
Episode 10

I wake up thinking it was all a dream. Did Daniel really find out I was Sapphire? Did we really kiss? Is this even real?! But it was all too real. And I could tell today was going to be an interesting one.

I start walking to school and someone comes up behind me!

"Aah!" I scream.

"Chill out Rosie! It's just me!" Says Daniel.

"Now that I can talk about this, don't you remember what I said about announcing yourself?! Coming up behind me as Daniel or saving me as Echo, it still applies!"

As I said this, Daniel grabbed my waist and pulled me next to him as we walked.

"So are we going to tell people about you and I or are we keeping it a secret?"

"I don't know, I think we should wait until we defeat Mr. Hurricane." I say

"Yeah I think you're right." He agrees


*at school*

"Hey Rosie! Hey Daniel!"

"Hey Amarille!"

"Did you guys see those nasty clouds? I think we're going to have a hurricane!" She says.

"But Amarille we live in the UK. We don't get hurricanes." Daniel says.

"Well I know it's rare but it's happened." She says.

Daniel and I stare at each other a little worried. Wondering if Mr. Hurricane is up to something.

"Hey Amarille have you seen Archer today?" Daniel asks.

"No I haven't seen him for a couple of days actually!" She answered.

"Yeah me neither which is why I'm confused." He says.

Before we can even enter school we see a man flying down on a cloud! It's Archer!

"Archer?! There's no way! Archers Mr. Hurricane! Rosie don't be suspicious but I think you know what needs to happen!"

"TRANSFORM!" We say I'm unison.

And the fight begins! Archer hit us with a storm cloud making my vines obsolete! But Daniels sonic booms should knock him off! And they did Mr. Hurricane was done messing with the forces of evil!

"We did it! Echo! We did it!" I yell

We have a celebratory hug and try to get back to school before the authorities arrive to take Archer away.


*a little while later*

"Daniel I'm so sorry." I say

"It's okay Rosie. I should've seen it coming. Ever since I was transformed into Echo, Archer has been acting weird. He's been late, rude and down right a bad friend. It was obvious."

"I know but you shouldn't have had to fight your best friend." I say sincerely

I give him a hug and we kiss again.

"I will never get tired of that." Daniel says smiling.

"Yeah neither will I."

"So does our being together mean that you will never going to be annoyed or irritated with me again?"

"Well, it depends on what you do."


"You think me being annoyed and irritated at you is a good thing?" I ask

"Yeah, because you get really cute when you're mad." He says snickering.

"So what do we do now?" I ask

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Mr. Hurricane is gone. So England and the Earth is safe. Are we still going tp be Sapphire and Echo? I don't want to have to give up fighting evil with you!"

"And you won't have to! We might not fight monsters, but we're still fighting crime and now we'll have a lot more free time."

"Yeah I guess you're right." I say

"I told you I'm always right."

"Oh don't you start. Remember that one time when you thought that using my vines against a giant blob was a good idea?! Or that one time when.."

"Okay okay! I'm not always right! But I am a lot of the time. You have to admit it."

"Yeah I guess I do."