be present and I've got the major details ironed out. Here it is.

A novel about a man who dies post WW3 and awakens in a Dragon egg at the bottom layer of a 5 layered massive fantasy/modernish tech world. Starts off having to evolve until he chooses a particular evolution in which he can turn human. Though it'll turn out he's now a she. A muscle mommy tan skinned dragon girl. Not gonna lie, Lilith_Zenon inspired it with her recently released chaps. So I wanna give this a try. As for this work, I will continue it and try to push out more chaps a week. For OCRS and Branwen, they will return eventually. When the RWBY burnout is over. Thanks for reading!]